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JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

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  • I just said maybe tji, it's entirely up to you what you may choose to do. Personally i'm just going in a different direction, but that's just me, my choices. Maybe we may talk sometime, say in an area such as pubtalk on the boards, who knows yet? Anyway have a interesting time on the boards tji and all the best tji. Besides i do not have to try and understand you and some of the replies you may write, just my personal choices. Ok. Finally my last reply to you tji, ok.
    Entirely your choice Shelley, no worries my end.

    " The DNA in the sperm found in the little one’s underwear did not match any members of her family. " Referring to JonBenet as the little one.

    The above source from this link here :

    This is what i understood to be new updated information ~ i hope this was a valuable and valid piece of information.
    Unfortunately it wasn't valuable or valid Shelley sorry.
    If you go to the link you provided and scroll to the comments you will find in that she has been corrected immediately.

    The unsourced DNA in her underwear WAS NOT semen. It MAY have been saliva, but it was NOT semen. NO semen was found on or in her body. That DNA is also only a partial sample, with only 10 of 13 markers needed, and degraded. It has never matched anyone in CODIS or any other DNA databank it has been run against since January, 2004, when it was first entered into CODIS.

    In all fairness to her she does accept she was incorrect.
    It's not about what you's about what you can find out


    • dna samples JonBenet ~ body wiped down

      Words used in Ransom Note " If i catch you talking to a stray dog.... " Especially in view of the injuries caused on JonBenet's body and method of killing.

      JonBenet Investigation Pt 1 :

      Investigator in the videos Dr Henry Lee, appears in JonBenet Investigation Pt 4 as well, in a video he mentions 4 elements in the case, Just reminded me of Trevor Marriott retired Detective words of 4 Pillars in the JTR case.

      A Footprint of a Hi-Tec Boot that was found at crime scene is shown in this video, JonBenet Investigation Pt 3 :

      JonBenet Ramsey Investigation Pt 5 ( Such as shame that 4 Investigators resigned in the Ramsey case mentioned in the video) :

      I guess a point taken from John Ramsey, although the matter of human beings seeking Justice always runs amock with human emotions as well, just a bit.

      JonBenet Investigation Pt 5 :

      dna match in JonBenet Panties matches the dna on the side of her longjohns ( New evidence ).

      Quote from " JBR's body (which was wiped down, leaving little trace) " ~ personally i think that if JonBenet's body was wiped down, then semen could have also been wiped away leaving only traces in dna :

      I leave the following information above, as i don't wish to intentionally give an impression of leading people astray with ridiculous comments as to be telling big porkies! ( Pork Pie = lie ).


      • Originally posted by tji View Post
        Entirely your choice Shelley, no worries my end.

        " The DNA in the sperm found in the little one’s underwear did not match any members of her family. " Referring to JonBenet as the little one.

        Unfortunately it wasn't valuable or valid Shelley sorry.
        If you go to the link you provided and scroll to the comments you will find in that she has been corrected immediately.
        Now Just a minute tji EXCUSE ME! you don't understand, who was this anyway that corrected that link and said statement anyway? and also the FACT that JonBenet's Body was indeed Wiped Down. I said i was moving in a different direction tji. It's not my problem what you may or may not read, it's yours not mine. Plus why are you always replying to my posts in particular? After i mentioned my personal preferences anyway.

        Additional :

        I have no idea what this is : The unsourced DNA in her underwear WAS NOT semen. It MAY have been saliva, but it was NOT semen. NO semen was found on or in her body. That DNA is also only a partial sample, with only 10 of 13 markers needed, and degraded. It has never matched anyone in CODIS or any other DNA databank it has been run against since January, 2004, when it was first entered into CODIS.

        especially in consideration of a wiped down body. Saliva only, all over, in a sexually motivated case???

        That's it ~ i take a break now.
        Last edited by Shelley; 08-24-2014, 01:36 PM.


        • Now Just a minute tji EXCUSE ME!
          Your excused

          you don't understand,
          I don't understand?!

          who was this anyway that corrected that link and said statement anyway?
          Guess this is what I get for being generous.
          I tried not to point out that the link is to a blog. Anyone can write a blog and put facts and incorrect facts in place.

          The lady who corrected Carolyn Quinn's post was named Candy and pointed out -

          The unsourced DNA in her underwear WAS NOT semen. It MAY have been saliva, but it was NOT semen. NO semen was found on or in her body. That DNA is also only a partial sample, with only 10 of 13 markers needed, and degraded. It has never matched anyone in CODIS or any other DNA databank it has been run against since January, 2004, when it was first entered into CODIS.

          To which Caroline Quinn replied -

          Thanks, Candy! Sorry – I had heard it was semen. Hopefully, one day soon, it will still manage to lead the police to the killer.

          The reason I pointed this out? You posted this as updated, valuable and valid wasn't.

          and also the FACT that JonBenet's Body was indeed Wiped Down.
          No-one said it wasn't.

          I said i was moving in a different direction tji. It's not my problem what you may or may not read, it's yours not mine.
          Never said it was.

          Plus why are you always replying to my posts in particular? After i mentioned my personal preferences anyway.
          Hahahah seriously?? Who else would I be answering?
          You pose a question to someone the accepted etiquette is that they answer. Am I supposed to stop posting because you prefer not to talk to me (even though you are quoting me and answering?)

          I have no idea what this is : The unsourced DNA in her underwear WAS NOT semen. It MAY have been saliva, but it was NOT semen. NO semen was found on or in her body. That DNA is also only a partial sample, with only 10 of 13 markers needed, and degraded. It has never matched anyone in CODIS or any other DNA databank it has been run against since January, 2004, when it was first entered into CODIS.
          That is a quote from the link you posted by Candy correcting Carolyn Quinn about the semen found on the body.

          It's not about what you's about what you can find out


          • The killer Of JonBenet Ramsay

            The words in the Ransom Note ".. Talking to any stray dogs " regarding the authorities, what an insulting remark, one to be expected from someone such as yourself given the injuries and the killing of a little one just 6 yrs of age. At least to my own knowledge the authorities do the best they can to improve life in many ways and although they are not perfect, too many people expect them to be and it is extra hard on those people who wish to do good, rather than the killer of JonBenet Ramsey who just wanted to do the worst in a community & society.

            I'll bet the $118,000.00 or there abouts Bonus that John Ramsey received, is more in a Bonus than you ever earned as pay in around at least oh let's say something like 3 years and that's just being polite, the 3 yrs bit! I don't think you were ever a Fat Cat yourself, but perhaps it's a case of you would like to be Fat on cash personally for you!


            • John Ramsey's Jealousy ~ His wife Patsy Ramsey

              Read a bit of a book * From the National Enquirer * titled * The Police Files ~ JonBenet*

              With some content saying that Patsy Ramsey's meeting with a mysterious man in a rolls royce, that apparently John Ramsey was jealous enough to have kicked the kitchen door. Who really knows what that was about, eh? In the face of conclusions and emotions running around. The fatal attraction mistress ( probably exaggerated for media anyway ) that John Ramsey had an affair, that led to his divorce from his first wife and then moving on to his relationship with Patsy.

              Patsy Ramsey, i think she sounds as if she may have been a Catholic, because the book speaks of a Father Rol. Yet again one church clergy can help out another church with their clergy's duties. For all i know Patsy may not have been a Catholic but only perhaps spoken with a catholic priest.

              Patsy Ramsey that spoke of the biblical story from Lazarus when she was with her daughter's dead body :

              Seems to me, that Patsy would have perhaps seen, these Parts that she saw in that story , Her daughter in an a very ill state, and Resurrection back to life also Perfume she bought as a gift for Christmas
              Last edited by Shelley; 08-24-2014, 03:34 PM. Reason: added


              • Originally posted by tji View Post
                Hahahah seriously?? Who else would I be answering?
                You pose a question to someone the accepted etiquette is that they answer. Am I supposed to stop posting because you prefer not to talk to me (even though you are quoting me and answering?)

                Right, ok, point taken .... I got trolled by tji aka Tracy. I won't bother then asking any more questions, as i recall i think it was perhaps just the one, maybe two, tops! I recall i asked if you had worked for police, or maybe you were a teacher, to which you replied and i remember, that you told me you were just an armchair buff, ok, so perhaps you could just point your armchair somewhere other than me now. So now i get the impression from your post content that maybe you are some kind of a scientist, maybe i'm wrong to have that impression, which i'm not, not a scientist that is. Ok, so i move in a different direction. Also thankyou for your gracious way of allowing me to be excused. Ok.
                Last edited by Shelley; 08-24-2014, 03:52 PM.


                • Originally posted by tji View Post
                  Your excused

                  I don't understand?!

                  Guess this is what I get for being generous.
                  I tried not to point out that the link is to a blog. Anyone can write a blog and put facts and incorrect facts in place.

                  The lady who corrected Carolyn Quinn's post was named Candy and pointed out -

                  To which Caroline Quinn replied -

                  Thanks, Candy! Sorry – I had heard it was semen. Hopefully, one day soon, it will still manage to lead the police to the killer.

                  The reason I pointed this out? You posted this as updated, valuable and valid wasn't.

                  No-one said it wasn't.

                  Never said it was.

                  Hahahah seriously?? Who else would I be answering?
                  You pose a question to someone the accepted etiquette is that they answer. Am I supposed to stop posting because you prefer not to talk to me (even though you are quoting me and answering?)

                  That is a quote from the link you posted by Candy correcting Carolyn Quinn about the semen found on the body.

                  I'll point this out to you you are indeed a Hypocrite you pick and choose what you wish to be correct and incorrect, you are petty with your " No One said it was ~ or No one said it wasn't, or i never said it was and vice versa. Anyone can write on a blog or website posts like this one with some good information, granted it may not be altogether to the letter, but people get the gist. You certainly have no right in saying that something is not valid, without just cause regarding valuable information. That's fine, webpages, blogs, threads with posters making their comments such as yours, need not be taken any notice of, like i no longer wish to listen to you tji aka Tracy, especially in view that you can't understand when a body is washed down, prior to preparation for burial.

                  And i am aware, that you have some sort of a problem and have indeed trolled me on this thread.


                  • Body wash down JonBenet

                    At first investigators didn't even realise there were blood spots at JonBenet's crime scene, with better techniques and better dna techniques mentioned in the JonBenet Ramsey Investigation videos that are split into parts, a few i put up in posts in the back pages.

                    Some of the blood had been washed away, it is possible that semen could also have been washed away also, i doubt the killer would have been that silly to have left his semen around, given the fact that he had washed the body down and even investigators had not at first acknowledged the blood according to the jonbenet.pubweb pages in links that i put up in the back pages ( that i'm getting trolled with anyway! ):

                    Additional info : Ejaculation

                    Facts about Ejaculation

                    Some people choose to just stick to dna, dna not matching the Ramsey family, however i have a different point of view, in that prior to JonBenet's death several times the cord around her neck was tightened & released and blood found in or around her panties, i think this was a sexually motivated case, just as the same as part of the investigation team has stated that JonBenet Ramsey was struggling, that she was a kid fighting and that it was a sexually motivated killing.

                    It is possible to wipe away traces of semen, personally i believe that originally semen was at least partly on the body, but was wiped away, that only dna was left and semen not found as semen but dna from an ejaculation, even if it was brushed at the time of ejaculation. That also this dna did not come from a factory where factory workers handle items, it also depends on whether workers do wear gloves in factories when handling consumer items. Also semen at a normal rate from ejaculation is between 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon which varies from one male to another male.
                    Last edited by Shelley; 08-24-2014, 05:01 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                      Also, she was covered in her favorite special blanket when found, indicating a family member.

                      Also, not sure if it's known what John Ramsey's immediate reaction was when he discovered her body. But if he didn't immediately rip the duct tape off her mouth and the cord around her neck then boom done end of story, he knew what happened to her.
                      tji, I chose to ignore this post in the backpages ~ in another post tji, you actually wrote that JonBenet was wrapped in her blanket with care, i can't find it presently. Absolute rubbish, judging by your posts you seem to be a little acquainted with the JonBenet Ramsey case, yet you can't seem to understand that JonBenet was sexually molested, hit on the head which cause a terrible head injury with some force and a stungun used in not caring, not to mention that she was being slowly strangled to death, yet Somehow you can write utter rubbish about how a blanket was wrapped around a horrific killing of a 6 year old girl, somehow it was done according to you with care It is established and has been for some years that the Police do not think now that the Ramsey family, ie the parents, that they had anything to do with the actual killing of JonBenet, yet again that is another thing you have thrown at me in your posts that you insinuate that it still is with the family and even deny that there was an intruder, when the authorities do recognize that there was an intruder into the family home and killed their daughter JonBenet Ramsey. It's ok to change your mind from one post to another, for reasons, but i haven't seen any good reasons from you, also you seem to stick to the same insinuation and haven't in all reality changed your mind with information. It's not my problem that you don't understand me, at the same time i do not have to understand you tji, you can agree with Abby Normal all you like and quote her informally, but this is not my direction it's yours & hers .

                      Now you can write what you like tji, just don't reply to me with arguments of something which you fail to understand. In posts of the backpages, you have denied that a stungun was used on JonBenet, you have insinuated that the killing was due to the parents, even though you denied it in another post of yours. It isn't any wonder that i don't wish to listen to you, before now i have already pointed out that i do not understand you and that you do not understand me, however, you don't seem to Understand that! This is why i see you as trolling me. I don't wish to be arguing with you, there are better things, such as valid argumentation as well as contributing on this thread.

                      Well done Caroline Quinn the armchair blogger at least you are taking a look in the right direction and have an understanding of motivations, which is more than i can say for some!
                      Last edited by Shelley; 08-24-2014, 05:49 PM.


                      • Originally posted by tji View Post
                        The reason the blanket is pointed out is the way she was wrapped in her favorite blanket. It was seen as a caring gesture, one someone who cared about her would do, not something a stranger would do.

                        Yeah, see I tend to blame the killer.

                        Yes, tji, yours and the Abby Normal poster both agree that the blanket was wrapped with some care, you tji specifically state that it was a caring gesture around JonBenet, the Ramsey's did care for Jonbenet when she was alive and running around & doing Pagents. Glad i found it now, your post tji that is! With the Injury extend on JonBenet Ramsey and the Slow strangulation before he killed her! Nonsense! There was nothing about JonBenet's crime scene that was anything in the region of care tji. And previously i decided to ignore the post. So what was originally for you, here tji :

                        I chose to ignore this post in the backpages ~ in another post tji, you actually wrote that JonBenet was wrapped in her blanket with care, i can't find it presently. Absolute rubbish, judging by your posts you seem to be a little acquainted with the JonBenet Ramsey case, yet you can't seem to understand that JonBenet was sexually molested, hit on the head which cause a terrible head injury with some force and a stungun used in not caring, not to mention that she was being slowly strangled to death, yet Somehow you can write utter rubbish about how a blanket was wrapped around a horrific killing of a 6 year old girl, somehow it was done according to you with care It is established and has been for some years that the Police do not think now that the Ramsey family, ie the parents, that they had anything to do with the actual killing of JonBenet, yet again that is another thing you have thrown at me in your posts that you insinuate that it still is with the family and even deny that there was an intruder, when the authorities do recognize that there was an intruder into the family home and killed their daughter JonBenet Ramsey. It's ok to change your mind from one post to another, for reasons, but i haven't seen any good reasons from you, also you seem to stick to the same insinuation and haven't in all reality changed your mind with information. It's not my problem that you don't understand me, at the same time i do not have to understand you tji, you can agree with Abby Normal all you like and quote her informally, but this is not my direction it's yours & hers .

                        Now you can write what you like tji, just don't reply to me with arguments of something which you fail to understand. In posts of the backpages, you have denied that a stungun was used on JonBenet, you have insinuated that the killing was due to the parents, even though you denied it in another post of yours. It isn't any wonder that i don't wish to listen to you, before now i have already pointed out that i do not understand you and that you do not understand me, however, you don't seem to Understand that! This is why i see you as trolling me. I don't wish to be arguing with you, there are better things, such as valid argumentation as well as contributing on this thread.

                        Well done Caroline Quinn the armchair blogger at least you are taking a look in the right direction and have an understanding of motivations, which is more than i can say for some!
                        Last edited by Shelley; 08-24-2014, 06:12 PM. Reason: added


                        • Crime Scene Photos ~ JonBenet Ramsey

                          2 webpages or blogs have Crime Scene photos of JonBenet and her Injuries.




                          • Ramsey House floor Plans in this article link here :


                            • 9 11 Call ~ Patsy ~ John and Burke Ramsey

                              This following information : Is Burke's Voice on an Enhanced Tape?

                              Evidence in Favor of Burke's Voice Being on the Tape
                              Aerospace Corporation Analysis
                              Analysis Requested by BPD. At the request of BPD, Aerospace Corporation, which reportedly had more advanced equipment for such analysis, conducted a test of the 911 tape. According to Internet poster Jayelles, Aerospace works free of charge for law enforcement agencies. The official report from Aerospace was given to BPD in May 1997, but has never been released to the public.
                              No Comment by Aerospace. On August 21, 1998, it was reported "Robert Pentz, director of the National Law Enforcement & Corrections Technology Center for the Western Region, operated by Aerospace Corp. for the National Institute of Justice, said the company had no comment on the tape. "Even though we acknowledge the fact we do work for law enforcement agencies ... it is a matter of policy we don't comment on cases that are open without written permission of the affected law enforcement agency," Pentz said."
                              Aerospace Stands Behind its Work. However, in 2003, according to the National Enquirer (see below), in response to claims that two firms hired by NBC to analyze the tape had found no evidence of Burke's voice, "the renowned high-tech company that enhanced the tape for the Boulder police says its original findings that Burke's voice is on the tape is correct. We stand by our work," Linda Brill, spokesperson for The Aerospace Corporation of El Segundo, Calif., told the Enquirer. The company maintains a division of a Department of Justice - funded institute that offers space-age expertise to police departments nationwide. "We are top shelf," said Brill.
                              Leaked Aerospace Findings
                              National Enquirer (1998). The National Enquirer leaked the Aerospace findings in a world exclusive appearing in its September 1, 1998 issue. In a later article written by Don Gentile appearing in July 2003, the following was leaked (transcribed by Internet poster Rickamorti of Purg and posted with permission by Internet poster LurkerXIV):
                              "Boulder Detective Melissa Hickman took the tape to the Aerospace Corporation for enhancement. There, experts enhanced the tape. At first they heard Patsy saying "Help me, Jesus, help me, Jesus," and Burke saying, "Please, what do I do?" according to a source."
                              "After further analysis, they heard three distinct voices, then gave the enhanced recording to Det. Hickman. "Hickman heard John Ramsey say, "We're not speaking to you," in what sounded like a very angry voice," the source said. "Patsy then says, "Help me Jesus, help me Jesus," and finally Burke is clearly heard to say "Well what did you find?" with an emphasis on the word "did."
                              When the original leak appeared in 1998, the Boulder Daily Camera reported: "The general content of the transcript in the supermarket tabloid is accurate, according to sources familiar with the investigation."
                              But the same article also reported: "Spokeswomen for the Boulder police and the Boulder County District Attorney's Office would not comment on the 911 tape from Dec. 26, 1996."
                              Lawrence Schiller Book (1999). A slightly different version of this conversation is reported in a review by the Boston Globe: ``[Boulder Police Detective Melissa] Hickman listened to the tape and wrote down what she heard.
                              " 'Help me, Jesus, help me, Jesus.' That was clearly Patsy's voice. Then, in the distance, there was another voice, which sounded like JonBenet's brother.
                              " 'Please, what do I do?' Burke said.
                              " 'We're not speaking to you,' Hickman heard John Ramsey say.
                              " Patsy screamed again. 'Help me, Jesus, help me, Jesus.'
                              " And then, more clearly, Burke said, 'What did you find?' "
                              Steve Thomas Book (2000). The purported Aerospace findings also were leaked by Steve Thomas in his book and another book by Henry Lee (2001): "For a few tantalizing seconds, police heard background sounds that they could not understand. Detectives sent this tape out to the best electronic experts in the region and, still, save for Patsy Ramsey's sobbing and prayers, nothing more could be made out of the background noise. Then the police discovered a new and expert electronics company, Aerospace Corporation in El Segundo, California, that they provided with a copy of the tape. What came back was worth all of this trouble. When these sounds were brought up many times over, police heard Burke and John Ramsey in an exchange. The child said, "Please, what do I do?" To this John Ramsey replied, "We are not speaking to you." Finally, Burke is heard to ask, "What did you find?"

                              The above information taken from this link below :


                              • jonbenet links ~ Stungun

                                Lous Smit did tests and a white fleck of adhesive from the duct tape was stuck to JonBenet's face, where the tape melted, this indicates heat from a stungun and not just bruising. I have mentioned this in backpages on this site thread.

                                Evidence Against a Stun Gun
                                Tom Wickman. On December 26, 2006, Carol McKinley conducted an exclusive Fox News interview with Tom Wickman, former BPD Detective and Grand Jury BPD representative. According to Internet poster Koldkase, Wickman "said a lot of false information has gotten in the public about the evidence. He wouldn't specify, for obvious reasons, but McKinley brought up that the "stun gun" allegations are WRONG, that the BPD PROVED that the marks on JonBenet's face ARE BRUISES, NOT STUN GUN INJURIES." In this version of the interview, it is clear that Wickman is the source of this information, but McKinley merely asserts "he believes" the injuries to be bruises.
                                The most complete rebuttal to the stun gun theory has been provided by Internet poster Jayelles here
                                Internet poster Tricia also has posted a lengthy rebuttal to Judge Carnes' claims about a stun gun.
                                AirTaser, the manufacturer of the stun gun that would have left markings most similar to those found on JBR's body, was skeptical that any stun gun could have been used without either creating much noise or causing JBR to scream in pain. An extensive interview with an AirTaser representative is found here. Internet poster Margoo speculates this aired on MSNBC in July 2001.
                                The Ramsey Stun Gun Myth purports to show that the spacing of the alleged stun gun marks is too small to have been caused by an AirTaser.

                                Taken from this link, with some good information still on that webpage, check other sources as well folks :

