Originally posted by louisa
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I'm reminded of the words of Mark Beckner, to the effect..."I believe Patsy Ramsey is responsible, and I do not want anyone on my team thinking otherwise"!
Wow! This is the lead investigator talking - no wonder so many professionals criticized the Boulder Police for their mishandling of the case.
He also told Lin wood, "Yes, of course we investigated many other people, but there is only one suspect in this case - Patsy Ramsey."
Good grief!
An intruder wore brown gloves, presumably beaver skin?. Honestly! whatever next? A person sexually molesting a child wouldn't wear gloves.

The beaver hairs were thought to come from Patsy's boots, not a coat.
The material under JB's fingernails was proved non relevant when it was admitted by the pathologist that the same clippers were used for ALL corpses in that department and we not always cleaned between times.
JB was not the cleanest of children and hated being scrubbed clean so she was bound to have all kinds of stuff under her nails. It is totally inconclusive to say that simply because she had DNA of an unknown source under her nails it MUST have come from an intruder.
Is that what you have done. Our girls were scrubbed till they shone if we went to a friends party.
You're bending the facts to fit your theory. Ignoring anything that doesn't fit.
I see you have a sense of humor.
Writers are going to theorize in order to titillate their readers. Kolar is theorizing.
The official line, from both parties in this case, was that there was NO evidence of an intruder. Even the Prosecution, with the best lawyers in the land, could not prove otherwise and no matter how you try and juggle the facts the bottom line remains the same.
The official line, from both parties in this case, was that there was NO evidence of an intruder. Even the Prosecution, with the best lawyers in the land, could not prove otherwise and no matter how you try and juggle the facts the bottom line remains the same.
It may not have dawned on you but it is the latest books and consulted specialists, from 2009 to the present who are supporting the intruder theory.