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JonBenet Ramsey Murder case

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  • Originally posted by louisa View Post
    An interesting interview with ex Police Chief Mark Becknor....
    Interesting. Thanks for posting.
    I found the part about the brain swelling evidence showing head strike cam first and themuch later death by strangulation very intriguing!
    "Is all that we see or seem
    but a dream within a dream?"

    -Edgar Allan Poe

    "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
    quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

    -Frederick G. Abberline


    • Originally posted by louisa View Post
      The head blow had to have come first.

      It makes no sense for somebody to break the skull after the garrotting.
      The plausible scenario offered by Abby has the garrotte initially used for torture - which suits its design, repeatedly tightening and loosening the noose, sexual perverts have been known to enjoy this method of inflicting pain. Presumably, when he'd had enough he struck her over the head, at which point she would go limp, and then he pulled the garrotte tight - just to make sure.
      What is there that doesn't make sense?

      As for the intruder, for me anyway, the theory is NOT plausible on so many grounds that it would take a long list to explain why.

      An intruder would NOT have known what time the Ramseys would return. He would have had no way of knowing exactly how long he had to 'lurk' in the house.
      Why does the time they return matter?
      Whether they come home at 8:00, or 10:00, or midnight, makes no difference - he is there to kidnap JonBenet, so he is already prepared to be there until the family are asleep.
      The time they actually came home is irrelevant.

      It does make more sense to break in to an empty house, no worries about making noise, as opposed to breaking in to an occupied house and risk waking someone up.

      Then....we are supposed to believe he sat down and calmy wrote a rambling long ransom note, discarding the first one or two because they weren't to his liking. (The impressions were left on the pad underneath). Then replacing the top on the pen and putting it back on the holder on the counter.

      So much is wrong with the 'intruder' theory.
      You have not identified anything 'wrong' yet. Replacing the pen, and anything else he happened to touch is necessary so no-one in the family becomes suspicious that "things have been moved", "someone's been in the house", etc.

      Just because you or I would not cover up the killing of one of our children does not mean that these two odd people wouldn't. When I say 'odd' it is because their behaviour was so strange, right from the get-go.
      Apparently, there are a number of false claims made about the actions & words used by both John & Patsy. We know for a fact the police intentionally spread false suspicions against both of them.

      What parent would not wish to assist the police in any and every way possible (and that means being interviewed and questioned) in order to find the person who did this to their beloved daughter?
      He says he did, he was interviewed by the police for hours, for some reason the press said he avoided talking to them.
      There's a great deal of contradictory evidence in this case, some of it intentional.
      Regards, Jon S.


      • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post

        Without the ransom note the assumption is "our child is missing" with it "our child has been taken away" I can do nothing but assume without the note it would not have taken 3 searches to find the body, indeed without that note would the police even been phoned before finding the body?
        Hi Dave.

        Assuming the family was responsible, in any number of ways, the body is still in the house.
        Fabricating evidence to suggest an intruder was responsible is all that is needed.

        The fact Patsy claimed to find a ransom note on the back-stairs is odd, wouldn't those responsible for misleading police try to present a logical scenario?
        Why didn't she simply say she found the ransom note on the kitchen table, or kitchen counter - some place logical and expected, the fewer details that are necessary to question, the more likely their story will be believed.

        Yet, what we have is quite the opposite.
        Regards, Jon S.


        • Has anybody formed an idea, or read of an opinion on what that strange mark on the palm of JonBenet's hand was?

          It looked like a burn, or drawn with a red pen or crayon - but what is it, anyone know?
          Regards, Jon S.


          • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
            Has anybody formed an idea, or read of an opinion on what that strange mark on the palm of JonBenet's hand was?

            It looked like a burn, or drawn with a red pen or crayon - but what is it, anyone know?
            She had drawn a heart on the palm of her hand with a red magic marker.
            "Is all that we see or seem
            but a dream within a dream?"

            -Edgar Allan Poe

            "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
            quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

            -Frederick G. Abberline


            • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post
              Hi Dave.

              Assuming the family was responsible, in any number of ways, the body is still in the house.
              Fabricating evidence to suggest an intruder was responsible is all that is needed.

              The fact Patsy claimed to find a ransom note on the back-stairs is odd, wouldn't those responsible for misleading police try to present a logical scenario?
              Why didn't she simply say she found the ransom note on the kitchen table, or kitchen counter - some place logical and expected, the fewer details that are necessary to question, the more likely their story will be believed.

              Yet, what we have is quite the opposite.
              Hi wick
              A dead body in the house and a ransom note is inconsistent whether by an intruder or the family.

              We all pretty much know the scenario if someone in the family did it. It was written after she was injured as a cover up.

              However, I've never really seen a step by step scenario regarding the note if an intruder. So I'll give it a go.

              Killer gets in house while they are out, familiarized himself when inside, finding out where she sleeps and everyone's room, the lay out of the house, writes the note and waits until they come home and everyone's asleep.
              First problem. Where does he put the note at this point? Puts it in his bag, brings downstairs somewheres? It wasnt folded so he didn't fold up and put in his pocket.
              So he sneakers upstairs and gets her out of bed and brings her in the basement. Does he put it on the back steps at this point? Before he even gets her out. Is it in his hand as he's getting her downstairs? Seems unlikely. Wouldn't he have the taser, flashlight etc. in his hands as well as possibly carrying her?
              Ok so he's got her downstairs apparently can't get her out the window so kills/tortures her and leaves her. So he's going to risk going back upstairs to place a now worthless ransom note? That's even more unlikely.
              So obviously he didn't leave the note before they got home, and probably didn't leave it after he killed her.
              That leaves placing the note during the period he assumingly is in process of getting her downstairs, maybe on the way up from the basement? But don't most experts think he took her back down the back spiral stairs where the note was found? Meaning he knew if he left it spread out on the one of the stairs it would impede his way back down while trying to get her down?

              I can't really see any plausible logistically feasible way an intruder leaves that note where it's found.
              Last edited by Abby Normal; 09-22-2016, 04:40 PM.
              "Is all that we see or seem
              but a dream within a dream?"

              -Edgar Allan Poe

              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

              -Frederick G. Abberline


              • Originally posted by Wickerman View Post

                The fact Patsy claimed to find a ransom note on the back-stairs is odd, wouldn't those responsible for misleading police try to present a logical scenario?
                Why didn't she simply say she found the ransom note on the kitchen table, or kitchen counter - some place logical and expected, the fewer details that are necessary to question, the more likely their story will be believed.
                My view on that is that if Patsy wrote the note she left it on the stairs so that it would look like she found it coming down the stairs ie she hadn't been downstairs anytime before then.

                I know it sounds silly, but there is so much about the ransom "letter" that just doesn't make any sense, and it can be read that it is silly because the parents wrote it in desperation, trying to find a way to cover-up what ever happened and therefore all logic and common sense went out the window.

                And re the intruder theory. There is no evidence as far as I can see of a break-in.


                • And please, a ransom "note" is not a 250+ word document that quotes lines from movies! As the TV program pointed out, it could have easily been done with four lines of text, like every other ransom note ever found. A ransom "Letter" ("Dear Mr Ramsey" - lol..).


                  • Hi again Jon.

                    That was another niggle of mine with the Documentary, their claim that leaving the note on the stairs was somehow illogical...and it should have been placed on a cluttered table or some such...placing it on the stairs is probably where I'd place it if I had a few hours to think it over.


                    • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                      Hi again Jon.

                      That was another niggle of mine with the Documentary, their claim that leaving the note on the stairs was somehow illogical...and it should have been placed on a cluttered table or some such...placing it on the stairs is probably where I'd place it if I had a few hours to think it over.
                      Hi DD
                      Read my scenario re the note location a couple posts up on leaving it on the stairs and let me know what you think
                      "Is all that we see or seem
                      but a dream within a dream?"

                      -Edgar Allan Poe

                      "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                      quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                      -Frederick G. Abberline


                      • Originally posted by Billiou View Post
                        My view on that is that if Patsy wrote the note she left it on the stairs so that it would look like she found it coming down the stairs ie she hadn't been downstairs anytime before then.

                        I know it sounds silly, but there is so much about the ransom "letter" that just doesn't make any sense, and it can be read that it is silly because the parents wrote it in desperation, trying to find a way to cover-up what ever happened and therefore all logic and common sense went out the window.

                        And re the intruder theory. There is no evidence as far as I can see of a break-in.
                        Hi Billou
                        The open window in the basement ?
                        "Is all that we see or seem
                        but a dream within a dream?"

                        -Edgar Allan Poe

                        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                        -Frederick G. Abberline


                        • Hi Abby,

                          I don't think having to miss a step (even carrying an unconscious child) is that much of a hindrance, but the letter not being folded while he is somehow hiding out in the basement or wherever is more illogical.

                          I don't think where it was placed favours "family" over "intruder" but I think the ransom not being folded does.


                          • Patsy placed the note on the steps and pretended to find it as soon as she got up and came downstairs.

                            If she had said she found it on a desk or a worktop (where there lay a few other pieces of paper and clutter) she wouldn't be able to say, with any conviction, she had found it IMMEDIATELY she came downstairs.

                            The red heart is probably just an ink drawing that Jonbenet got one of her friends to draw during the Christmas Day party.
                            This is simply my opinion


                            • Anyone get the impression none of the three Ramseys did it but John & Patsy knew who did?


                              • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                                Hi Abby,

                                I don't think having to miss a step (even carrying an unconscious child) is that much of a hindrance, but the letter not being folded while he is somehow hiding out in the basement or wherever is more illogical.

                                I don't think where it was placed favours "family" over "intruder" but I think the ransom not being folded does.
                                right. why would the ramseys know to fold it up?

                                also, if it was an intruder, who wrote the note while they were out, leave it on the those steps? I doubt he would risk going back upstairs to leave it on those stairs.He would more than likely either leave it in the basement or on basement steps, and knowing shes dead and not being able to get her out of the house and that the ransome is now useless, why leave it at all-it would be a clue and possible incriminating eveidence.
                                "Is all that we see or seem
                                but a dream within a dream?"

                                -Edgar Allan Poe

                                "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                                quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                                -Frederick G. Abberline

