I should clarify something- Yes I identify as a Bigfoot witness myself, though the one I saw was not actually very up close. But I mentioned the class of witness who have had those up close encounters because I've talked to some of them and been impressed. And no I don't believe everyone, and when I do, yes it is faith. There are various kinds of witnesses that inspire it, especially the kind that are reluctant to talk, want nothing in return for their stories, refuse to have their names made public, and get emotional when telling of what they've seen even if it was years ago. When I meet one of those, I'm not going to put my hand on their shoulder and look them in the eyes and say, "I'm sorry, but you just can't possibly be remembering that right because what you describe can't have evolved here." Of course it's only faith that makes me believe the person, but it's inspired faith, and that is supposed to be a virtue. We use it in so many areas of life all the time.
By the way, hi pinkmoon, nice to see you pop in again. It is your thread, after all. Didn't mean to try and take over.
By the way, hi pinkmoon, nice to see you pop in again. It is your thread, after all. Didn't mean to try and take over.