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JtR or JFK? - A Poll...

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  • JtR or JFK? - A Poll...

    If you could travel back in time, wearing your cloak of invisibility, and witness either the assassination of JFK or ONE of JtR's crimes, what would you chose?

    Oh, and if you feel like giving the reason for your choice and where you'd position yourself, that would be great (ps you're not allowed to float in the air).

    For my part, if I chose JFK I'd be in a cardboard box, next to LHOswald, with my invisible head poking out, because then I'd know EVERYTHING lol.

    But I wouldn't choose JFK, I'd plump for JtR. The ripper crime I'd choose would be Polly Nichols. I'd be standing right next to the gate and I'd be able to put the old Lechmere conspiracy theory to bed, once & for all.

    It's JtR for me...
    All the way with JFK...
    Don't Know :)
    For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
    Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.

  • #2

    I want to know what happened to either Stride or Kelly.
    O have you seen the devle
    with his mikerscope and scalpul
    a lookin at a Kidney
    With a slide cocked up.


    • #3
      I don’t know who the ripper was but I know that Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. I really don’t know why it’s still considered a mystery.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • #4
        Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
        I don’t know who the ripper was but I know that Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald. I really don’t know why it’s still considered a mystery.
        I agree - the only 'but' I'd add to that is the notion that appeared a year or two ago, that one of the bullets was accidentally discharged by one of Kennedy's bodyguards, as he leapt into action. When I read about it at the time it made sense.

        That said, what a shame LHO didn't livestream it on Youtube. He'd have saved us from a maelstrom of conspiracy theories.
        For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
        Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


        • #5
          Now a big question for me, which I am totally undecided on would be. Would I either want to know the identity of JtR or the real identity of Mary Kelly.

          Part of me is happy never knowing who the murderer was, pretty sure if I did part of the aura of the case would disappear maybe. However I think it would be great to finally identify MJK, not just out of my own curiosity but also to give her, whoever she was, some humanity (if you know what I mean?).
          Best wishes,



          • #6
            I watched the movie In the Line of Fire last night. Good movie if you have not seen it. Clint Eastwood plays a Secret Service agent who years ago had been with Kennedy when he was shot and now keeps asking himself if he had done enough to possibly prevent it. At one point in the movie he bitterly complains and says you don't know how many times I have had to listen to some idiot on a bar stool running his mouth and giving his theory of who did it. It was the CIA, it was the Mob, it was Castro etc.



            • #7
              95 year old JTR killed JFK problem solved.
              O have you seen the devle
              with his mikerscope and scalpul
              a lookin at a Kidney
              With a slide cocked up.


              • #8
                Definitely JtR. I really wouldn't be interested at all in witnessing the JFK assassination. I'd choose the Chapman murder because it's the Ripper murder where the lighting was the best, so I'd be able to see more. I'd position myself just in front of the entrance to the cellar.

                An open question is whether I would learn the identity of the Ripper even if I got a good look at his face. I would at least be able to eliminate some suspects that way. Am I allowed to follow him when he leaves?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by chubbs View Post

                  I agree - the only 'but' I'd add to that is the notion that appeared a year or two ago, that one of the bullets was accidentally discharged by one of Kennedy's bodyguards, as he leapt into action. When I read about it at the time it made sense.
                  YOU may have first heard of it "a year or two ago", but the book "Mortal Error" came out in 1992, and Donahue claimed that he had been working on the idea since around 1968 or so.

                  I think it's likely that you are confusing that idea with the claim that the so-called "Magic Bullet" was actually found by a (?)Secret Service agent (NOT the recently deceased Clint Hill!) in JFK's limo, rather than JC's stretcher at Parkland Hospital. That DID pop up in the mainstream news a couple of years ago.
                  Last edited by C. F. Leon; 02-26-2025, 02:12 AM.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by chubbs View Post
                    But I wouldn't choose JFK, I'd plump for JtR. The ripper crime I'd choose would be Polly Nichols. I'd be standing right next to the gate and I'd be able to put the old Lechmere conspiracy theory to bed, once & for all.
                    Even if you filmed it in full 4k HD they still would not believe you..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by C. F. Leon View Post

                      YOU may have first heard of it "a year or two ago", but the book "Mortal Error" came out in 1992, and Donahue claimed that he had been working on the idea since around 1968 or so.

                      I think it's likely that you are confusing that idea with the claim that the so-called "Magic Bullet" was actually found by a (?)Secret Service agent (NOT the recently deceased Clint Hill!) in JFK's limo, rather than JC's stretcher at Parkland Hospital. That DID pop up in the mainstream news a couple of years ago.
                      Yes, you're right. I probably only became aware of the 'Mortal Error' theory when the newspapers reported the new bit of information about the magic bullet recently. I dare say they segued from one story into the other.

                      Anyway, I'd still prefer to witness the Polly Nichols murder.
                      For now we see through a glass darkly, but then, face to face.
                      Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as also I am known.


                      • #12
                        I guess for me its a tough one, but id like to watch the person who fired the rifle at Jfk from the TSBD, its an absolute monty it wasnt Oswald . Hopefully when certain files are released shortly , the truth will out .
                        'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman

