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  • Yogtze

    Today I would like to introduce to you one of the most mysterious unsolved criminal cases of German history.
    It was broadcasted on April 12, 1985, in an episode of Aktenzeichen XY (cf. Crimewatch).
    Günther Stoll, an unemployed food tech worker from Anzhausen (North Rhine-Westphalia) felt haunted over a longer period in 1984. Without further explanation he spoke frequently of "them" wanting to hurt him, most recently on October 25, 1984, when shortly before 11 p.m. he was sitting apathetically in an arm chair of the bedroom in the present of his wife and suddenly shouted: "Now I begin to see the light!" Then he wrote six letters "YOG'TZE" (maybe in stead of the capital letter G it was the number 6) on a piece of paper but crossed it out immediately.
    Subsequently, Stoll went on his way to his favourite pub in Wilnsdorf, where he arrived shortly after. he ordered a beer, but then fell backwards, without warning, from his bar stool, and suffered a facial injury. He appeared not intoxicated at this time.
    After the incident, Stoll left the pub and drove away with his blue Volkswagen Golf II. He was not seen for the next two hours. At 1 o'clock in the morning Stoll appeared in Haiger Seelbach, where he had grown up, to spend a nightly visit to an old woman, who was said to be very religious and lived in the neighbourhood of his childhood home. The later victim pushed for a conversation with the lady and forecast a "terrible event" for this night. Given the late hour she refused the somewhat confused-looking man she had known since his childhood. Then his trail was lost again for about two hours.
    At 3 o'clock in the morning two truck drivers discovered the damaged Volkswagen Golf of Günther Stoll in a ditch off Autobahn A 45 just before the exit Hagen-Süd. Both later testified that they had seen a person walking around the car, which they thought to be injured. To provide assistance, they stopped and made an emergency call to the police. In the car was - completely naked - the seriously injured Günther Stoll, who was then still conscious. He told the men, there had been four other men in the car who "just took off". Stoll died on the way to hospital.
    The investigations revealed that the fatal injuries of the victim had not been caused by the accident, but that Stoll was run over elsewhere by a different vehicle, then set into his Volkswagen Golf and driven to the spot of the accident. Stoll must have been already undressed then. The damage to his car were caused by the accident on the autobahn. Where the offence was committed could not be determined.
    The meaning of the letter combination "YOG'TZE" remains a mystery to this day. The police found out that such a word exists in no language in the world.

    Source: (German, the above text is a translation of it)
    Link: (German)

  • #2
    Frank, this reads almost like an urban legend. If the guy was as astronaut, or a chemical engineer.. but an unemployed food technician has premonitions, and is possibly the target of some sort of conspiracy? Most mysterious.

    YOG'TZE sounds like something from an H.P. Lovecraft novel.


    • #3
      My theory is that this guy suffered from some kind of paranoia and had a severe fit that night. At some point he was running naked on the street, most probably as a result of this fit. Then he was hit by a car. The drivers of this car panicked, maybe they were drunken or under the influence of drugs, so they decided not to call the police but to stage an accident. Doing so, they were disturbed by the truck drivers approaching. (I think I forgot to mention that all damages on Stoll's Volkswagen were the result of the crash into the ditch.)
      Unfortunately, I do not have any information whether the clothes of Stoll have been found. Maybe they were still in the car.
      I know, this theory is not flawless since Stoll was still alive when the accident was supposed to be staged and hence could have told the truth to anyone who was to find him. But it is the only (logical?) way to explain it. I do not believe that there was really someone after Stoll. (Somewhere I read that Stoll was into some drug affairs in the Netherlands, but I cannot find the source any more.)
      I do not know if "YOG'TZE" is something important or just the result of the (supposed) paranoia.


      • #4
        Symptom, not cause...

        Having read about the case, I don't actually think there's a direct link between the cryptic note and what happened to Stoll. He was clearly disturbed on the night of his death, and for some time prior had been exhibiting signs of mental illness and/or narcotics consumption. I believe the message was simply a symptom of this underlying problem, rather than a clue. As for his death, I consider the most likely solution to be that, due to either his illness or intoxication - which appears to have been growing in severity over the course of his final evening - he stripped off while driving and threw his clothes (which so far as I can tell have never been recovered) out of the window. This would either have been because he believed they contained some means of tracking/bugging him, or because (due to drugs), he was under the impression that his body temperature was soaring. At some point, he pulled over and got out of the car, by this time completely naked.

        Which is when a second car, containing at least two drunks, hit him (it was about the time of night when such people might have been trying to drive home). Panicking, they decided Stoll needed to get to a hospital - but if they took him in their car, they would have to admit that they'd hit him, and that they'd done so under the influence. One occupant of the second car therefore decided to drive Stoll in his own vehicle to the nearest hospital, while the other (s) followed on.

        Unfortunately, driving while intoxicated is illegal for a reason. The driver of Stoll's car crashed on the way. Either his friend in the other vehicle panicked and fled, thinking there were now two corpses in the crashed car, or was by this point so far ahead that he didn't notice the accident.

        The one who had been driving Stoll's car became the hitchhiker some people report seeing. Assuming all concerned even remembered the incident the following day, they would have realised just how much trouble they would be in should the true story ever come to light.

        As for YOG'TZE, this was almost certainly just the delusional ramblings of a drugged or delirious man and unrelated to his death. One possibility, given his alleged links to the Netherlands and background as a food technician, would be a shorthand form of 'YOGHURTJE' - Dutch for a small pot of yoghurt, which in some circles might be 'loaded' with cannabis as an alternative to smoking it. The J/Z discrepancy can be explained either as indistinct writing or by the fact that Stoll was not a fluent Dutch speaker.


        • #5
          Not one I was familiar with. Thanks.
          G U T

          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


          • #6
            Interesting. Sounds less paranormal than skullduggery, but the word yogtze is one intriguing piece.


            • #7
              Really odd case, but I don't think the word "YOG'TZE" has any real connection with the victim's injuries and death. I looked at that word and remembered a similar (but simpler) fake word "YAMSI" that appeared in 1912. When the Carpathia was returning to New York City with the survivors of the Titanic, a series of messages were sent baring that "YAMSI" at the bottom. It soon became apparent that the White Star Line President, J. Bruce Ismay was sending the messages, and that he used (as a fairly easily understood pseudonym) the reverse order of the letters of his name. I can't begin to suggest a similar explanation here ("EZT'GOY"?) I do know that when one is barely conscious one says odd things, and sometimes when one writes them down they are gibberish. Years ago I was sleeping, and my mother and sister came to my room to ask where I put some item. Barely awake, I muttered, "On the fumpff!" several times. Later my sister (joking about it) asked where the "fumpff" was in the apartment. I am aware (of course) that "fumpff" is similar to the German word for 5, but I don't think that I had that in mind when I muttered it.



              • #8
                Milton Bradley?


                • #9
                  Hello, Frank.

                  Fascinating case. Stoll's symptoms in the early part of the story sound like he had a brain tumor, which may cause auditory and visual hallucinations, and could have also been responsible for the fall from the bar stool.
                  The rest of the story is more mysterious, suggesting anything from a spy story to something out of the X-Files.
                  Perhaps the more prosaic answer is that he was wandering in the road, was hit by a carful of strangers who opted to "roll him" (rob him) and tried to cover up his identity, hoping he'd never be able to identify him. A thrill killing, perhaps?
                  Pat D.
                  Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.

