One other historical killer that has always fascinated me is the story of Vlad Dracula and his inspiration for the Count of Bram Stoker's novel. In case some of you do not know, Vlad murdered his enemies by impaling them on spikes and left them to rot. He also nailed hats to their heads, tortured them, and was even rumored to dine in the presense of his dying enemies. The only story that relates to this Vlad drinking blood is a legend that he dipped his bread into a cup of his victims' blood and then ate it, but this story is more than likely apocryphal. I was just wondering, who do you think was a more brutal killer, Vlad or Jack? True, Vlad's victims number in the hundreds, but based on the brutalness of both killers, who do you think had the more atrocious killing method?
P.S. I recently discovered a book I forgot I had. It was buried in an old box in my garage. It is entitled Curtains of Blood by Robert Randisi. I won't go too much into the plot details, but it has Bram Stoker as the main character and tries to combine the story of the Ripper with that of Vlad, wherein Stoker sort of becomes an amateur detective on the case and, in the process, discovers the idea of Dracula. I forgot most of it, but I do remember I found the ending disappointing. Anyone else read this? If so, what are your impressions?
P.S. I recently discovered a book I forgot I had. It was buried in an old box in my garage. It is entitled Curtains of Blood by Robert Randisi. I won't go too much into the plot details, but it has Bram Stoker as the main character and tries to combine the story of the Ripper with that of Vlad, wherein Stoker sort of becomes an amateur detective on the case and, in the process, discovers the idea of Dracula. I forgot most of it, but I do remember I found the ending disappointing. Anyone else read this? If so, what are your impressions?