Originally posted by Graham
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It is a remarkably complex case, with so many strands getting wound and unwound. As I said earlier, it resembles in its structure and social situations the American Lizzie Borden Case.
As to Francis seeling his father and Gough having sex, being 3 really does not matter. Francis might not have understood the behavior of his father and the nanny, but he was beginning to communicate and could easily have blurted out something to his mother about what he saw and how funny it looked. Mrs. Kent (whose own history with Mr. Kent and her sickly predecessor was not one to boast about) could easily have figured out what happened - and then there would have been hell for Mr. Kent to pay. I'm afraid that the guilty father and the guilty nanny may have thought they had little choice if they were to avoid any unpleasant repercussions. That is, of course, if they were responsible (a big if!).