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Madeleine McCann

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  • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
    Yeah it looks as though one or both parents were/are child abusers and quite possibly paedophile's.
    Originally posted by louisa View Post
    Well I'm not sure we can jump to that conclusion from this simple quote.

    I have to say that it sounds like a very strange thing for a parent to say but some parents ARE strange, without being paedophiles.

    These two were doctors and may have thought nothing of talking about vaginas, etc.
    I agree with louisa. It's a strange thing for a parent to think of nevermind write down in a book. But there are other explanations other than pedophilia. Im probably indulging in some confirmation bias here as I have suspected the McCanns as being responsible for their daughters death, but probably as some sort of accident. I think graphically bringing sexual abuse into the narrative was probably a clumsy attempt by Kate mcCann to influence public opinion towards the abduction theory.


    • For all the posters claiming "a strange thing to think"...just for the breifest moment consider you could be wrong and this little girl was abducted.

      Now put yourself in the shoes of the parents.

      OK are you there?...good.

      Now...are you really not going to think about what your missing child is going through? Even the stuff you don't want to think about?

      OK...back in your own shoes now.

      Said it a few posts up...some people are too far down the rabbit hole on this one.


      • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
        For all the posters claiming "a strange thing to think"...just for the breifest moment consider you could be wrong and this little girl was abducted.

        Now put yourself in the shoes of the parents.

        OK are you there?...good.

        Now...are you really not going to think about what your missing child is going through? Even the stuff you don't want to think about?

        OK...back in your own shoes now.

        Said it a few posts up...some people are too far down the rabbit hole on this one.

        That would be true if most of the criticism on here had been about what Kate McCann thought. Read the thread again. The criticism has been mostly over what she wrote. And imo what she wrote is bordering upon murder porn. This doesn't maker her guilty of anything other than writing murder porn. The reasons for her doing so are either innocent or damned murky.


        • sorry folks there is no "innocent" explanation for the mother of a missing girl to think, say and write for the whole public to see-"her perfect little genitals torn apart".

          at the very least its bizzare, disgusting and inappropriate. at worst, its indication of being a ped, IMHO. its almost like shes fantasizing about it.
          "Is all that we see or seem
          but a dream within a dream?"

          -Edgar Allan Poe

          "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
          quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

          -Frederick G. Abberline


          • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
            sorry folks there is no "innocent" explanation for the mother of a missing girl to think, say and write for the whole public to see-"her perfect little genitals torn apart".

            at the very least its bizzare, disgusting and inappropriate. at worst, its indication of being a ped, IMHO. its almost like shes fantasizing about it.
            I agree Abby. There something very dodgy about the whole situation.


            • Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
              For all the posters claiming "a strange thing to think"...just for the breifest moment consider you could be wrong and this little girl was abducted.

              Now put yourself in the shoes of the parents.

              OK are you there?...good.

              Now...are you really not going to think about what your missing child is going through? Even the stuff you don't want to think about?

              OK...back in your own shoes now.

              Said it a few posts up...some people are too far down the rabbit hole on this one.
              Sir, no act of imagination is necessary. I've studied a lot of similar cases, I've read books by two other parents of abducted and murdered children. I'm sure the mind of a parent in that situation would indeed be flooded with nightmarish images, but most of them you would try to suppress to avoid going insane with pain and grief.

              To the best of my knowledge, only one parent of a supposedly missing child has written such a vile and graphically explicit sentence about their child's sexual abuse, and that parent is Kate. I suspect there is a simple explanation: she has imagined what the parent of an abducted girl would be going through, what types of thoughts they would have; but she has not had the wit or the sense to realize that they don't write it down, they don't allow it casually to the surface, they don't give it form because it is to them literally unspeakable. There is a reason why it is not unspeakable for Kate, there is a reason why she is able to write coolly about imagining Madeleine's genitals being torn: she knows that it did not happen, and never can happen. Madeleine is not missing, was never abducted by a pedophile. She is beyond harm, and these words are only words.


              • Originally posted by Henry Flower View Post
                Sir, no act of imagination is necessary. I've studied a lot of similar cases, I've read books by two other parents of abducted and murdered children. I'm sure the mind of a parent in that situation would indeed be flooded with nightmarish images, but most of them you would try to suppress to avoid going insane with pain and grief.

                To the best of my knowledge, only one parent of a supposedly missing child has written such a vile and graphically explicit sentence about their child's sexual abuse, and that parent is Kate. I suspect there is a simple explanation: she has imagined what the parent of an abducted girl would be going through, what types of thoughts they would have; but she has not had the wit or the sense to realize that they don't write it down, they don't allow it casually to the surface, they don't give it form because it is to them literally unspeakable. There is a reason why it is not unspeakable for Kate, there is a reason why she is able to write coolly about imagining Madeleine's genitals being torn: she knows that it did not happen, and never can happen. Madeleine is not missing, was never abducted by a pedophile. She is beyond harm, and these words are only words.
                Interesting Henry. I'm assuming you believe that the McCann's killed their daughter accidentally and then covered it up. So your essentially saying they're arseholes who should be serving time for manslaughter and perverting the course of justice as opposed to paedophile's.

                Cheers John


                • Originally posted by Henry Flower View Post
                  Sir, no act of imagination is necessary. I've studied a lot of similar cases, I've read books by two other parents of abducted and murdered children. I'm sure the mind of a parent in that situation would indeed be flooded with nightmarish images, but most of them you would try to suppress to avoid going insane with pain and grief.

                  To the best of my knowledge, only one parent of a supposedly missing child has written such a vile and graphically explicit sentence about their child's sexual abuse, and that parent is Kate. I suspect there is a simple explanation: she has imagined what the parent of an abducted girl would be going through, what types of thoughts they would have; but she has not had the wit or the sense to realize that they don't write it down, they don't allow it casually to the surface, they don't give it form because it is to them literally unspeakable. There is a reason why it is not unspeakable for Kate, there is a reason why she is able to write coolly about imagining Madeleine's genitals being torn: she knows that it did not happen, and never can happen. Madeleine is not missing, was never abducted by a pedophile. She is beyond harm, and these words are only words.
                  that's actually a great point. different reasoning from what I was saying but very insightful.
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • Originally posted by Henry Flower View Post
                    There is a reason why it is not unspeakable for Kate, there is a reason why she is able to write coolly about imagining Madeleine's genitals being torn: she knows that it did not happen, and never can happen. Madeleine is not missing, was never abducted by a pedophile. She is beyond harm, and these words are only words.
                    Great point, Henry. Well put.

                    Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
                    Interesting Henry. I'm assuming you believe that the McCann's killed their daughter accidentally and then covered it up. So your essentially saying they're arseholes who should be serving time for manslaughter and perverting the course of justice as opposed to paedophile's.
                    There could be something more sinister beneath the surface, but that's what I probably think happened. Apparently there was no proof that the McCanns were doping their children at bedtime, but considering how restless small children can be, I find it hard to believe that they simply left them unsupervised in the middle of the night. Drugging them makes sense (they were doctors, after all) and could easily explain what really happened to Madeleine.


                    • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                      . Drugging them makes sense (they were doctors, after all) and could easily explain what really happened to Madeleine.
                      And also explains why the twins slept soundly throughout all the commotion that ensued after the alarm was raised. All and sundry were in that apartment, including the police. The crime scene had been totally obliterated by the couples' friends (similar in this way to the Ramsey case).

                      The twins were still asleep until (at least) the early afternoon of the following day when they were carried out by detectives.
                      This is simply my opinion


                      • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
                        Interesting Henry. I'm assuming you believe that the McCann's killed their daughter accidentally and then covered it up. So your essentially saying they're arseholes who should be serving time for manslaughter and perverting the course of justice as opposed to paedophile's.

                        Cheers John
                        John, that's what I think happened. I'm about 85% leaning in that direction.

                        The doubts I have are concerning the Gaspar statements. That makes me wonder whether the children were being drugged to sleep for another, more repulsive reason.

                        I'm 100% no intruder or abduction.


                        • Originally posted by louisa View Post
                          And also explains why the twins slept soundly throughout all the commotion that ensued after the alarm was raised. All and sundry were in that apartment, including the police. The crime scene had been totally obliterated by the couples' friends (similar in this way to the Ramsey case).

                          The twins were still asleep until (at least) the early afternoon of the following day when they were carried out by detectives.
                          The twins slept that long?! I don't recall that detail. That's amazing. At that age, and on holiday, they slept through the following morning?

                          This is really disturbing.


                          • Originally posted by Henry Flower View Post
                            John, that's what I think happened. I'm about 85% leaning in that direction.

                            The doubts I have are concerning the Gaspar statements. That makes me wonder whether the children were being drugged to sleep for another, more repulsive reason.

                            I'm 100% no intruder or abduction.
                            Thanks for clarifying your position Henry. I myself am starting to think that either or both Kate or Gerry were responsible for Maddy's death. However I'm not yet decided on wether or not they are/were child abusers.

                            Cheers John


                            • Originally posted by John Wheat View Post
                              Thanks for clarifying your position Henry. I myself am starting to think that either or both Kate or Gerry were responsible for Maddy's death. However I'm not yet decided on wether or not they are/were child abusers.

                              Cheers John
                              I'm thinking Maddie was killed/died perhaps earlier in the day after she was picked up from the kids club by the mom while jerry was at a tennis lesson before they went to dinner.

                              the dog alerted to the rug behind the couch. Mom killed her either accidently in a fit of anger, and or during sexual abuse, or killed her on purpose (planned).Probably on or around the couch.

                              even if the parents didn't kill her (small chance IMHO) they are responsible for her disappearance by leaving her alone and should be charged with, at the very least, child neglect.

                              you don't leave a THREE year old, and two babies no less, alone---in a strange apartment---in a foreign country!?!

                              There is so many things wrong with that and could go wrong its unbeleiveable. Hell, she even admitted the night before that Maddie had cried out and wondered where she was! and they still go out?
                              How did they know she wouldn't wake up again and wander outside looking for them and drown in the pool?

                              cold callous selfish pieces of **** at the very least!!!
                              child molesters and murderers at worst.

                              I hope they rot in hell.
                              they can have tapas and wine with the Ramseys there.
                              "Is all that we see or seem
                              but a dream within a dream?"

                              -Edgar Allan Poe

                              "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                              quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                              -Frederick G. Abberline


                              • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                                I'm thinking Maddie was killed/died perhaps earlier in the day after she was picked up from the kids club by the mom while jerry was at a tennis lesson before they went to dinner.

                                the dog alerted to the rug behind the couch. Mom killed her either accidently in a fit of anger, and or during sexual abuse, or killed her on purpose (planned).Probably on or around the couch.

                                even if the parents didn't kill her (small chance IMHO) they are responsible for her disappearance by leaving her alone and should be charged with, at the very least, child neglect.

                                you don't leave a THREE year old, and two babies no less, alone---in a strange apartment---in a foreign country!?!

                                There is so many things wrong with that and could go wrong its unbeleiveable. Hell, she even admitted the night before that Maddie had cried out and wondered where she was! and they still go out?
                                How did they know she wouldn't wake up again and wander outside looking for them and drown in the pool?

                                cold callous selfish pieces of **** at the very least!!!
                                child molesters and murderers at worst.

                                I hope they rot in hell.
                                they can have tapas and wine with the Ramseys there.
                                They knew the kids wouldn't wake up and come looking for them because they had probably given them enough sedatives to last at least until the following morning.

                                Kate already stated that Maddie had woken up the previous night and cried for her mum. (Kate is on a YouTube video saying this) so she probably made a mental note to give her a bit more sedative that evening before the couple went out.

                                I think Maddie died that night. Parents would have to be extremely callous to be able to go out on the razzle knowing their child was dead, hidden somewhere in the apartment.

                                I think Maddie's death was an accident, an accidental overdose.
                                This is simply my opinion

