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Madeleine McCann

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  • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
    Well this post would qualify you that's for sure.
    Not you though, on the grounds of unfit to plead.


    • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
      Not you though, on the grounds of unfit to plead.
      Lol. Good one.
      "Is all that we see or seem
      but a dream within a dream?"

      -Edgar Allan Poe

      "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
      quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

      -Frederick G. Abberline


      • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
        Very similar to Amanda Knox and the little American girl in the OP.

        None of these three cases would ever have even made it into a British court of law because there simply isn't enough evidence to put together a case against any of them.
        I honestly think a British court would have had John and Patsy Ramsay taken into custody within a very short while and, I suspect, would have arrested them shortly thereafter.

        The police made a series of errors which allowed the Ramsays to walk free.

        British police would have locked down the house as a crime scene, not allowed all and sundry to tramp through it contaminating evidence. The body itself is a crime scene but John and Patsy both touched the body as it lay upstairs, transferring any fibres that were present.

        The British police would have interviewed them separately, something that was denied to the Boulder police department. Then they would have interviewed the witnesses who were in the house that day, before the Ramsays lawyers had a chance to get to them and lock them into their stories.

        As it turned out a Grand Jury had in fact voted to put the Ramsays on trial but the trial never happened. The Ramsays had enough money and influence to have the DA's office in their pocket.

        Getting back to Madeleine McCann I doubt very much if so much fuss would have been made if the child had been black and from a poor background.

        As for the drug used to sedate the children - maybe Ritalin or similar? Maddie was hyperactive and was wearing her mother out. One of the 40 questions put to Kate by the Portuguese police was "Is it true that you were in the process of arranging for a female relative to take Maddie as you could no longer cope with her?" Kate McCann answered "No comment"
        Last edited by louisa; 09-29-2016, 02:58 PM.
        This is simply my opinion


        • Yes a missing pretty, blonde little girl. From a rich family. Tabloid gold.


          • Originally posted by Fleetwood Mac View Post
            Very similar to Amanda Knox and the little American girl in the OP.

            None of these three cases would ever have even made it into a British court of law because there simply isn't enough evidence to put together a case against any of them.

            It boils down to people 'acting strange'. Christ, if that were the criteria for a court case we'd all be well and truly ****ed when in the wrong place at the wrong time.
            Ok back on topic FM.
            It doesn't boil down to people "acting strange". It boils done to people, at best, being negligent, or abusive parents, and at worst being murderers. And prosecutors who are to cowardly when faced with rich powerful suspects.

            That's what these types of cases boil down to.
            "Is all that we see or seem
            but a dream within a dream?"

            -Edgar Allan Poe

            "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
            quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

            -Frederick G. Abberline


            • So true, Abby.
              This is simply my opinion


              • Like I said before, Kate's reaction upon finding Maddie "missing" was my first red flag about this whole case. She instantly thought that her child had been abducted but instead of gathering her other two babies, she ran back to the restaurant, leaving them behind while there's apparently an abductor on the loose. Apologists for the McCanns like to pull the old 'people act weird in stressful situations' schtick but at what point should Kate's maternal instincts have kicked in? They got away with their child neglect (and who knows what else?) because they're middle-class doctors with friends in high places, which they used to spin themselves as the victims of the bungling Portuguese police.


                • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                  Like I said before, Kate's reaction upon finding Maddie "missing" was my first red flag about this whole case. She instantly thought that her child had been abducted but instead of gathering her other two babies, she ran back to the restaurant, leaving them behind while there's apparently an abductor on the loose. Apologists for the McCanns like to pull the old 'people act weird in stressful situations' schtick but at what point should Kate's maternal instincts have kicked in? They got away with their child neglect (and who knows what else?) because they're middle-class doctors with friends in high places, which they used to spin themselves as the victims of the bungling Portuguese police.
                  exactly Harry
                  Great point-one ive thought about before but haven't brought up in this recent debate.

                  She discovers one of her children missing-sees the open window and runs back to the restaurant leaving her two babies there? yeah right. and her yelling they took her just emphasizes she thought it was an intruder immediately. who for all she knows is still in the house, now with her other two babies? Any normal moms first reaction would be to search the house to see if hes still in the house, to see if Madeline is still in the house, to see if her other kids are there and all right, and then to scoop them up and get the hell outta there and then go back to the restaurant!

                  like the ramseys, if they had anything to do with it, they were probably hoping someone else would discover the child murdered/missing. classic guilty behavior for someone in the family whos guilty.

                  Like the ramseys they were probably thinking, why the hell cant one of there friends find shes missing, on the checks?
                  "Is all that we see or seem
                  but a dream within a dream?"

                  -Edgar Allan Poe

                  "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                  quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                  -Frederick G. Abberline


                  • Originally posted by Harry D View Post
                    because they're middle-class doctors with friends in high places, which they used to spin themselves as the victims of the bungling Portuguese police.
                    Very similar to the Ramseys who wanted the public to see them as victims of the Boulder police.

                    And John Ramsey probably decided to 'discover' the body of his daughter because he got sick of waiting for somebody else to discover it.
                    Last edited by louisa; 09-30-2016, 06:42 AM.
                    This is simply my opinion


                    • In order to highlight a key aspect of the Madeleine McCann case, namely Dr Kate McCann’s refusal to answer any one of 48 questions put to her by the Portuguese Police on 7 September 2007. We need to establish why would she hinder the investigation so much, at such a critical stage by staying silent and not answering key questions which may or may not of helped.

                      During eleven hours of interrogation, Kate McCann refused to answer 48 specific questions.

                      Madeleine’s mother, who was legally represented in the interview, stayed silent as police threw a series of loaded questions at her that made clear they thought she was involved in her daughter’s disappearance.

                      She answered only once – when accused of harming the hunt for Madeleine by her silence.

                      THE QUESTION SHE DID ANSWER

                      Q. Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardising the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?

                      A. ‘Yes, if that’s what the investigation thinks.’

                      These are the questions she refused to answer : But why?

                      1. On May 3 2007, around 22:00, when you entered the apartment, what did you see? What did you do? Where did you look? What did you touch?

                      2. Did you search inside the bedroom wardrobe? (she replied that she wouldn’t answer)

                      3. (shown 2 photographs of her bedroom wardrobe) Can you describe its contents?

                      4. Why had the curtain behind the sofa in front of the side window (whose photo was shown to her) been tampered with? Did somebody go behind that sofa?

                      5. How long did your search of the apartment take after you detected your daughter Madeleine’s disappearance?

                      6. Why did you say from the start that Madeleine had been abducted?

                      7. Assuming Madeleine had been abducted, why did you leave the twins home alone to go to the ‘Tapas’ and raise the alarm? Because the supposed abductor could still be in the apartment.

                      8. Why didn’t you ask the twins, at that moment, what had happened to their sister or why didn’t you ask them later on?

                      9. When you raised the alarm at the ‘Tapas’ what exactly did you say and what were your exact words?

                      10. What happened after you raised the alarm in the ‘Tapas’?

                      11. Why did you go and warn your friends instead of shouting from the verandah?

                      12. Who contacted the authorities?

                      13. Who took place in the searches?

                      14. Did anyone outside of the group learn of Madeleine’s disappearance in those following minutes?

                      15. Did any neighbour offer you help after the disappearance?

                      16. What does ‘we let her down’ mean?

                      17. Did Jane tell you that night that she’d seen a man with a child?

                      18. How were the authorities contacted and which police force was alerted?

                      19. During the searches, with the police already there, where did you search for Maddie, how and in what way?

                      20. Why did the twins not wake up during that search or when they were taken upstairs?

                      21. Who did you phone after the occurrence?

                      22. Did you call Sky News?

                      23. Did you know the danger of calling the media, because it could influence the abductor?

                      24. Did you ask for a priest?

                      25. By what means did you divulge Madeleine’s features, by photographs or by any other means?

                      26. Is it true that during the searches you remained seated on Maddie’s bed without moving?

                      27. What was your behaviour that night?

                      28. Did you manage to sleep?

                      29. Before travelling to Portugal did you make any comment about a foreboding or a bad feeling?

                      30. What was Madeleine’s behaviour like?

                      31. Did Maddie suffer from any illness or take any medication?

                      32. What was Madeleine’s relationship like with her brother and sister?

                      33. What was Madeleine’s relationship like with her brother and sister, friends and school mates?

                      34. As for your professional life, in how many and which hospitals have you worked?

                      35. What is your medical specialty?

                      36. Have you ever done shift work in any emergency services or other services?

                      37. Did you work every day?

                      38. At a certain point you stopped working, why?

                      39. Are the twins difficult to get to sleep? Are they restless and does that cause you uneasiness?

                      40. Is it true that sometimes you despaired with your children’s behaviour and that left you feeling very uneasy?

                      41. Is it true that in England you even considered handing over Madeleine’s custody to a relative?

                      42. In England, did you medicate your children? What type of medication?

                      43. In the case files you were SHOWN CANINE forensic testing films, where you can see them marking due to detection of the scent of human corpse and blood traces, also human, and only human, as well as all the comments of the technician in charge of them. After watching and after the marking of the scent of corpse in your bedroom beside the wardrobe and behind the sofa, pushed up against the sofa wall, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?

                      44. When the sniffer dog also marked human blood behind the sofa, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?

                      45. When the sniffer dog marked the scent of corpse coming from the vehicle you hired a month after the disappearance, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?

                      46. When human blood was marked in the boot of the vehicle, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?

                      47. When confronted with the results of Maddie’s DNA, whose analysis was carried out in a British laboratory, collected from behind the sofa and the boot of the vehicle, did you say you couldn’t explain any more than you already had?

                      48. Did you have any responsibility or intervention in your daughter’s disappearance?

                      A QUESTION SHE DID ANSWER

                      Q. Are you aware that in not answering the questions you are jeopardising the investigation, which seeks to discover what happened to your daughter?

                      A. ‘Yes, if that’s what the investigation thinks.’
                      This is simply my opinion


                      • Originally posted by louisa View Post
                        Very similar to the Ramseys who wanted the public to see them as victims of the Boulder police.

                        And John Ramsey probably decided to 'discover' the body of his daughter because he got sick of waiting for somebody else to discover it.
                        Bingo. exactly what ive been saying. Hes probably thinking-why cant these stupid police (or friends) find her already!!!
                        "Is all that we see or seem
                        but a dream within a dream?"

                        -Edgar Allan Poe

                        "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                        quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                        -Frederick G. Abberline


                        • The above theory is a good one but I ask you this: If your best friend asked you to dispose of her daughter’s body because they’d accidently killed her, would you do it?

                          Realistically, she’s been dead for a long time due to the publicity surrounding the case, whether she was abducted or not.

                          We all agree that the McCanns didn’t act in a way that ‘normal’ people would act in that situation.

                          We also all agree that they are guilty of neglect but put that to one side & consider that no-one has come up with any conclusive evidence that the McCann’s were guilty of killing Madeline.

                          Going running on the beach or playing tennis the day after your daughter has gone missing is not rational behaviour, neither is answering ‘no comment’ to relevant questions & just makes the general public think you’re guilty.

                          The Police made a hash of the investigation & tried to divert attention from themselves by manipulating the press.

                          The other thing is – if they were/are your doctors, would you still go to them or move to another practice?


                          • Hannibal - You raised some good points.

                            Would I go back to them if they were my doctors? If I thought they were good doctors and I was satisfied with the treatment they had previously prescribed for myself and my family then the answer would be Yes.

                            Would I dispose of my best friend's daughter if I was asked?

                            No I wouldn't, but I'm not one of the McCann's "inner circle".

                            Doctors are a law unto themselves. In my experience GPs are a rather patronizing bunch to us lesser mortals. They are constantly being grovelled to by their patients, especially the older ones, who tend to think the doctor is God. As you can tell I am not a big fan of them. Dead people are nothing to them, they see them all the time so handling a corpse is not going to be any big deal.

                            If the plan seemed foolproof then maybe they decided to go with it.

                            Who knows?
                            This is simply my opinion


                            • I heard the other day the Madeline’s DNA had been found at a pet cemetery in Portugal. Not recently but at the time of the original investigation.

                              The person who told me was adamant (& drunk!) that Madeline been killed by Kate & disposed of at the pet cemetery due to the combined DNA traces found at the cemetery & in the boot of the car.

                              Anyone heard anything about the pet cemetery?


                              • Originally posted by Hannibal Hayes View Post
                                I heard the other day the Madeline’s DNA had been found at a pet cemetery in Portugal. Not recently but at the time of the original investigation.

                                The person who told me was adamant (& drunk!) that Madeline been killed by Kate & disposed of at the pet cemetery due to the combined DNA traces found at the cemetery & in the boot of the car.

                                Anyone heard anything about the pet cemetery?
                                I am unaware of any DNA being found at a pet cemetery, although the Police did question the owner of a pet crematorium re the McCann case, (link below)

                                Check out this interesting little clip of Gerry McCann dropping the Eff Bomb in front of his children.
                                Also look carefully at the body language of the children.

                                Missing video that sky only showed part of. See it in full glory and the " pact " team as they call themselves. Gerry Mccann swearing f*** off in front of li...

