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Madeleine McCann

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  • #31
    Well Michael Donovan has been remanded in custody,

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    Great Signature Caz, it's almost as intriguing as mine!!
    Regards Mike


    • #32
      Back to the Mccann Clan,

      There are several newspapers publishing retraction of stories regarding the couple, as well as paying damages!!

      BBC News
      BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

      Sky News
      Sky News delivers breaking news, headlines and top stories from business, politics, entertainment and more in the UK and worldwide.
      Regards Mike


      • #33
        all those comments about the mothers "suspicous demeanour" reminded me of the bone headed copper who led the Wallace case - and how dangerous it can be to make quick assumptions about how people react to extreme situations.


        • #34
 I don't think so!The Moron McCanns should go away and think themselves lucky they haven't,so far,been charged with child neglect....the newspapers gave them front page coverage in their favour,and coverage that was sympathetic aswell, more so,than they deserved.Perhaps this latest move, and the fact that they can't leave this alone, says more about their possible involvement than any amount of unanswered questions,-have you not noticed how this became more about them than Maddie,right from almost the beginning of this whole sorry episode.They have not done themselves any favours.


          • #35

            Perhaps you havenīt seen the latest news where the Express Newspaper and the Star newspaper have paid up money for libel and have expressed their apologies to the Mc Cannīs for having lied about them without foundation.

            Others on your camp like Bob have remained ....silent.

            The Mc Cannīs have finally been vindicated at last ! The money they got from the newspapers will be put on Maddieīs fund to find her.



            • #36
              Oh no, Maria, I am not silent...

              ...just busy...

              Anna, I agree with everything you say.

              Maria, I can tell you definitively, that if these scum were in the US they would be in prison right now for felony child neglect.

              The only reason nothing happened to them "over the pond" is because the feudal class system infortunately still manages to sometimes prevail in cases like this. These people at the very least fatally neglected their daughter (manslaughter in the US), and at the most, had a hand in murdering her.

              The only reason the backtracking crap is going on now is because there wsa not enough evidence to bring them to trial, just like the Ramsey case in the US.

              I wouldn't trust these two to babysit a goldfish, let alone a child. I think you'll see as their remaining kids get older, there won't be a lot of little friends sleeping over at their home.

              "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


              • #37
                More Mariaisms

                Poor Anna, she makes a comment about certain newspapers apologising to the McCanns only to be accused by Maria of not having seen the story! What Maria fails to appreciate is that these papers made some probably libellous comments about the McCanns and rather that risk a lawsuit they have apologised and paid up.

                It certainly doesn’t mean the McCanns have done nothing wrong. Maria cannot seem to grasp the simple subject of libel. It’s where someone makes a statement that is prejudicial to the character of a person. For example if someone wrote:

                "if Shannon hates her mother it is because this little girl was being mistreated by her mother,"

                In other words accusing someone of a crime, child abuse, without any foundation, in fact just like Maria has done in post 11,that would be libel.

                What I find amazing about this Mariaism is that she condemns people for accepting newspaper reports at face value and drawing certain conclusions where the McCanns are concerned, yet does exactly the same where Shannon is concerned. Perhaps it’s because one is working class and the other is middle class.

                Certain criminologists say that Armstrong wouldn’t have happened without Greenwood, I wonder if we shall soon be saying Shannon wouldn’t have happened without Madeline.

                By the way some of you might be wondering what Maria was going on about talking about my book. Well at the beginning of last year she sent me a PM saying that she had not been able to get a copy of my book, From Hell, and she would like to read it. Since I had a copy I sent it to her free of charge.

                However as you can read in post 24 she says:

                With that lack of logic no wonder your book is so bad, and it was not worth keeping so I gave it to Oxfam with a pile of other books that are not good. Actually it would have been excelllent for winter fuel.

                But thank you for sending it free of charge at least I did not have to waste good money in buying it.

                I think perhaps that gives you a sneaky look into Maria World!


                • #38
                  Hi everyone,

                  It is interesting seeing the revival of this thread in light of recent apologies by some of the British press concerning their treatment of the McCanns.

                  Regarding the Shannon case, I am delighted that this child has been found alive and well. I agree with Bob that Maria's comments concerning Shannon possibly being mistreated by her mother are unfounded. Many children, especially girls, profess to 'hate their mothers' at some point in their childhood and this does not automatically point to mistreatment. Indeed, it can indicate the opposite - where a parent is being protective and caring and a child wants to break free.

                  I think the delay in finding Shannon, even allowing for the fact that she was with a distant relative, could depend on when the police were actually informed about this family member. At what point was this realive of the step-father mentioned? What grounds did anyone have for suspecting he might be involved? How well did Shannon know this man? It is easy to be wise after the event.

                  AS for the McCanns, I have always maintained that they were foolish and negligent to leave their children alone. However, I do not think there is any evidence to suggest they were involved in her disappearance or death. I think they were treated very badly at the hands of the press, once they were officially named as suspects. However, I would liked the money paid out in apology to have gone to a children's charity rather than the 'find Maddie fund'.

                  No doubt the debate will run and run.


                  • #39
                    Hi all-
                    Just listening to the latest here on this rather disturbing case which seems to go on and ON (Hmmmmmmmmmm) Ģ550,000 pay out! Hmmmmmmmmm again! I will go to my grave smelling something wrong...........Oh and yes Bob the same sniff re Shannon!

                    Suzi x
                    'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                    • #40
                      ...yes, Suzi, exactly...

                      ...the main thing being that they just don't seem to be upset by their daughter's presumably horrible death, but get upset by, e.g., "media intrusions"...The "human factor" is just not there with the McCanns...never has been, never will be...

                      "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                      • #41
                        If that was one of my children, I would have ripped Portugal apart, and not come home until my baby was in my arms
                        Regards Mike


                        • #42

                          Not if you have ran out of money... and not working for an indefinite period of time.

                          Had the incompetent Portuguese police been looking for this child and closing the frontiers and doing their work properly like the English police did, Maddie would have been found by now.

                          It is very easy to be judgeamental if you do not know or care to know the facts.



                          • #43
                            Hi her parents hadn't left her...

                            ...and her two baby siblings alone, and had hired a (cheap) babysitter while they went out boozing, none of this ever would have happened.

                            In other words, if they had been proper parents, their daughter would still be alive. Period.

                            "Don't make me get my flying monkeys!"


                            • #44
                              It's a good job they now have 550.000 reasons to go back there then, and find her!
                              Regards Mike


                              • #45

                                They are not detectives, the Portuguese police should have done that.

                                Why do you condone the mother and the uncle of Shannon step-fatherīs uncle ?

                                Double standards ?


