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Madeleine McCann

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  • Limehouse,
    With respect.....most of that is from Statements,signed by these people themselves....the rest are officially documented facts......
    There is no opinion there.If any of it were untrue,I am sure the McCanns would have jumped on it before now.How could anyone deny what people involved,have stated as their experience on that evening.
    Apart from you,Maria and a couple of others.
    A small club indeed.


    • Factual or not?

      Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
      Hi Anna,

      With respect, I don't personally think things posted on internet sites consitutes facts.

      That's rather a strange thing to say. Using that train of thought obviously things written in books and kept in libraries are not considered facts either. The accuracy of information depends on what it is based on not where it is promulgated.


      • Hi all,
        Actually Miss Pennington has given an interview to the Daily Mail...which you can google in and read for yourself.
        She was interviewed for four and a half hours,and considered to be a vital witness by the Portuguese Police.
        Miss Pennington was a new nanny and arrived on the same day to the resort as the McCanns.
        She says:I was in the appartment less than 5 minutes after they found Maddie had gone.
        Evidently the McCanns were present when the children had high tea.
        She states:I was helping give the children their high tea...the twins were there and both parents.
        After this,she starts a shift at the evening creche.
        It appears from her statement Maddie is missing before ten....
        Just before 10,the last mother to arrive to collect her child from the creche,said she'd seen a man calling...etc..names Maddie among them.
        She then goes on to explain that they went into lost child routine..."We knew that one of the other nannies charges was called Maddie.We told the Head of Department what had happened.She took us straight to the appartment,there were no children in the room,the twins had been taken out already.I think by one of the McCanns friends.When we came out,we saw Kate saying "They've taken her,they've taken her".
        By the way,parents have to sign a book when they bring and take children,so the time the woman collected her child could be varified.


        • This just gets worse and worse!

          Hi Anna- I'm not sure that I can bring myself to check 'The Daily Mail' site but the more I read about this case and the 'secret seven' the more I am appalled by these people-Oddly- every European taverna/restaurant I have been to- has included children- some even younger than you'd like, sat happily and quietly at the same table as their parents. This may say more about a) the resort and certainly b) The Mc C's and their attitude towards their children and their friends........priorities please!!

          The whole thing is nauseating I think and I will never be persuaded that there's not something definately 'fishy' about the whole thing and that doesn't include the ubiquitous sea bass (or even worse the alleged 'Warmed Up' steak!!!- yuk!

          Just a rant-but I can't settle on this one..........

          Suz x
          'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


          • O.K. so what are you suggesting ? That Kate came over to one of her friends and said:

            " listen I just killed Maddie, do you think you can give me a lift to bury her ? "

            " Yes of course, we will go and buy some shovels and bury her "

            In the meantime their own small children are either taken to Maddie´s burial or are left alone and all that activity happened in a short period of time.

            Yes, its getting clearer and clearer by the minute.

            Last edited by Maria; 09-26-2008, 03:36 PM.


            • Originally posted by Bob Hinton View Post
              That's rather a strange thing to say. Using that train of thought obviously things written in books and kept in libraries are not considered facts either. The accuracy of information depends on what it is based on not where it is promulgated.

              0K, I didn't make myself clear. By 'posted' on internet sites I meant people's opinions and hearsay. If people have signed statements as witnesses, the contents of those statements should not be posted on an internet site. If this case ever came to court and the McCanns stood accused of being responsible for their daughter's death, they could not receive a fair trial because of 'facts' that have been posted.

              I am not making excuses for the McCanns and I don't approve of their behaviour. I feel I have made this quite clear. However, what ever anyone 'feels in their bones' they are at present guilty of neglect but not murder or consipracy.


              • I wish I could agree, Limehouse, but you know, I think they could quite easily be charged with conspiracy, to hinder police enquiries, at the very least (by Gerry McCann's own admission).

                I had no idea there was a creche open until 10pm. WTF (sorry) were they doing leaving their children in a &^%%$# unattended, unlocked apartment, then? It seems utterly, utterly bizarre...I mean, how many of us wouldn't even leave our small child in the car while we ran across the forecourt to pay for petrol? And there they are, swilling wine and munching tapas. Why go to the trouble of checking them so often if they were that concerned? Get them down to the restaurant and let them have a sleep on the seats if they're tired. Odd, dispassionate attitude to have to your children, IMHO.



                • Claire:

                  The McCann´s case is closed. Their status of suspects has been lifted that means they will never be accussed of anything since there was no evidence. Let alone being accused of murder without a body.



                  • You can't argue with facts,so swing it back on the formal answer!!!
                    Added facts: According to Kate's mum:Kate called her that evening and her first words were "It was an accident mum,an accident".Kates mum rings a friend who has a bar in Portugal and asks him to help.He calls Kate.Only ONE call or text is received on Kates phone from her mum that night at 12.31.
                    Kate answers it at 13.34.Can you imagine your mum making just one call in this situation?????
                    Another odd fact:14 "contacts" were registered on Gerry's phone to a numbered but not named mobile on 2nd May between 8.07 and 19.49.Kate and Gerry had a massive arguement that night,according to Kate,and she slept in the childrens room.
                    None of us know if these parents are involved,but the facts that I have posted show that there were indeed,some strange goings on that night.


                    • Anna:

                      Well in that case it should have been the police duty to investigate all these things instead of closing the case for good.


                      • Anna:

                        I have been thinking maybe you should write a book called: " What really happened in the McCann´s case ", since I do not think there is at the moment a book about this case out there yet. All we have are contradictory newspaper stories which is very difficult to tell what is the truth and what are the lies. Maybe with diagrams of where everyone was and how far the apartment was from the dinning area in the same complex where the parents were dining that kind of thing. I would be interested to help in the project. Although at the moment, as you know we are engaged with the television production who we are meeting on Tuesday again. But just think about this, it could be a worthwhile project.

                        Last edited by Maria; 09-27-2008, 01:06 PM.


                        • Hi Maria,
                          Absolutely!Perhaps if our government and other people,had kept out of this and let the Portuguese police do their work,instead of treating this as some sort of personal attack on our country,then this poor little girl might have had her demise investigated as it should have been....properly.
                          The police chief happens to be a genuinely nice guy,well liked by his men.
                          He said his men were pushing him to ask for hair samples from the twins,as these would show they had been sedated.He was a dad,and felt for the McCanns and their situation and was insistant that it should not look as if they were suspicious of the couple,if the press got hold of the information.
                          His family were threatened,their family dog killed, then to top it all he lost his reputation and his job.
                          A couple more facts:Gerry erased all of his calls between 23.15 and 12.03 on that night.48 minutes.He is in the Millenium bar from11pm to 11.30pm and makes a call to Kate at 11.17,which is on her phone records.
                          Samples of the cadaver liquid in the boot,showed it had been stored in ice.
                          Kate is taking a bath and has a towel wrapped around her,according to the guy who visits,the last to see Maddie alive.He stays for 30mins....she says it was 30 seconds and that she was dressed,doing her make-up at the time.
                          Personally,IF the parents were involved,I believe it was an accident,and was to do with Kate,and in the bath....I think they all panicked.....and in this situation,once you start something,you can't stop it.


                          • Anna:

                            Hold down your horses ! Remember that the last police chief who was in charged of most of the investigation was suspended and demoted because he was lazy and incompetent. He was replaced by a new one brought from Lisbon but of course, by that time, the investigation had already been botched.

                            The children were given Calpol which a very mild medicine for children administered by Kate who is a doctor. The next day... the press were saying that the children had been sedated and Madeleine murdered by accident. I mean... honestly.

                            Last edited by Maria; 09-27-2008, 01:14 PM.


                            • Maria,
                              I think you will find that that was the excuse given for his sacking,yes.But there was pressure from here also.A lot of investigating was done in this case.

                              And as for Calpol.......ask yourself this,if that were so...why did Kate,a doctor,keep putting her hand infront of their mouths to see that they were still breathing?.....on CALPOL???????......and that is in a friends statement.
                              How do you also explain the Head of Department and the nannies sent to search for Maddie not seeing the twins in the appartment before the police arrive????
                              Why wipe their phone records.....
                              Come on Maria.....even you have to now realise,there is something not right here.


                              • i have already said....

                                IF the parents were involved .....

                                I believe it to be a genuine accident.....and they did what many of us might do on the spur of the moment and in a moment of panic.....they reacted to cover it up.....and once it was started,it was impossible to backtrack.

                                Doesn't make anyone evil,infact it makes them humans....we are all capable of making a total mess up if we don't stop to think.

                                I used the word IF as I not condemming them....I'm trying to understand what MIGHT have been the situation...and one which we might all be in if we were in their shoes....who knows.

