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Sandra Levy case solved?

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  • Sandra Levy case solved?

    Wow. There may soon be an arrest in the Sandra Levy case.


  • #2

    Here is an article on the suspect.


    • #3
      Her name was Chandra.

      Let all Oz be agreed;
      I need a better class of flying monkeys.


      • #4

        Originally posted by Ally View Post
        Her name was Chandra.
        Thanks for catching this Ally!


        • #5
          It has been a heck of a year and a half or so here in America for old unsolved cases, though none of them are yet listed as officially solved. The notorious skyjacker D.B. Cooper was POSSIBLY identified as "Wolfgang" Gossett, JonBenet Ramsey's parents were officially absolved of any involvement in her death though there's no suspect to take their place, O.J. Simpson went to prison for something other than hacking two people to death but everyone knows that karma always catches up to you, and now Chandra. I remember how she was the top story of the year until 9/11 came along and became the only story there was. I hope this suspect is the right one, and that Chandra will rest in peace.


          • #6
            I hope they have more on this guy than I've seen so far.

            Since John Ramsey has been "officially absolved" he should gladly take that polygraph test now. We're still waiting old boy. John Walsh and Mark Klass never refused to take one.
            Last edited by sdreid; 02-22-2009, 05:26 PM.
            This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

            Stan Reid


            • #7
              Klaas that is
              This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

              Stan Reid


              • #8

                Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                I hope they have more on this guy than I've seen so far. Since John Ramsey has been "officially absolved" he should gladly take that polygraph test now. We're still waiting old boy.
                Hi Stan,

                Huh? Maybe we read different articles because this development is so new. They have DNA implicating the man who will be charged in the Chandra Levy case.

                And it was DNA that cleared Mr. Ramsey and the late Mrs. Ramsey in that case.

                What is it about DNA that doesn't convince you?

                Sink the Bismark


                • #9
                  Hi Roy,

                  My morning paper had a lengthy article about the Levy developments and said nothing regarding DNA. That would be the more I was talking about if that's the case.

                  The DNA in Ramsey wasn't semen so it could have been from a playmate or numerous other sources. Like I said, if the Ramseys are all innocent then the remaining members should be clamoring to take that FBI polygraph.
                  This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                  Stan Reid


                  • #10
                    D. B. Cooper

                    Originally posted by kensei View Post
                    It has been a heck of a year and a half or so here in America for old unsolved cases, though none of them are yet listed as officially solved. The notorious skyjacker D.B. Cooper was POSSIBLY identified as "Wolfgang" Gossett, JonBenet Ramsey's parents were officially absolved of any involvement in her death though there's no suspect to take their place, O.J. Simpson went to prison for something other than hacking two people to death but everyone knows that karma always catches up to you, and now Chandra. I remember how she was the top story of the year until 9/11 came along and became the only story there was. I hope this suspect is the right one, and that Chandra will rest in peace.
                    Thanks for the info on D.B. Cooper Kensei. I had never heard the claim of Gossett as D.B. Cooper. Just did some reading on the subject which is intriguing to say the least. Hopefully someone will do a DNA test to put the claim to the test. I believe they have DNA from Cooper.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sdreid View Post
                      The DNA in Ramsey wasn't semen so it could have been from a playmate or numerous other sources. Like I said, if the Ramseys are all innocent then the remaining members should be clamoring to take that FBI polygraph.
                      Here's the letter from the DA clearing the Ramseys. (click)

                      Think about it Stan. Let's say my daughter were murdered and people suspected me or my wife. Finally I received this letter from the DA. Then somebody wanted to me take a polygraph? I would tell them to kiss my arse on Main Street.

                      Sink the Bismark


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post
                        And it was DNA that cleared Mr. Ramsey and the late Mrs. Ramsey in that case. Roy
                        There is NOTHING I repeat NOTHING that could ever clear the Ramseys short of the full confession of the REAL killer.

                        First: The crimescene was compromised. Any evidence for guilt or innocence is forever questionable.

                        Second: There is no proof that the source of the DNA belongs to the killer. JBR was probably not even wearing those panties at the time of the attack.

                        Third: The Ramseys have never been fully cleared with NO involvement! My theory contends that it was somone else who killed her and the Ramseys were involved in the crime of child sexual abuse against JBR and are therfore equally responsible for the murders.

                        Finally: About the only argument I would accept for the Ramseys innocence is that they were framed. That is that the note was so blatenly obvious it was a fake that the police should have known that it was a coverup and that the kidnapping/killing by a stranger scenario was as implausable then as it is now.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post
                          Think about it Stan. Let's say my daughter were murdered and people suspected me or my wife. Finally I received this letter from the DA. Then somebody wanted to me take a polygraph? I would tell them to kiss my Ares on Main Street.

                          That would be your choice but then don't be surprised when people think you have a "good" reason for doing that.

                          Getting back to Levy, has this guy been arrested? I keep hearing that he's going to be arrested but not that he has been arrested. What gives?
                          This my opinion and to the best of my knowledge, that is, if I'm not joking.

                          Stan Reid


                          • #14
                            He's already in jail for attacking two women in the same park where Levy disappeared, so I don't think there is any great rush at this time. They are no doubt being very careful about building their case, so that when they do charge him, it will be watertight. Since there is no imminent danger to the public, there is no reason for them to go rushing in halfcocked.

                            Let all Oz be agreed;
                            I need a better class of flying monkeys.


                            • #15
                              Thanks, Ally. Since they've got that sucker on ice, let's get back to the Ramseys.

                              There is NOTHING I repeat NOTHING that could ever clear the Ramseys short of the full confession of the REAL killer.

                              Yes there is Mitch, the letter from the DA.

                              First: The crimescene was compromised. Any evidence for guilt or innocence is forever questionable.

                              Second: There is no proof that the source of the DNA belongs to the killer. JBR was probably not even wearing those panties at the time of the attack.

                              They had her body, in the clothes she was wearing, with the DNA on the clothes. Here is the relavant portion of the letter from the DA:

                              "We contracted with the Bode Laboratory to use the scraping method for touch DNA on the long johns that JonBenet wore and that were probably handled by the perpetrator during the couse of this crime.

                              Tthe lab was able to develop a profile from DNA recovered from the two sides of the long johns. The previously identified profile from the crotch of the underwear worn by JonBenet at the time of the murder matched the DNA recovered from the long johns.

                              The match of male DNA on two separate items of clothing worn by the victim at the time of the murder makes it clear to us that an unknown male handled these items. Despite substantial efforts over the years to identify the source of this DNA, there is no innocent explanation for its incriminating presence at three sites on these two different items of clothing that JonBenet was wearing at the time of her murder."

                              Third: The Ramseys have never been fully cleared with NO involvement! My theory contends that it was somone else who killed her and the Ramseys were involved in the crime of child sexual abuse against JBR and are therfore equally responsible for the murders.

                              Extensive interviews with the pediatrician and family friends and acquaintances revealed no child abuse, sexual or otherwise.

                              Finally: About the only argument I would accept for the Ramseys innocence is that they were framed. That is that the note was so blatenly obvious it was a fake that the police should have known that it was a coverup and that the kidnapping/killing by a stranger scenario was as implausable then as it is now.

                              On this part, I'm afraid I don't follow you, Mitch, so can't respond.

                              Sink the Bismark

