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Numerology And Catching The Ripper

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  • #31
    No you’re wrong
    Completely wrong
    Not a clue, have I for you
    Round a computer, Slowly they riel
    Think of an object, driving them wild
    My search for a psychic with balls
    My search for a psychic with balls

    Still on my desk,
    In need of a rest
    You must guess it soon, tomorrow by noon
    Or I’ll not believe in the powers possessed
    By those that claim that he future is set…
    A search for a psychic with balls



    • #32
      Monica Lewinsky's dress
      Sink the Bismark


      • #33
        :rubs the corns on a neighbors foot:: Give me a second and I'll let you know what it is....

        It was coming to me but I think I might need to cast some pinto beans into the fireside.

        yes's either a crystal ball or a smurfs diaphram.
        "Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas. ~Shoseki

        When one has one's hand full of truth it is not always wise to open it. ~French Proverb

        Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident. ~Arthur Schopenhauer


        • #34
          Originally posted by Chakk View Post
          This case resonates with Grail lore in numbers and in reality:

          Robert D'Onston Stephenson changed his name to Roslyn.
          Roslyn = A name used by Robert D'Onston Stephenson
          Roslyn = A coal mining town in Washington
          Rosslyn = The alleged location of the final resting place of the Holy Grail.

          Hardly a connection! Unless the Holy Grail is buried down a coal mine in Washington!! Someone get me Dan Brown!!
          Regards Mike


          • #35
            On the desk...Stilton?
            Roll up the lino, Mother. We're raising Behemoth tonight!


            • #36
              Regards Mike


              • #37
                Originally posted by Roy Corduroy View Post
                Monica Lewinsky's dress
                Can't be her. A psychic would've seen what was coming...
                Kind regards, Sam Flynn

                "Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Graham View Post
                  I would be profoundly interested if you can provide definite information that Sullivan was acquainted with James Maybrick and Stephen.
                  These connections offer mere impressions of the case reinforcing numerological ones. Standing alone they appear flimsey. Altogether with other arts you get a strong impression.
                  It may not be right though. The devil is in the interpretation.
                  The author of the Maybrick Diary, I think, makes the same link with Sullivan when he writes, "No heart. No heart."....


                  • #39
                    This is getting spooky. I've always thought the diary author would have been wise to have Michael Maybrick's brother writing with Gilbert & Sullivan in mind, considering the Mikado revival in mid-1888, featuring Ko-Ko the Lord High Executioner, followed in the October by Yeomen. Jack Point made his debut on October 3rd, days after the name Jack the Ripper was born.

                    There is a line in the diary referring back to the Eddowes murder which goes:

                    I showed no fright and indeed no light

                    It always makes me think of:

                    I sipped no sup and I craved no crumb.

                    Now, Pirate, would your blue thingy be a plastic desk tidy?


                    Last edited by caz; 12-02-2008, 01:57 PM.
                    "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                    • #40
                      Even more spooky, I just typed and posted that after Blackkat's "Sam".

                      What's up with the numbers on the casebook clock???



                      And Blackkat's post still appears after this one for some strange reason.
                      Last edited by caz; 12-02-2008, 01:54 PM.
                      "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                      • #41
                        Wrong again Caz, but you were probably the closest as the object was a simple coffee cup which in the interests of hygiene I have this morning put into the dish washer.

                        It was of course rather a cheap trick asking a psychic to predict something specific. My experience of this, and I have probably been involved in more serious psychic investigations of this kind than any-‘body’ else (groan) is that psychic predictions are largely random hit and miss affairs and certainly not constant enough to ‘actually find a missing body’.

                        That’s not saying that some of the psychic tests I was involved with were not interesting…those of you who know the murder site of Poly Nichols will know its proximity to Whitechapel Road. On my experiment we started in the Sainsbury’s car park behind the blind beggar. The psychic in question lead us onto Whitechapel High road walking towards the city (interestingly he stopped for a while and gazed up at what I later discovered was the inquest building)…..he turned right into the small passageway that leads over the railway line behind bucks Row and stopped almost behind the murder site on the railway side. He then proceeded round the Old school House at the top of Bucks row and walked down Bucks Row straight pass the murder site to two thirds of the way down. He then said he was not certain and proceeded back up Bucks Row stopping directly opposite the murder site but on the wrong side of the road and stated rather uncertainly that ‘that was the spot’… I guess he was may be 25 to 30 feet away from the spot starting from the Sainsbury’s car park.

                        Personally I thought this was fairly good. Of course the question is what exactly was he doing? Was he being guided by the ghostly spirit of dead people or was he tapping into the experts and camera crew around him…clearly both I and the expert we were with new where we were going so did he somehow anticipate ‘What we wanted?’

                        Again I have no explanation other than to say that that was probably the best I’ve witnessed. Searches for other missing persons all drew a blank. And I don’t believe using psychic’s to locate Madi’s body would be of any use what so ever. In all cases where we searched for something where no one new the location of what we were searching for, a blank was drawn.


                        PS One other spooky thing about the Bucks Row experiment. I was filming the psychic walking backwards and when I returned to the edit suit I noticed that my camera had slipped out of record while I was standing almost exactly on the murder spot while heading down Bucks Row…I must have noticed it and gone back into record at the bottom of Bucks Row…but a strange but true coincidence.
                        Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 12-02-2008, 03:06 PM.


                        • #42

                          "Truth only reveals itself when one gives up all preconceived ideas. ~Shoseki

                          When one has one's hand full of truth it is not always wise to open it. ~French Proverb

                          Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized. In the first, it is ridiculed, in the second it is opposed, in the third it is regarded as self-evident. ~Arthur Schopenhauer


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by caz View Post
                            There is a line in the diary referring back to the Eddowes murder which goes:
                            I showed no fright and indeed no light

                            It always makes me think of:

                            I sipped no sup and I craved no crumb.
                            Spoken by a jester named Jack involved in a love triangle....

                            I remember "no heart" coming from Princess ....Another Victorian equivalent of today's "Don't have a cow, man!" and "D'Oh!"?

                            Is it any coincidence that the Zodiac was a Mikado fan and the main suspect's name was Arthur Leigh Allen. I'm certain he played his part whatever it was.
                            The local mystery I investigated involved a man named Arthur (father of victim and suspect). I'm beginning to think these unsolved cases all lie in the blind spot of Britian and the Americas.
                            The name Arthur adds up to 32 or 5, the grail number. Why has the name grown into disfavour?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Chakk View Post
                              The author of the Maybrick Diary, I think, makes the same link with Sullivan when he writes, "No heart. No heart."....
                              The quote " heart have you," comes from the Lord Tennyson poem, The Princess, which is the basis for Gilbert and Sullivan's Princess Ida. G&S phrase the same sentiment thusly:

                              I am a maiden, cold and stately
                              Heartless I, with face divine
                              What do I want with the heart inately....


                              • #45
                                Hi Chakk,

                                Interestingly, it was said by a Maybrick family friend that Michael - famous for composing music, not writing lyrics or poetry - 'thought he should be classed with Shakespeare, Byron, Milton and Tennyson'.

                                Again, anyone faking the diary, with all its terrible poetry, would have been wise to consider what the Maybrick boys would have been made to read at school, in addition to what they might have read for pleasure and what would have drawn them to the theatre.

                                Not much is known about James's cultural influences or preferences, but he spoke to a business associate who supplied him with arsenic ("almost enough to poison a regiment") about De Quincy's Confessions of an Opium-Eater. James remarked that De Quincy had been able to take as much as 900 drops of laudanum in a day, and that arsenic meant much the same to him: "It is meat and liquor to me".


                                "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov

