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The use of occult to solve a mystery (MADELINE MACCANN CASE)

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  • #31
    I watched some footage only last week of Yvette kicking a cupboard door and then going, "Did you hear that?"

    It was your leg Yvette!!

    I am off before Stuart and Karl chuch stones at me!
    Regards Mike


    • #32
      Hi Phil

      I will answer your question as openly and as honestly as I can. Firstly I must state that I have never worked for or had any dealings with the production company Antix. And secondly I do not believe in life after death, at least in a traditional sense.

      Within the industry Antix have a certain, lets say reputation, and I think you should aim any questions you have about those specific productions at the company responsible. What I can tell you is at the time the company fell out with Derek and there were personal issues and behind the scenes grudges.

      That said I did Produce and Direct a production with Derek Acorah called “ Derek Acorah’s quest for Guy Fawkes”. I had sole responsibility for creating this program and I can assure you that at no time did I or any of my crew feed Derek information. Of course the problem with any psychic historical television program is two fold. Firstly, the producer (in this case myself) can only research the program from known historical writings. I can read books, look things up, but I only know what I have read. So if a psychic gives me information, I can only confirm what is known…if a psychic says ‘Guy Fawkes was in love with ‘Liz Brown’ and there is no historical record of a Liz Brown, well its sort of outside of what is known, and not much use in terms of my program….so psychic TV is fundamentally about belief, you either believe it or you do not..

      Of course its quite possible that Derek spent hundreds of hours researching Guy Fawkes and feeding back information. I have no way of knowing for sure. All I can say is given that I would have expected Derek to have been much better. ( i dont recall Derek being up all night on Google indeed I'm not certain derek could turn a computer on) He simply got lots of information that appeared to me to be wrong or I couldn’t make head nor tale of it. Of course defenders of psychics might say that was my problem because I’m working from history books that carry limited information, and of course on that point they are correct. I can only put in information that I or an expert tells me is correct.
      So its possible that Derek wasn’t wrong, there’s no way of being 100% certain. Very little is actually known for certain about the gun powder plot. And clearly Derek also got some things correct, otherwise I wouldn’t have had a program. Bear in mind that ALL TV IS EDITED.

      What ever you choose to believe these programs are clearly marked at the end as entertainment. That’s what they are. I took considerable time and effort to ensure that the information contained in that program was factually correct. Indeed if a mistake went out in the program it could do considerable damage. I noted from factual productions created at the time by the BBC and Channel four factual errors contained within their programs about Guy Fawkes……there were non in Derek’s production, everything claimed, names dates etc, were carefully researched..

      I’m not claiming that Derek is or is not a genuine psychic, but he does reach a different audience to the BBC or Channel 4, and that audience now has a better grasp of the factual story of the gun powder plot than they other wise would have done, there is nothing fake in that.

      All I can add on a personal level is that my dealings with Derek Acorah, as a person, were very good. I found him charming, down to earth and extremely pleasant. Quite different to a number of much more famous TV presenters I have worked with in the past, whose names I sharnt mention.

      At the end of the day I would not take any information passed to me by a psychic or fortune teller very seriously. However I’m not convinced that some of them don’t have very heightened mental abilities of what my mum would call ‘female perception’ clearly some of their guesses are better than you or I seem to be able to achieve. And despite having studied and worked with a number of well known psychics I have no explanation for everything they do. (I’ve also worked with a number of famous magicians) Whatever it is they do do, varies a lot, doesn’t have any logic, and seems largely to evolve around PEOPLE rather than the dead.

      That said, Have I personally never experienced or witnessed anything supernatural?

      No I have not.

      But I think it would be foolish to dismiss everyone who claims that they have just because I have not. The human brain is a remarkable organ and still little understood. I gather from the weekend papers that scientists have now established that mammals navigate using magnetic maps…now who would have thought that?

      There’s lots I do not claim to understand. I believe a famous philosopher once stated

      “I know I know nothing”

      As for Derek, well he’s great entertainment. And if I had the chance to work with him again I would…..I’d love to go Treasure hunting….find the Amber Room and I could retire….until then I’ll keep slaving away.

      Yours Pirate
      Last edited by Jeff Leahy; 12-02-2008, 04:45 AM.


      • #33
        Hi everyone,

        I do know the company Antix.

        There is a lot of pressure to come up with entertainment for the public on live events.

        I don't think anyone means to openly deceive and upset people....but they have to keep their programme popular,and the viewing figures up.

        Personally,I enjoy the live programmes purely as "an evening of live entertainment",and it doesn't bother me that they are obviously helping things along,so to speak....makes it all the more funnier,especially when you hear the interaction on their open microphones,as they are always set loud enough to pick up every word!!!.

        If people want a bit of fun...have a look at the forums during the live don't have to register to read them,just to post comments.

        Recent "Most Haunted Live" ****-up....The guy who owns the night club in Streatham,that was doing the occult stuff with Lesley ...can't think of his name...did a "putting pins in Voodoo doll" thing...and with OMG Brian,the resident joke of a medium on the programme,in the receipient,supposedly without his knowledge.Having"loaded the doll" prior,removed it from a box, and sent it over to Yvette out at the live location....unfortunately it took longer to reach Yvette than planned,she was sitting at a table doing "Ouija"...and kept saying "where's that bloody doll".
        Anyway,she was told the pin was in Brians leg.....before she got the doll,he was seen hopping up and down saying "Oh,my leg"!!!!
        The boards are always having a go at them.....Kath does a lot of the throwing of things etc...and can get distracted and forgets to do what she is told....and you can hear them whispering to her...Yvette can get quite nasty to her at times,as poor Kath is always miserable and sulky.


        • #34
          The gent you refer to in the latest Most Haunted live was Fred Batt, who owned/owns "Caesers Nightclub" which was featured in series 2 of the show. The team were investigating Ruth Ellis but I recall the Krays coming through.

          Then the next episode of the same series featured Fred Batt's own home aka "The Clockhouse" which was again investigated.

          You might ask yourself at this point "What the hell is he doing on a live show?"

          The answer was revelaed on Living TV's behind the scenes on Karl and Yvette, it appears that Fred Batt is having a relationship with Yvettes mum!

          Regards Mike


          • #35
            Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
            The gent you refer to in the latest Most Haunted live was Fred Batt, who owned/owns "Caesers Nightclub" which was featured in series 2 of the show. The team were investigating Ruth Ellis but I recall the Krays coming through.

            Then the next episode of the same series featured Fred Batt's own home aka "The Clockhouse" which was again investigated.

            You might ask yourself at this point "What the hell is he doing on a live show?"

            The answer was revelaed on Living TV's behind the scenes on Karl and Yvette, it appears that Fred Batt is having a relationship with Yvettes mum!

            You laugh this is how 95% of TV is actually made, nepotism, nah, highly paid professional TV research


            • #36
              Originally posted by Pirate Jack View Post
              ..and in all that time I only ever received one piece of useful information....and some might argue that the mathamatics of 'Probability' meant I didnt get a very good return...I'm not saying I think psychics are fakes..I'm just saying 'they aint very good' best.
              Darcy O'Brien's Hillside Stranglers book mentions a psychic who said it was "two Italian cousins". That's the only proven correct exact piece of information I've ever read about.
              So some might argue we got 100% return from nothing. If a cancer medicine cures 1 person and kills 99, no one is going to throw it away. I don't know what you expect. Asking an occult practitioner to find the answer based on one art like astrology is like asking a criminologist to solve a case using only witness statements. It can be done but why do it unless you have to. (If I had to I'd pick, I'd pick the identikit released in August this year and the sighting in Holland after the abduction of the Portuguese guy with the French girlfriend).
              While I don't like to stick out my head even anonymously like JtR, I do agree with him that there might be a "Davinci Code" element to the case. If you don't think it's possible, remember abortion doctor killer, James Kopp, was hiding in Rennes.


              • #37
                Hi Chakk

                I’m not certain quite what you are trying to say here? My point is fairly clear, I have participate in a large number of ‘psychic investigations'. And on each occasion I tried to be as open minded as possible, and followed that information as far as possible.

                There was nothing in those investigations that lead me to believe that those concerned were faking or trying to trick people. On the contary, I believe on the whole the people I worked with were entirely sincere. And I am at a loss to explain everything that I was given, information wise, in the course of that five years, taking part in those investigations.

                However, at no point was I ever involved in an investigation that actually uncovered anything physical. i.e. a missing person or body. Yes I did track down people following information I was provided with….but any good detective could have done the same.

                So I’m telling you as a matter of experience of ‘Psyhic Detection’ I don’t believe there is a psychic or person claiming ‘psychic’ abilities who can actually find Madi’s body….its that simple.

                And attempting to do so can only cause more pain for those concerned, and not solve anything.

                For what its worth I believe ‘inocent until proven guilty’ and dont think the McCann's are guilty.

                All the best



                • #38
                  Originally posted by Pirate Jack View Post
                  However, at no point was I ever involved in an investigation that actually uncovered anything physical. i.e. a missing person or body.
                  Pirate Jack, mediocre or middling results don't bother me though because I don't need convincing. Accept its limitations and take what you can get.
                  I have a local missing girl case and I don't expect to be able to find her body without laying hands on the guilty party, who in this case looks to be the father. Unlike the McCann's, he had ample opportunity to permanently hide the body on his 2 hour trip out of town on deliveries. Could I or a psychic find the body? Not likely. Certainly not without taking in the lay of the land. I don't doubt that it was probably at the first place he could safely turn off and park without being noticed by too many people.
                  I believe psychics in the X-Box boy case told the parents to go back to the original search area and he was found by hunters 2km from his abandoned bike. It's easy to look psychic these days.
                  Last edited by Chakk; 12-18-2008, 04:41 AM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Chakk View Post
                    Pirate Jack, mediocre or middling results don't bother me though because I don't need convincing. Accept its limitations and take what you can get.
                    As long as you do this and do not provide false hope to vonerable people I think your correct. I'm not trying to knock your belief.

                    Originally posted by Chakk View Post
                    I have a local missing girl case and I don't expect to be able to find her body without laying hands on the guilty party, who in this case looks to be the father. Unlike the McCann's, he had ample opportunity to permanently hide the body on his 2 hour trip out of town on deliveries. Could I or a psychic find the body? Not likely. Certainly not without taking in the lay of the land. I don't doubt that it was probably at the first place he could safely turn off and park without being noticed by too many people.
                    I believe psychics in the X-Box boy case told the parents to go back to the original search area and he was found by hunters 2km from his abandoned bike. It's easy to look psychic these days.
                    If a psychic helps people to re-look at old ground, brings new publicity to a cold case. Then yes perhaps some good can come of it. Certainly the CIA used remote viewers and claimed it worked for them.

                    I know of one famous case in Liverpool where a mother just wanted as much publicity as possible to help keep her daughters killer inside prison. So some good certainly comes from such investigations.

                    However I'm sure you and i would not wish to be convicted on 'Psychic' evidence. Its just to vage and 'wishy washy'. If it helps some real detection try new avenues and thought to come up with tangible results then perhaps its justified.

                    But as you say it has its limitations and on the whole can do little to provide any sold evidence. It rarely leads far. The programs I made were clearly labled as 'Entertainment' and I think that was for the best.

                    And all the best and a Merry Xmas to you Chakk, have a good one.

                    Yours Pirate


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Jack the Ripper View Post
                      What has become one of the greatest mysteries lately is that of the Madeline Maccann case. The Police using convenstional techniques are no nearer in solving the whereabouts of the missing girl. I shall now demonstate how this mystery is solved through the use of the occult. The girl madeline is still missing. No sight, no clues, no scent she has dissappeared into thin air. I thought I take this oppotunity to adduce where she is through the art of divination. Since ordinary methods have not revealed the whereabouts of the child. Let us begin. Firstly in astrology the first place to look into coming events is the birth chart. Madeline was born 12th may 2003. The first thing an experienced astrologer notices is the exact 90 angle of mercury and neptune. Meanin she will be decieved. This is the starting point in finding madeline through astrology. Secondly one must look at the transits for the day she was abducted and these show that the sun and mercury conjunct on the 3rd of may was also conjunct her mercury and square Neptune. This means deception in travel most certainly. I have looked for death in her chart by the postion of pluto. there is another possibility and her chart does reveal the possiblities of MURDER. For the sun on the day of abduction is at 13 degrees taurus which sqaures her natal mars. This is indicative of ego conflict. Also on the day of her dissappearence mercury squared her natal Mars. In her yearly progressed chart it shows that at the age of turning 4 years her natal mars had conjunct Neptune. This often indicates travel indeed she went on holiday. But this conjunction would also of been squared by transiting sun conjunct mercury this would mean danger with toxic substances or steam or water (Neptune). I have looked at her fathers chart. Gerry Maccann. (5th june 1968). And the results are quite revealing for in his natal chart he has a square mars and Pluto. This square is indicative of a fatal flaw in the personality his tendency if pushed is to violence. Normally this aspect kept under wraps and is only shown in stressful moments when negatively aspected. Looking at the transits for the day madeline dissappeared in the fathers chart it showed that MARS was in exact opposition to his natal Pluto (very violent aspect). This bad aspect for that day could mean a fight broke out between himself and his daughter. This possibilty has been ruled out by the police after interviewing the parents. But astrology reveals a strong possibility that the FATHER either accidentally, or through an assault could have killed Madeleine. But if GERRY MACCAN did kill his daughter where is the body? Also the evidence given to police from the parents state that MR MACCAN while alone looked in on the children at the chalet at 9.00pm and also at 9.45pm. Then the Mother looked in on the chalet at 10.00pm and found the child missing. If the Father committed the murder at 9.00pm he would have had time to dispose of the body and then return and say everything ok. What could of happened to the body of the child? Astrology reveals in the progressed chart of Madeline a conjunction of MARS AND NEPTUNE. Which as I said meant travel also it means propagander (the case has generated much of that). But also the conjunction if afflicted badly which in her case it was means NEPTUNIAN DEATH. Neptune RULES water and toxic substances. There is a high possbility that Madeline after being murdered by the father in a fit of rage hid the body in the sea near the chalet. Some may say this all impossible and a joke. But there are big conflicts in the planets between daughter and Father on the day she went missing and it has not been unknown that murder sometimes occurs through the nearest and dearest.If I was the Portugal police I look very carefully at the FATHER.

                      The birth chart reveals the planetary cycles of life and death. We must look at the position of SATURN (SKELETON/DEATH' SEVENTH ORB)) the achiles heel of a horoscope. This position in the birthchart of Madeline reveals the position of SATURN at 26 degrees Gemini. This is most interesting. Firstly Saturn is placed in the double twins sign (Gemini). MADELELINE disappeared between her twin brother and sister. Secondly her SAtURN is positioned at 26 degrees GENMINI. The Maccans hired a car to move the body of MADELINE on the 25th day after her dissappearance. Astrology suggests that her body (SATURN) was moved into the car on the 26th day. One day after the car was hired. Therefore the movements of the parents must be analysed on the 29th MAY (26 days after her dissappearance) to give a clue of where they placed the Body. Where the body of MADELEINE will be found? MERCURY (SYMBOLIC Of CHILD) moved into CANCER ON THE 29TH of May. Cancer reveals (the MOTHER for Cancer is ruled by the MOON). The spotlight therefore is on the mother and her pschology and this reveals in her thinking the place of the child.

                      1. Christian (Thorns)
                      2. Catholic (church)
                      3. High Status


                      So, Madelaine's death at the hands of her parents was all written in the stars? So why don't you people put your talents to some REAL use and predict (therefore prevent) these events?

                      This is wicked poppycock that can only cause more pain and anguish to Madelaine's family.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Limehouse View Post
                        So, Madelaine's death at the hands of her parents was all written in the stars? So why don't you people put your talents to some REAL use and predict (therefore prevent) these events?

                        This is wicked poppycock that can only cause more pain and anguish to Madelaine's family.
                        Well said Limehouse.
                        Regards Mike


                        • #42
                          Oooooooooooooooooooooooooh Gawd here we go again!! The new video is well- expected....her hum
                          Bringing the occult/horoscopes into this is just making the plot thicker- if that were possible--Having said that I reckon a good psychic had this sussed years ago...nobody listened-- as in the appalling Shannon case they knew what was what and actually accused Mother (!) face to face!!
                          Having said that (again! sorry!)- I've had my 'dealings ' in these matters over the years and IMHO anything that bubbles to the surface is always worth a look into.....
                          Last edited by Suzi; 12-21-2008, 03:41 PM.
                          'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                          • #43
                            Well, a lot of psychics in general are vague to hook people in, belief is powerful...On the other hand what about the research that proves the Tarot to be Accurate?


                            • #44
                              What research is that then?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Shelley View Post
                                Well, a lot of psychics in general are vague to hook people in, belief is powerful...On the other hand what about the research that proves the Tarot to be Accurate?
                                I subscribe to all the paranormal related magazines, and get emails and updates on the latest news, and have yet to hear about this research.

                                My wife uses tarot, angel cards, gypsy cards, fairy cards, runes, dice, and pendulum, and hasn't heard of such a break thru either.
                                Regards Mike

