Roanoke Colony / North America / 1585 - 1587
I read about this story when I was a kid and it always somehow fascinated me how an entire colony just disappeared, and it was the first real attempted at an English colony in North America? Most theories say that the colonists’ left the colony after there crops failed and all the food ran out - they then lived with a near by Native American tribe or that those a Native American tribe attack and killed the colonists for one reason or another. But both of those theories have problems, If they lived with the Native Americans in the area how these hundreds of colonists where never seen again (just three years later after the their last sighting) and if they where attacked and killed by Native Americans, then how come no evidence of a struggle/fight or even a body (or skeleton) was ever found even modern-day archaeologist? It’s a mystery that still holds…
I read about this story when I was a kid and it always somehow fascinated me how an entire colony just disappeared, and it was the first real attempted at an English colony in North America? Most theories say that the colonists’ left the colony after there crops failed and all the food ran out - they then lived with a near by Native American tribe or that those a Native American tribe attack and killed the colonists for one reason or another. But both of those theories have problems, If they lived with the Native Americans in the area how these hundreds of colonists where never seen again (just three years later after the their last sighting) and if they where attacked and killed by Native Americans, then how come no evidence of a struggle/fight or even a body (or skeleton) was ever found even modern-day archaeologist? It’s a mystery that still holds…