I thought I would put out some feelers on whether this could be a topic of discussion, since a great many citizens of London frequent this board. Feel free to shoot down the idea, I guess, since it always seems to raise great controversy whenever it comes up online. "It" being the story of Bishop Sean Manchester and the literally real vampires he is supposed to have encountered and dispatched in Highgate and Finchley in northern London between the late 1960s and the early 1980s, as documented in his 1985 book "The Highgate Vampire." I've always had a fascination with such stories as far back in history as they can be found, and I visited Highgate Cemetery on an English vacation in 2004 where I found the tour guides to be none too amused by questions about the vampire. "We don't encourage that kind of talk around here," was the stone-faced reply, rather than treating the subject with mocking humor as might have been expected.
I will make an invitation for anyone with any knowlege of the case, or opinions, or criticisms, or whatever, to offer their input. One observation- I have seen the macabre events at Highgate Cemetery mentioned not only in Manchester's book but even in an official London travel guide.
I will make an invitation for anyone with any knowlege of the case, or opinions, or criticisms, or whatever, to offer their input. One observation- I have seen the macabre events at Highgate Cemetery mentioned not only in Manchester's book but even in an official London travel guide.