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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • the advanced security arrangements made for this specific trip were the
    most stringent and thorough ever employed by the Secret Service for the
    visit of a President to an American city

    ( Roy Kellerman to FBI agents Sibert & O'Neil)

    "The Secret Service's alteration of the original Dallas Police Department motorcycle deployment plan prevented the use of maximum possible security precautions...Surprisingly, the security
    measure used in the prior motorcades during the same Texas visit (11/21/63) shows that the deployment of motorcycles in Dallas by the Secret Service may have been uniquely insecure.

    (HSCA Volume 11, page 529)

    Yet at least 6 motorcycles surrounded JFK's limousine (including on or two directly beside him) on 3/23/63 in Chicago1, on the European tour of June-July 1963 (encompassing Germany, Italy, and Ireland)2, the 11/18/63 Florida trip3, and, most importantly, in San Antonio on 11/21/634, Houston on 11/21/635, and Fort Worth on the morning of 11/22/63.

    Kellerman watched Kennedy's brains being blown out instead of getting the President to safety.

    That was part of
    the most stringent and thorough security arrangementsever employed by the Secret Service for the
    visit of a President to an American city


    • Originally posted by caz View Post

      I know what it was - a dangerous misuse of statistics by FISHY, which demonstrated his inability to distinguish between numbers and percentages. This was explained to him several times, not just by me, and yet he still failed to grasp the very simple concept, or just couldn't bear to be proven wrong. I don't recall an acknowledgement of his mistake, or an apology for posting misleading figures to make a spurious argument about the effectiveness of the covid vaccines.

      To put it simply, he used numbers to claim that more vaccinated people died than unvaccinated, while ignoring the fact that the first group far outnumbered the second, and utterly failing to appreciate why this made a world of difference.

      A hypothetical example would be if, for every hundred people getting their jabs, there were ten who refused, and twelve vaccinated people still got covid and died, while only nine died unvaccinated. FISHY was seeking to make a direct comparison between the number of deaths [i.e. more deaths among the vaccinated than among the unvaccinated ] without taking any account of the number of survivors in each group, which in this case would be eighty-eight, or 88%, of those who had been vaccinated, compared with just one, or 10%, of those who hadn't.

      In case FISHY is still in the dark, I'll give him an analogy more appropriate for this thread. A thousand people gather in a public place to see a famous person. A small group of protesters stand together, away from the main crowd. A disaffected young man approaches with a loaded gun and a bad attitude. Suddenly, he opens fire on the nearest target and all but one of the protesters are killed or badly wounded. He then heads towards the excited crowd and manages to kill or injure twice as many fans as there were protesters, before being cornered and turning the gun on himself.

      The gunman had the ability to shoot at both groups of people regardless, and more fans fell than protesters. But only in FISHY's world would this mean that he was less likely, or no more likely, to be shot if he'd been among the protesters.

      I don't know about anyone else, but it doesn't give me any confidence in FISHY's ability to reason his way out of a bag of chips.


      What a ludicrous bullshittt post caz , your not worth the effort to explain any further , you were wrong and you know it.

      You obviously don't live in NSW ,you don't know what was told my our media source and what actually was the case regarding covid at the time ,

      So please just zip your mouth on the topic..


      • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

        I would also like to know how this is supposed to have worked. Is the conspiracy argument that JFK was shot from the book building and then someone else in a totally different location (e.g the knoll) reacted in a split second (e.g. seven tenths of a second) and also shot him? Or is it that there were no shots from the book building and just some other location? Surely it can't be the former as it is far fetched to the point of being totally ridiculous.
        Two shots deliberately fired at the same time is ludicrous.

        Two shots accidentally fired at the same time is unlikely, but possible.

        The problem for the theory is it requires a magic bullet the struck JFK in the front, turn to the left to pass through his brain and then completely disappeared. As well as a grassy knoll shooter who magically disappeared along with his rifle and any spent cartridges.
        "The full picture always needs to be given. When this does not happen, we are left to make decisions on insufficient information." - Christer Holmgren

        "Unfortunately, when one becomes obsessed by a theory, truth and logic rarely matter." - Steven Blomer


        • Originally posted by Fiver View Post

          Two shots deliberately fired at the same time is ludicrous.

          There is overwhelming evidence that two shots were fired at about the same time.


          • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
            Oswald's alibi is pretty good. He saw Junior Jarman and Harold Norman around 7 minutes before the assassination on the ground floor. Couple this with Bonnie Ray Williams account of eating his lunch on the 6th floor from noon until around 12.20 and the very concept of Oswald being on the 6th floor is for the birds. But there are more birds than humans.

            Of course it's not a cast iron alibi: Oswald wasn't seen anywhere at the time of the assassination. (That applies to the case for the prosecution voiced by FBI.)But if he had been elsewhere I am sure we would be told his alibi was 'too perfect' and signified a predisposed plan to remove himself from the scene. Oswald is damned is he does, and damned if he doesn't. Which is what happens when you ae prosecuted without a defence lawyer. Prosecuted by an FBI whose J. Edgar Hoover denied the existence of a 'mafia' as late as 1956. He was too busy hunting down subversives.
            Of course that’s really believable isn’t it. Oswald sees Jarman and Norman in a room that’s about the size of a snooker table but they don’t see him. Perhaps he’d borrowed an invisibility cloak from Harry Potter. Oswald lied. Just like he lied about the curtain rods. And he lied when he pretended to be the only person in Dallas that didn’t know that the President was coming. How can anyone be this gullible.

            Oswald was seen nowhere else at the time of the murder. He has no alibi because we know exactly where he was and exactly what he was doing. It certainly wasn’t work because he hadn’t done a stroke all morning (another thing that the conspiracy theorists conveniently ignore)

            Oswald was 100% guilty. There’s not even the remotest chance of him being innocent. It’s simply impossible. So you have to resort to inventions to try and exonerate a murderer.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

              There is overwhelming evidence that two shots were fired at about the same time.

              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


              • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                What a ludicrous bullshittt post caz , your not worth the effort to explain any further , you were wrong and you know it.

                You obviously don't live in NSW ,you don't know what was told my our media source and what actually was the case regarding covid at the time ,

                So please just zip your mouth on the topic..
                If I say something like that you and George weep floods. Another hypocrite.

                Are you going to accept that you and St. George have been using a document that’s been proven a forgery? Nah, why change the habits of a lifetime.

                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                • That a conspiracy is childish, unthinking, dishonest nonsense has been overwhelmingly proven..except to the clueless, the gullible and the manipulators of evidence. The fact that they can’t answer a single point proves the utter redundancy of their viewpoint.

                  Its impossible to lose an argument against that kind of opposition.

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • Fishy,

                    Better not to insult anyone like Caz. I often disagree with her but she always offers superficial respect. So better, I think, to do likewise.

                    If Oswald was on the ground floor at 12.23, as his replies to Fritz suggest and are indirectly verified, then in terms of common sense he could not have been in the sniper's nest at 12.30. Whatever his previous role or subsequent actions, he was not the gunman.

                    Who was the first person the authorities discovered on the 6th floor after the assassination? I genuinely do not know.


                    • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post
                      the advanced security arrangements made for this specific trip were the
                      most stringent and thorough ever employed by the Secret Service for the
                      visit of a President to an American city

                      ( Roy Kellerman to FBI agents Sibert & O'Neil)

                      "The Secret Service's alteration of the original Dallas Police Department motorcycle deployment plan prevented the use of maximum possible security precautions...Surprisingly, the security
                      measure used in the prior motorcades during the same Texas visit (11/21/63) shows that the deployment of motorcycles in Dallas by the Secret Service may have been uniquely insecure.

                      (HSCA Volume 11, page 529)

                      Yet at least 6 motorcycles surrounded JFK's limousine (including on or two directly beside him) on 3/23/63 in Chicago1, on the European tour of June-July 1963 (encompassing Germany, Italy, and Ireland)2, the 11/18/63 Florida trip3, and, most importantly, in San Antonio on 11/21/634, Houston on 11/21/635, and Fort Worth on the morning of 11/22/63.

                      Kellerman watched Kennedy's brains being blown out instead of getting the President to safety.

                      That was part of
                      the most stringent and thorough security arrangementsever employed by the Secret Service for the
                      visit of a President to an American city

                      You’re an utter disgrace. Assassinating the characters of decent men doing their jobs under difficult circumstances. I wonder if you;d have the nerve to repeat those utterly despicable claims if you were faced with those men’s children and grandchildren?

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
                        Oswald's alibi is pretty good

                        I don't know how good Oswald's alibi was, but he would not necessarily have needed to produce a cast iron alibi in order to be acquitted.

                        Dallas Police Chief Curry admitted that he could not prove that Oswald was standing at the sixth floor SE window with a Carcano in his hands
                        when the President went by.

                        That is a fairly remarkable admission.


                        • Originally posted by cobalt View Post

                          Better not to insult anyone like Caz. I often disagree with her but she always offers superficial respect. So better, I think, to do likewise.

                          If Oswald was on the ground floor at 12.23, as his replies to Fritz suggest and are indirectly verified, then in terms of common sense he could not have been in the sniper's nest at 12.30. Whatever his previous role or subsequent actions, he was not the gunman.

                          Who was the first person the authorities discovered on the 6th floor after the assassination? I genuinely do not know.
                          And an assassin will always tell the truth of course. Strange how this innocent man refused to take a lie detector.

                          Guilty as f**k.

                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                            I don't know how good Oswald's alibi was, but he would not necessarily have needed to produce a cast iron alibi in order to be acquitted.

                            Dallas Police Chief Curry admitted that he could not prove that Oswald was standing at the sixth floor SE window with a Carcano in his hands
                            when the President went by.

                            That is a fairly remarkable admission.
                            Curry was a moron.

                            Oswald’s gun
                            Oswald’s prints.
                            Fibres from Oswald’s shirt.
                            Oswald was the only person on the 6th floor.
                            He was the only person to flee these scene.
                            He lied about the curtain rods.
                            He picked up a revolver.
                            He got dropped 300 yards from his rooming house.
                            He was photographed holding the rifle.
                            He was seen in the 6th floor window.
                            His prints were on the boxes.
                            He did no work that morning.
                            He changed his plans for the first time ever.
                            He shot Tippit.
                            He attacked and pulled a gun on MacDonald.

                            Yeah… evidence. The London Trial found him guilty exactly because there was no evidence against him.


                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post
                              the advanced security arrangements made for this specific trip were the
                              most stringent and thorough ever employed by the Secret Service for the
                              visit of a President to an American city

                              (Roy Kellerman to FBI agents Sibert & O'Neil)

                              Kellerman watched Kennedy's brains being blown out instead of getting the President to safety.

                              Kellerman's own family said after his death that he had told them privately that there was rather more to the assassination than had been made public.

                              I wonder how he knew.


                              • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                                Kellerman's own family said after his death that he had told them privately that there was rather more to the assassination than had been made public.

                                I wonder how he knew.
                                Baseless rumours.

                                Did he say that they deliberately halted the car so that Kennedy could be killed? I think not.

                                Keep assassinating characters. You clearly enjoy it.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

