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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • How else can we explain that Oswald hadn’t filled in his daily work sheet other than by saying that he’d done no work and wasn’t even attempting to even leave the impression that he had done?

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • Why would conspirators have gunmen firing from different directions when they knew that the bullet wounds would have been examined minutely? One gunman from one spot would have eliminated this massive and totally unnecessary risk.

      What if the Grassy Knoll shot had hit Kennedy had hit him too low? How could they have claimed that a bullet in the cheek had come from behind?

      What if the bullet had skimmed the back of his head and hit Jackie on the side?

      What if someone had immediately turned around after the shot and clearly seen the gunman?

      What if someone had looked over just before the shots and seen the gunman?

      What if someone had captured the gunman in a clear photograph or some film footage?

      What if some outraged have-a-go-heroes had given chase two seconds after the third shot?

      What if just one person had gone to one of the dozens of cars behind the fence while the gunman was in place?

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • If the gun was so poor why didn’t the conspirators have the brilliant idea of setting him up with a better one?

        Was it a poor gun as claimed?

        Not according to ballistics expert Larry Sturdivan, “… the rifle that Lee Oswald obtained from Klein’s Sporting Goods…was accurate, lethal, and well suited for the job. There was no ‘better weapon’ available…”

        Or the weapons expert (I can’t recall his name but I can find it with a bit of time and effort) who said that the Carcano was as good as the rifle used by the military at that time.

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Why have a corrupt autopsy whilst leaving Parkland completely free. Doctors, ambulance men, technicians, Nurses. Apparently our brilliant plotters who managed to co-ordinate every single agency in the USA took the ‘well, let’s just hope that the staff at Parkland don’t notice anything’ approach.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • How did the conspirators manage to forge the Oswald photographs then damn! they forgot about the one that showed up in George De Mohrenschildt’s property in 1978?

            And how did they persuade Michael Paine to say that he’d seen the photograph sometime around April of 1963? That’s some serious pre-planning to frame a man who only got his job at the TSBD in October.

            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


            • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

              Hi Frank,

              I'm pleased that you were tempted to change your mind. After your last post I pondered the photos shown here:

              I starting wondering if you may be right. Then I recalled this from a previous post:

              The president was alive at this stage and capable of head movement without external factors.
              This is a surprising answer, to say the very least, George. Are we really to believe he would be motionless for some 3 seconds, very likely unconscious as a result from the first bullet that ever hit him, and then, on impact of the bullet that made his head explode, move his head an inch or 2 forward all by himself? I find that very unconvincing.

              From when the president was first hit, he clutched at his throat and started falling/leaning to the left. I cannot see that he was motionless. Eventually he had leaned left to the point where he was in contact with Jackie and then started to move forward. This is visible in the Zapruder film. Whether he was conscious or not, his body weight, and perhaps Jackie's hands were moving him. At frame 312 there is no visual evidence than he has been hit in the head. The 8mm camera used by Zapruder ran at 18 frames per second, so there is a loss of information between frames. If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that a shot from the rear hit him between frames 312 and 313. My suggestion is that between those frames he had continued to fall forward that small amount and a head shot from the front occurred at 313. I find myself unable to reconcile an exploding FMJ with my shooting and loading experience.

              My research on Hargis is limited to this:
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Hargis-1.jpg Views:	5 Size:	169.4 KB ID:	805681

              I think that was from the Thompson video. He says in that article that the president was hit in the side of the head, not the top. He also said that the limousine stopped, as did many other witnesses, but which is not in the ZF. But that's a whole different can of worms.

              So after due consideration, you have come to close to the WC conclusion? I am inferring that you may have started from somewhere around there. That's fine, but I will if I may, raise some points.

              You nominate that the first fired shot hit some part of the traffic light and ricocheted to the manhole cover. Thompson said the mark on the manhole cover was still there when he examined it, and that is was a skid pointing to the NW corner of the records building roof where a cartridge case was found in a crack during renovations years later. But let's go with another ricochet from a tree branch steering it to the manhole cover, then another off the kerb with fragments hitting Tague. I can accept that scenario as possible, but not all that likely.

              Your choice of path for that second bullet is what is causing the war to rage both here and in the world arena. I have yet to see a diagram or model showing how this worked without the initial entry wound being in the back of Kennedy's neck. This is in conflict with the autopsy report, the witnesses at the autopsy and Humes' report that the back wound terminated in the body.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	autopsyroom-JFK.jpg Views:	5 Size:	73.9 KB ID:	805676

              The head shot diagrammatic that I have seen shows the shot taking out skull fragments from the top of the head (I've searched for it with no success so far) along join lines. Looking at the Autopsy diagram above, Humes entry wound is approximately in the centre of the back of the skull. There are two marks on the diagram of the front that would be consistent with a descending angle exit wound. Which one is the exit wound? For a projectile travelling right to left in relation to the vehicle, logic would suggest the mark on the left. I'm just not seeing these type of wounds in the photos.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	JFK_autopsy.jpg Views:	6 Size:	33.4 KB ID:	805677

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Photo_autopsy.jpg Views:	4 Size:	28.3 KB ID:	805678

              For the WC theory to work, all of the above evidence has to be abandoned to end up with this:

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Head_shots-5.jpg Views:	4 Size:	130.8 KB ID:	805679

              Finally, I don't know about what a re-enactment regarding the shells might have shown, but Roger Craig was one of the first at the sniper's nest (before Fritz) and he said the casings were lined up neatly next to each other:

              Expended shell cases don't line up in a neat row, they have to be placed in that position. I have read another officer's account of Fritz picking up one of the casings, examining it, and throwing it back on the floor.

              Best regards, George
              This is a pretty rubbish post even by your standards. I notice that you refrain from showing the autopsy photo of the actual back wound on JFK, which clearly shows it is very slightly below the level of his right shoulder near the base of his neck. There is a conspiracy website that has version of this with an 'x' marks the spot based on a description. As noted previously, none of the autopsy diagrams are drawn to scale. You can see this below. The image is correct when you compare it to the autopsy photo in that the wound is roughly level with the right shoulder, but at the same time the wound appears much further down the back. Obviously the photo is correct and as you can see, the diagram is crude and the body is not drawn to any sort of scale, creating the impression that the mugs fall for that the wounds are in the wrong place. It is clear how the bullet can enter in that position and exit at the base of the throat.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	autopsyroom-JFK.jpg Views:	0 Size:	29.6 KB ID:	805701

              Also found this on one of your conspiracy sites:

              Oswald’s alleged position was not only above and behind Kennedy, but also to his right – 9 degrees, 21 minutes to the right by Nichols’ calculations. That means the bullet coursed leftward by slightly less than 10 degrees as it traversed Kennedy’s chest. and to the right of Kennedy. Oswald’s alleged position was measured at about 17 degrees above JFK at the moment of the back shot. (Nichols puts the “depressed angle” at 20 degrees, 23 minutes. But subtracting the 3-degree down slope of the street, the angle is about 17 degrees.)

              No mention of 45-60 degrees anywhere?

              Also note the photo of the damaged skull can be recreated almost perfectly on a 3d digitised model of the skull with a shooter in Oswalds's position. None of the three other simulated positions could produce a match to the x rays and photo
              Last edited by Aethelwulf; 03-09-2023, 12:36 PM.


              • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
                The problem is that the ZP shows Connolly reacting only a second to a second and a half after the president had been hit. The Carcano can't be cycled that quickly
                You'd better tell this guy that he and his Carcano are breaking the laws of physics and should stop immediately.

                7 shots in under 7 seconds. @ 02:20 approx


                • as you can see, the diagram is crude and the body is not drawn to any sort of scale, creating the impression that the mugs fall for that the wounds are in the wrong place.

                  Interesting. That's the standard issue form to which details are added that is crude and not to scale?

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Autopsy-3.jpg
Views:	227
Size:	228.6 KB
ID:	805704
                  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

                  ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


                  • Hi Frank,

                    I found the diagram that I referred to in my last post to you.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Head_shots-7a.jpg
Views:	224
Size:	66.6 KB
ID:	805706

                    It is from here:

                    Best regards, George
                    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

                    ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


                    • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
                      as you can see, the diagram is crude and the body is not drawn to any sort of scale, creating the impression that the mugs fall for that the wounds are in the wrong place.

                      Interesting. That's the standard issue form to which details are added that is crude and not to scale?

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	Autopsy-3.jpg
Views:	227
Size:	228.6 KB
ID:	805704
                      I know this has proved a challenge in the past but use your eyes. The figure on the right has weird lean in his head to the right, he also has weird bulge in his right fore arm; his right arm is also appreciably longer than the left. The figure on the left has deformed feet and a rather nasty looking pointy bulge in his calf. Why? they are just rough representations, not to scale.

                      The autopsy photos show where the actual wounds were.


                      • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                        Yes we have……that you have made zero meaningful input to this debate apart from babyish cheerleading. You’ve proven yourself so crippled by bias that you won’t read anything that’s not written by a conspiracy theorists. And……

                        Just to point out to posters who might mistakenly award a smidgeon of credibility to Fishy…..he’s the only person in the world that actually believes that the totally discredited Steven Knight/Joseph Sickert theory is true!

                        Yes….in 2023…someone actually still believes it. This says it all.
                        FISHY also swallowed the dangerous nonsense that covid vaccinations caused more problems than the virus itself, which should have set off alarm bells in certain quarters.

                        But you can't reason someone out of a position they were not reasoned into. It's a waste of time.

                        All I can say is that I'm rather relieved, though not surprised, to find him on the far side of this debate!


                        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                        • Click image for larger version

Name:	Back1.jpg
Views:	215
Size:	108.1 KB
ID:	805711

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	Back2.jpg
Views:	213
Size:	138.3 KB
ID:	805712

                          For those with their eyes open.
                          The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

                          ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


                          • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Back1.jpg
Views:	215
Size:	108.1 KB
ID:	805711

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	Back2.jpg
Views:	213
Size:	138.3 KB
ID:	805712

                            For those with their eyes open.
                            Yes correct, the out scale drawing gives the impression of the wound being lower down than it actually is.


                            • Click image for larger version

Name:	Back3.jpg
Views:	355
Size:	169.4 KB
ID:	805717

                              In Humes own words.
                              The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

                              ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


                              • Originally posted by caz View Post

                                FISHY also swallowed the dangerous nonsense that covid vaccinations caused more problems than the virus itself, which should have set off alarm bells in certain quarters.

                                But you can't reason someone out of a position they were not reasoned into. It's a waste of time.

                                All I can say is that I'm rather relieved, though not surprised, to find him on the far side of this debate!


                                And this is the issue with conspiracy theorists Caz. It’s a mindset. No one could be so naive as to say that Governments don’t lie and that various agencies like the CIA or the FBI (or MI5 and MI6 for that matter) wouldn’t lie or that they wouldn’t take part in things that they don’t want the public to know about but this doesn’t mean or prove that there was a conspiracy to kill the President. They just never, ever address the sheer unlikeliness of it. The mind-boggling complexity and vast organisational issues. The they gloss over or ignore the examples of what can only be described as glaring stupidity. On one hand they’re plotters at the highest level with untold resources at their fingertips yet on the other they are complete dimwits.

                                We have St. George here tying himself up in knots with angles and drawings and diagrams and with who did or didn’t say this or that but neither he nor his pals will address the childishly obvious……why would these plotters have gone with such a complex plot leaving us with all these areas of ‘contention’ when they could just have gone for - one top sniper with top quality rifle with a choice of hundreds of locations anywhere on Kennedy’s tour of Dallas. One or two shots, band, bang, Kennedy is dead, killer is whisked away. No need for a corrupt autopsy, no need for a corrupt WC, no need to fake autopsy photos, no need to fake x-rays, no need to frame anyone. Unless they were thinking at the time “well we better give the conspiracy theorists something to go on.”

                                Personally, I don’t care about the crap the George is limbo dancing around, the paragraph above eliminates the argument for conspiracy. No one could have been that stupid. No one would have made so many rods for their own backs. How likely was a conspiracy of this kind? Completely and utterly impossible.

                                And note the lack of answers Caz….all through the thread. It’s got to the point where St. George and his sidekick have had to do a bit of ‘faking’ themselves. A bit of fake outrage which gives him the perfect excuse for avoiding awkward questions (and outrage over stuff that they give themselves a free pass on)

                                Such is life on this thread Caz. At least you, Wulf, Joshua, Frank, Jason, Doc and Abby take a fair-minded approach (for a bunch of gullible apologists of course)


                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

