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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

    I have been criticised for that five-year-old remark. Apparently you are the only one to notice that it was originally an insult from Sir HS's chief cheerleader, and I just volleyed it back across the net. But I keep forgetting that I am the hypocrite.

    I notice the latest complaint is "we are TIRED of repeating ourselves". My reply would be, not nearly as tired as we are of hearing you repeat yourself.
    Only criticised because it’s hypocritical. How can you not know that you are doing this? Why do you, from the outset, give yourself and Fishy a completely free pass? I’m not the one bleating it’s you. Using words like ‘vitriol’ about a bit of mockery and sarcasm whilst at the same time doing it yourself. Why are you and Fishy ‘allowed’ to do it but I’m the bad guy when I do it? This is another point that you can’t or won’t answer. Like why do we have a supposed discussion thread when all that you and Fish can do is to throw out question after question and make point after point, but when I ask a couple of questions or make a point or two you either completely ignore it (and I’m talking about before the big sulk) or you dismiss a long post with mocking comments about ‘apologists’ or derisory comments about Vincent Bugliosi?

    Ill say it again…..absolute, blatant, written in black and white for all to see, hypocrisy.

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

      I have been criticised for that five-year-old remark. Apparently you are the only one to notice that it was originally an insult from Sir HS's chief cheerleader, and I just volleyed it back across the net. But I keep forgetting that I am the hypocrite.

      I notice the latest complaint is "we are TIRED of repeating ourselves". My reply would be, not nearly as tired as we are of hearing you repeat yourself.

      Yes, indeed.

      The first mention of a five year old is by Aethelwulf in # 1205:

      I reckon a five year old could grasp this. Given the position of JFK as shown the when sitting in the car, the entry wound on JFK's upper right back is relatively higher than the where exit would be on the throat. It really is that simple.

      That statement is so obviously untrue that one really does not know where to begin when refuting it.

      The Warren Commission lawyers had to raise the point of entry of Kennedy's back wound by about five inches in order to sustain the single bullet theory.

      That means that even if one accepts the Warren Commission's trajectory and not Humes', our friends here must have Kennedy contorting himself in such a way that he can raise a spot on his back to a position in the car about five inches higher than it would have been had he been sitting normally.

      Does anyone really believe this?


      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
        Be warned PI,

        Your opponents are now writing in BLUE ink! I think that used to be the colour of choice for poison pen letters.

        Nice thinking. The quote contains normal print and emboldened print the only way of distinguishing a reply is by using colour. It’s not rocket science but perhaps it is to you?

        I don’t think HS has the capacity to think outwith his Bugliosi bible. You brought up the impersonation of Oswald in Mexico City but Bugliosi could not deal with that in his reconstruction; he quite wisely focused on Oswald actually being in Mexico City at the same time and left it at that. HS can do no more so he is obliged to ignore the point.

        Another example of a hypocrite whining about me whilst insulting me. I don’t bleat about it though. You, St. George and the Clueless Conspiracy Crew can keep insulting Bugliosi if you want…..those two have even had the decency to read the book before slating it. I don’t know if you have but I doubt you’d read anything that was written by a conspiracy theorist; though I commend them for managing to write with a pen between their teeth because you can’t write with a straight jacket on.

        Similar with his claimed three witnesses, which he is still clinging to like a drowning man to a raft. It was established two days ago per the WC testimony that only one witness- Norman- said anything that supported the WC case; the other two witnesses were at best neutral. Buglisoi had no way of squaring this circle but HS thinks he can do better than his master so falsely claims to have three witnesses. He doesn't.

        And the CT’s put forward Ed Hofmann, Beverly Oliver, Gordon Arnold, Charles Crenshaw, Robert Groden, Badgeman, Bonar Menninger, David Lifton, Umbrella man, gunman in the drain and about 100 named gunmen. You couldn’t find enough circuses to employ these clowns.

        Caz called me out the other day for using an analogy about boxing. Today she uses one of her own about the difference between the speed of light and the speed of sound. Which is perfectly valid but rather like the boxing ring, I doubt she has ever been in an area where fists or bullets were flying and animal instinct took over.

        Because she’s a woman? Ok.

        If half of the people in Dealey Plaza thought the shots were coming from the Grassy Knoll they were probably relying on their sense of self preservation. Ditto those who thought they were coming from the TSBD. They were both right so far as I can judge, and the best positioned witnesses like Sam Holland and Jesse Curry recognised they were coming from both areas.
        Crap. Who was closest to the Knoll? Was anyone closer than Marilyn Sitzman? A grassy knoll bullet would have flown over her shoulder but it didn’t. She said the direction of…..TSBD. You’re friend Harold Norman, 5th floor, where did it come from….the floor above. Williams said ‘within the building.’ He got dust on him that fell from the ceiling. Look at the photo of him exiting the TSBD, he has dust on him. Carl Desroe said he was behind the picket fence, confirmed by an ex-military man, and convincingly imo identified by SM Holland. What did he see? Any gunman? F*** all.

        And all that well plotted corruption at Bethesda involving numerous people……what a waste of time and effort because our brilliant plotters allowed even more ‘uncorrupted’ doctors, nurses, technicians etc at Parkland to walk around telling the ‘truth.’



        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

          Crap. Who was closest to the Knoll? Was anyone closer than Marilyn Sitzman? A grassy knoll bullet would have flown over her shoulder but it didn’t. She said the direction of…..TSBD. You’re friend Harold Norman, 5th floor, where did it come from….the floor above. Williams said ‘within the building.’ He got dust on him that fell from the ceiling. Look at the photo of him exiting the TSBD, he has dust on him. Carl Desroe said he was behind the picket fence, confirmed by an ex-military man, and convincingly imo identified by SM Holland. What did he see? Any gunman? F*** all.

          And all that well plotted corruption at Bethesda involving numerous people……what a waste of time and effort because our brilliant plotters allowed even more ‘uncorrupted’ doctors, nurses, technicians etc at Parkland to walk around telling the ‘truth.’


          How about answering the points made in # 1256 about the many impersonations of Oswald - including those made in Mexico City?


          • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

            Sorry for the delay in replying, but I have only just noticed your post after a long day.

            I didn't notice it among my notifications when I first logged in today.

            I have read that surveyors acting on behalf of the Warren Commission estimated the downwards trajectory from the sixth floor window at 18 degrees.

            If Hume was right that the downwards angle of the wound was 45-60 degrees, then obviously Oswald could not have fired that shot.

            Someone here has questioned whether Hume was right, but he would have had to be out by a long way for Oswald to be the shooter.

            The Warren Commission's own photographic reconstructions of the single bullet trajectory seem to show a trajectory similar to the surveyors' estimate and not to Hume's.

            But in order to have the trajectory of the shot to the back, the wound to Kennedy's back, and the wound to the front of Kennedy's throat lined up, they had to raise the back wound by about five inches, a fact noted by FBI agent Sibert, who viewed the autopsy.

            Our friends here have got the back wound to line up with the throat wound by hunching up Kennedy's back, but that is impossible because no-one can contort his back in such a way as to cause a particular spot on it to be five inches higher than it would be if he were sitting normally!

            The only logical conclusion is that the bullet that entered Kennedy's back would, had it exited Kennedy's body, have exited his lower abdomen or thereabouts, but the autopsy indicated that the bullet did not exit Kennedy's body because it did not penetrate far enough to do so.

            The throat wound must, therefore, have been a wound of entrance, and that was the unanimous opinion of the large number of doctors who viewed the throat wound prior to the tracheotomy being performed.

            Their opinion is the best medical evidence because they were the only doctors who saw the wound in its original condition.

            The wounds which, according to the Warren Commission Report, were caused by a single bullet, were in reality caused by at least three bullets: the one which hit Kennedy in his back and did not exit, the one which hit Kennedy's throat from the front and did not exit, and at least one shot which hit Connally - which, as Connally and his wife acknowledged, was a separate bullet.

            In addition, many witnesses, including five who testified to the Warren Commission, including two Secret Servicemen, mentioned a double shot - at the end of the series of shots - which must have been two shots to the head.

            That makes a total of at least six shots.

            I have presented the details of this argument in an online documentary.
            Excellent post. But Sir HS has already shouted that he's not answering any more questions, not that he ever has, because the questions are too hard for him.

            We have heard Sir HS refer to a 3d laser model that shows the magic bullet lined up perfectly, but with no supporting evidence. Could it be this:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	MB-5.jpg
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ID:	805668
            The President is leaning a long way forward, entry in the neck, exit through the chin. That doesn't seem right. How about this:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	MB-8.jpg
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ID:	805667
            There we have it. Jump seat moved over and down and Connolly turning....but wait

            Click image for larger version

Name:	ZP230.jpg
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ID:	805669
            The President has reacted but Connolly is facing forward and still holding his hat. Let's have another look at that computer model.

            Click image for larger version

Name:	MB-7a.jpg
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ID:	805670
            Ahh, so Connolly is back facing forward with his right arm on his right thigh. No hat. Wouldn't this be some considerable time after the President's reaction.

            Well, maybe Sir HS can show us a 3D model where the entry is 6" below the collar line with a downward right to left trajectory, or if it shows through the neck he can announce that the WC got it right but Humes second Autopsy report and the witnesses at Bethesda were all .......mistaken?

            The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

            ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


            • Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
              Although the magic bullet theory could be possible i guess I would be remiss if i didnt say It seems highly unlikely IMHO. Especially considering both connally and his wife both are adamant that he was not hit by the same bullet. They think kennedy was hit first in the back/neck, and then he connally was hit with the second shot. (Then the fatal head shot.) And the film and pictures seem to bear it out. Both connally and his wife are turning to look at Kennedy after he was hit with the first shot and there is no indication connally was struck yet, no sign of distress or anything. And connallys wife said that after the second shot she looked at her husband and noticed he appeared to have been shot at that point, even saying she saw blood from him. They are absolutely sure he did NOT get hit with the same shot.

              whats up with that?
              Hi Abby,

              Thank you for checking my ballistics with your hunter/shooter friends. A corroboration from people with practical knowledge. Do you know that a man was seen running from under the triple overpass after the shooting and throwing something in the back of his car. Maybe someone else chose your selected sniper location.

              "whats up with that?" The problem is that the ZP shows Connolly reacting only a second to a second and a half after the president had been hit. The Carcano can't be cycled that quickly and there had to be only three shots in order to exclude the possibility of a second gunman. The two prime arguments against the magic bullet are 1) the entry has to be moved from the location shown on the autopsy and testified to by witnesses at Bethesda (6" below the collar) and 2) Humes stated that he probed the wound and found that it finished in the body i.e. no exit wound. I don't know that he stated this in his second autopsy report, but it may have been in his first autopsy report, the one that he burned.

              Cheers, George
              The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

              ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


              • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                Humes stated that he probed the wound and found that it finished in the body i.e. no exit wound. I don't know that he stated this in his second autopsy report, but it may have been in his first autopsy report, the one that he burned.

                During the later stages of this autopsy, Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below his shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column.

                This opening was probed by Dr. Humes with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees. Further probing determined that the distance traveled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger.

                FD 302 report by FBI agents James Sibert and Francis O'Neill)


                • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                  Yes, indeed.

                  The first mention of a five year old is by Aethelwulf in # 1205:

                  I reckon a five year old could grasp this. Given the position of JFK as shown the when sitting in the car, the entry wound on JFK's upper right back is relatively higher than the where exit would be on the throat. It really is that simple.

                  That statement is so obviously untrue that one really does not know where to begin when refuting it.

                  The Warren Commission lawyers had to raise the point of entry of Kennedy's back wound by about five inches in order to sustain the single bullet theory.

                  That means that even if one accepts the Warren Commission's trajectory and not Humes', our friends here must have Kennedy contorting himself in such a way that he can raise a spot on his back to a position in the car about five inches higher than it would have been had he been sitting normally.

                  Does anyone really believe this?
                  Apparently the apologists do. Oops, I used that highly offensive word again. Perhaps we should change it for some thing from Sir HS's repertoire....Loonies?...Cowards?...Infants?...... Barking Mad?
                  Perhaps he could provide an alternative from his impressive list of pejoratives?

                  Coming back to the photo referred to by the other side (is that better), anybody can see that Kennedy's shirt and coat have ridden up by 6" at the back , and then there is the corroborative evidence that seals it, the creases in the sleeve.
                  Last edited by GBinOz; 03-09-2023, 01:55 AM.
                  The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

                  ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


                  • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
                    Hi George,

                    Yes, I can. Having watched the Josiah Thompson video – the one you mentioned in your post #1174 – I was tempted to believe what he says in it with regards to the 2 directions of spray and debris: one to the left & behind and the other forward and over the front hood of the limousine. The first corresponding to a shot from the grassy knoll and the second to a shot from behind.

                    So, I started to dig into information regarding the sprays and first found out that Hargis actually never stated that the spray hit him with such force that he thought he was shot. Hargis said he felt something had hit him, concrete or something, but he thought at first he might have been hit, but the “with such a force, etc.” was Thompson’s interpretation. What I further found was that Hargis said that the side of the head he couldn’t see, i.e. the right side, exploded, that it splashed up, and that, as it came down, he rode through all that brain matter and all that. It came up and down, all over his uniform.

                    Then, watching the Zapruder and Muchmore film again, it became clear to me that, indeed, a sort of cloud came from the president’s head, which seems to be gently blown in a direction towards the back of the car and then came down. In several interviews he used words to that effect.

                    Then, I searched to see if I could find information about any wind and its force and direction on that fateful day. I found one source (James Altgens) that stated there had been blowing a wind from the north and another stating it came straight at the limousine at 15 to 20 miles per hour. Seeing that Altgens was actually in Dealey Plaza at the time, I’m going more with him rather than the other. A a north wind would, indeed, blow from the north side of Elm Street (where Zapruder was) to the south side (where Moorman was) and would be perfectly in line with debris blowing where it ended up.

                    Afterwards, I also searched for information about the piece of skull Harper had found and found out that it hadn’t been found behind or to the left of the position of the limousine at the moment of the fatal shot, but ahead of it. In fact, it was found about one third between where the limousine was and the overpass. Like I said before, that location would be much more in line with a shot from behind than with one from the grassy knoll.

                    And then, of course, in the Zapruder film we see an explosion of the top right part of the president’s head, while the back part of it remains intact. This explosion would have been an exit wound, dismissing a hit from the grassy knoll.

                    Combining all of this, makes my view, for now, that there were 3 shots from behind. The first one was taken when the limousine passed under a traffic light right in front of the TSBD. The shot hit the mast arm or something of the traffic light, went on and ricocheted close to the manhole just on the south side of Elm Street and then went on to ricochet on a concrete curb and cause a wound on James Tague’s face. Then, the second bullet hit both Kennedy and Connally at frame 223/224 and then the last bullet hit the president in the back of the head, making it explode near to right temple, blasting blood and debris in almost all directions. I also believe the position the 3 bullet shells were found in on the 6th floor of the TSBD are in line with shots at around frame 160, 223/224 and 313. I remember seeing a re-enactment of this several years ago, but can’t remember (or find) where.

                    All the best,
                    Hi Frank,

                    I'm pleased that you were tempted to change your mind. After your last post I pondered the photos shown here:

                    I starting wondering if you may be right. Then I recalled this from a previous post:

                    The president was alive at this stage and capable of head movement without external factors.
                    This is a surprising answer, to say the very least, George. Are we really to believe he would be motionless for some 3 seconds, very likely unconscious as a result from the first bullet that ever hit him, and then, on impact of the bullet that made his head explode, move his head an inch or 2 forward all by himself? I find that very unconvincing.

                    From when the president was first hit, he clutched at his throat and started falling/leaning to the left. I cannot see that he was motionless. Eventually he had leaned left to the point where he was in contact with Jackie and then started to move forward. This is visible in the Zapruder film. Whether he was conscious or not, his body weight, and perhaps Jackie's hands were moving him. At frame 312 there is no visual evidence than he has been hit in the head. The 8mm camera used by Zapruder ran at 18 frames per second, so there is a loss of information between frames. If I understand you correctly, you are suggesting that a shot from the rear hit him between frames 312 and 313. My suggestion is that between those frames he had continued to fall forward that small amount and a head shot from the front occurred at 313. I find myself unable to reconcile an exploding FMJ with my shooting and loading experience.

                    My research on Hargis is limited to this:
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Hargis-1.jpg
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ID:	805681

                    I think that was from the Thompson video. He says in that article that the president was hit in the side of the head, not the top. He also said that the limousine stopped, as did many other witnesses, but which is not in the ZF. But that's a whole different can of worms.

                    So after due consideration, you have come to close to the WC conclusion? I am inferring that you may have started from somewhere around there. That's fine, but I will if I may, raise some points.

                    You nominate that the first fired shot hit some part of the traffic light and ricocheted to the manhole cover. Thompson said the mark on the manhole cover was still there when he examined it, and that is was a skid pointing to the NW corner of the records building roof where a cartridge case was found in a crack during renovations years later. But let's go with another ricochet from a tree branch steering it to the manhole cover, then another off the kerb with fragments hitting Tague. I can accept that scenario as possible, but not all that likely.

                    Your choice of path for that second bullet is what is causing the war to rage both here and in the world arena. I have yet to see a diagram or model showing how this worked without the initial entry wound being in the back of Kennedy's neck. This is in conflict with the autopsy report, the witnesses at the autopsy and Humes' report that the back wound terminated in the body.

                    Click image for larger version

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                    The head shot diagrammatic that I have seen shows the shot taking out skull fragments from the top of the head (I've searched for it with no success so far) along join lines. Looking at the Autopsy diagram above, Humes entry wound is approximately in the centre of the back of the skull. There are two marks on the diagram of the front that would be consistent with a descending angle exit wound. Which one is the exit wound? For a projectile travelling right to left in relation to the vehicle, logic would suggest the mark on the left. I'm just not seeing these type of wounds in the photos.

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                    For the WC theory to work, all of the above evidence has to be abandoned to end up with this:

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Name:	Head_shots-5.jpg
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Size:	130.8 KB
ID:	805679

                    Finally, I don't know about what a re-enactment regarding the shells might have shown, but Roger Craig was one of the first at the sniper's nest (before Fritz) and he said the casings were lined up neatly next to each other:
                    JFK Assassination: The Roger Craig Story"We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleas...

                    Expended shell cases don't line up in a neat row, they have to be placed in that position. I have read another officer's account of Fritz picking up one of the casings, examining it, and throwing it back on the floor.

                    Best regards, George
                    Attached Files
                    The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

                    ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


                    • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                      How about answering the points made in # 1256 about the many impersonations of Oswald - including those made in Mexico City?
                      Oswald entered Nueva Laredo at around 2pm on September 26th, 1963, and bus company records showed that he arrived in Mexico City around 10.00 am next day. He checked into the Hotel del Comercio, according to the owner/manager between 10.00 and 11.00 paying for 5 nights stay ($1.28 per night.)

                      Oswald left Mexico City for Laredo, Texas on the Transportes del Norte bus line at 8.30 am October 2nd and crossed into Texas around 1.35 am October 3rd.

                      At the Cuban consulate Silvia Tirado de Duran processed Oswald’s visa request on September 27th. In her statement to Mexico’s Federal Security Police she positively identified Lee Harvey Oswald and told them about the reason for his visit (stated above) Oswald had told Duran that he was a friend of the Cuban Revolution and that he felt that the documents that he provided (that he’d lived and worked in Russia, marriage to a Russian, member of Fair Play For Cuba, letters to the USA Communist Party) should entitle him to a visa. Duran, whilst sympathetic, told him that she couldn’t grant him a visa until he got a Russian one which would take time. Oswald became so angry that she had to call for assistance from a man called Eusebio Azcue who was the former Cuban consul in Mexico. He listened to Oswald but repeated what Duran had told him - that it would take 10 to 20 days.

                      Azcue testified before the HSCA that the first time that he’d seen Oswald in connection with the assassination was around 2 months after the incident when he’d seen him on TV being shot by Jack Ruby an it wasn’t the same man. He described the man at the consulate as “ over 30 years of age and very thin, very thin-faced,” unlike the younger and fuller faced Oswald on TV. Azcue did admit though “ that the conditions under which I had seen him in the film at the time he was killed, with distorted features as a result of the pain, it is conceivable that I might be mistaken.” When the HSCA showed Azcue the photograph of Oswald attached to the visa application he said that the man in the film more closely looked like the man in the photograph than the man he saw at the consulate, though he added: “fifteen years have gone by so it is very difficult for me to be in a position to guarantee it in a categorical form,” though he still didn’t think that the man in the photograph was the man at the consulate.

                      Azcue didn’t testify before the WC and it’s possible that he was influenced by Jim Garrison’s claim that there was an Oswald imposter around. Azcue however claimed that Garrison merely confirmed his opinion.

                      So, the reasons why it was the real Oswald……

                      …… Duran spent much more time with Oswald than Azcue and never wavered in her belief that the man really was Lee Harvey Oswald.

                      ……. Alfredo Mirabal Diaz, who was training to replace Azcue and was one of only three people who saw Oswald at the consulate positively identified that the man seeking the visa was definitely Lee Harvey Oswald.

                      …… Oswald’s visa application bears the date stamp September 27th, 1963, the day he arrived in Mexico City. September 27th was also typed on in Spanish.

                      …… Duran told Oswald that he needed a photograph for his application and recommended a few places nearby. He returned on the afternoon of the same day with the photos which Duran checked to ensure they matched the man in front of her. They did. The photo is definitely Oswald.

                      …..CIA handwriting experts confirmed that the writing on the application. The HSCA also had their experts check the handwriting. They confirmed that it was Oswald’s.

                      …..Duran said that Oswald became angry and red and was almost in tears. Oswald was known to get like this when he didn’t get his own way. (This was a man who beat his wife remember)

                      ….. Would a man trying to pass himself off as Oswald and con himself a visa really have wanted to behave like this and draw attention to himself, possibly causing them to look even closer or more unfavourably at his application?

                      …..The WC and the HSCA confirmed that the handwriting on the hotel register was Oswald’s

                      …..The owner/manager of the hotel and the maid identified the man that stayed there as Lee Harvey Oswald.

                      ….The desk clerk and the watchman who got the guest a taxi both identified him as Lee Harvey Oswald.

                      …..The woman that owned the place near the hotel where the guest ate several times identified him as Lee Harvey Oswald,

                      …… All of the witnesses who saw him said that he was always alone.

                      …..In a letter to the Russian Embassy Oswald recounted the trouble that he’d had at the Cuban consulate.

                      …..On the 27th and the 28th Oswald also went to the Russian Embassy. The three staff that he spoke too all identified him as the man that they saw on TV being killed by Jack Ruby.

                      …… Oswald told his wife about his plan to go to Cuba and his trip to Mexico and the red tape problems that he had there.

                      … After his arrest Oswald told Postal Inspector Harry Holmes during his interrogation that he’d gone to Mexico to try to get to Cuba.

                      ……..Duran wanted to help him even though she couldn’t at the time so she gave him her name and the consulates number on a piece of paper which was found in Oswald’s possession.

                      So we know that it was the real Oswald and we know why he was there and what happened.​

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                        Yes, indeed.

                        The first mention of a five year old is by Aethelwulf in # 1205:

                        I reckon a five year old could grasp this. Given the position of JFK as shown the when sitting in the car, the entry wound on JFK's upper right back is relatively higher than the where exit would be on the throat. It really is that simple.

                        That statement is so obviously untrue that one really does not know where to begin when refuting it.

                        The Warren Commission lawyers had to raise the point of entry of Kennedy's back wound by about five inches in order to sustain the single bullet theory.

                        That means that even if one accepts the Warren Commission's trajectory and not Humes', our friends here must have Kennedy contorting himself in such a way that he can raise a spot on his back to a position in the car about five inches higher than it would have been had he been sitting normally.

                        Does anyone really believe this?
                        We know where the wound was because we have a photograph. There has been no subterfuge. Where errors made? Yes, absolutely no one denies this fact but this is the problem - conspiracy theorists simply cannot and will not accept human errors and fallibilities. Everything has a sinister origin which distorts their obsessions.


                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                          Excellent post. But Sir HS has already shouted that he's not answering any more questions, not that he ever has, because the questions are too hard for him.
                          Another insult from out hypocrite-in-chief.

                          You continue to dig yourself into a deeper hole, St. George. Refer yourself back to your earlier whiny bleating about the content of my posts (supported by your cheerleader)

                          I pointed out, using evidence in black and white, showing how you and Fishy had been the same kind of posts.

                          Did you show a single ounce of integrity and accept what was incontrovertible and placed in front of your eyes by saying: “fair enough, Fishy and myself have been just as guilty as yourself, let’s move on.”

                          Not a bit of it……you continue on your increasingly decrepit high horse to act as if you are above all blame and that the ‘rules of conduct’ should only apply to me and not to yourself and Fishy. And you were the one complaining…not me.

                          I’ll say it again, because it’s provably true, GEORGE…..YOU ARE A PROVEN HYPOCRITE.


                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                            Excellent post. But Sir HS has already shouted that he's not answering any more questions, not that he ever has, because the questions are too hard for him.

                            We have heard Sir HS refer to a 3d laser model that shows the magic bullet lined up perfectly, but with no supporting evidence. Could it be this:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	MB-5.jpg
Views:	248
Size:	58.1 KB
ID:	805668
                            The President is leaning a long way forward, entry in the neck, exit through the chin. That doesn't seem right. How about this:

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	MB-8.jpg
Views:	248
Size:	75.4 KB
ID:	805667
                            There we have it. Jump seat moved over and down and Connolly turning....but wait

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	ZP230.jpg
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Size:	93.4 KB
ID:	805669
                            The President has reacted but Connolly is facing forward and still holding his hat. Let's have another look at that computer model.

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	MB-7a.jpg
Views:	251
Size:	49.5 KB
ID:	805670
                            Ahh, so Connolly is back facing forward with his right arm on his right thigh. No hat. Wouldn't this be some considerable time after the President's reaction.

                            Well, maybe Sir HS can show us a 3D model where the entry is 6" below the collar line with a downward right to left trajectory, or if it shows through the neck he can announce that the WC got it right but Humes second Autopsy report and the witnesses at Bethesda were all .......mistaken?

                            Just watch the Zapruder film. They react at the same time. And if the bullet didn’t pass through Kennedy and hit Connally then where did it vanish to?

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                              Finally, I don't know about what a re-enactment regarding the shells might have shown, but Roger Craig was one of the first at the sniper's nest (before Fritz) and he said the casings were lined up neatly next to each other:

                              Expended shell cases don't line up in a neat row, they have to be placed in that position. I have read another officer's account of Fritz picking up one of the casings, examining it, and throwing it back on the floor.

                              Best regards, George
                              Conspiracy theorists love quibbling about details like angles and trajectories ad infinitum. What we know is that a body of people disbelieve in the SBT but there is a body that do. This bullet shot has been recreated by CGI and it matched up. It’s pointless. Other issues however get deliberately ignored in order to stay in their quibbling safe space. They know that whatever points they one side make the other can come back and on and on.

                              This is another example by conspiracy theorists of trying to have their cake and eat. It was a deeply planned, multi-agency conspiracy……but ok, they were idiots too.

                              So the conspiracy is set up and proceeds. According to them there must have been 2 shooters from the rear because they claim that Kennedy and Connally were hit by 2 different bullets.

                              So there was the first shot that missed, that most people heard……..that’s one bullet.

                              Then there was one bullet that hit Kennedy…….that’s 2 bullets.

                              Then there was one bullet that hit Kennedy in the back……that’s three bullets.

                              Then there was the headshot (which our conspirators want to show came from Oswald remember……..that’s 4 bullets.

                              I think that we can all see the problem here. It leaves a big question for CT’s.

                              How did our conspirators, who managed to set up a man with fraudulent sales records for his weapons, create fraudulent photographs, fake autopsy photos and x-rays, plant fingerprints then set up an entirely corrupt autopsy (whilst forgetting about the Parkland staff of course) and yet they couldn’t count up to 4 when they left the 3 shell casings on the 6th floor.

                              There will be no answer to this.

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • Conspiracy theorists often overlook other damning evidence when it comes to matching the rifle used in the assassination to Oswald. The FBI also found a tuft of cotton fibres—blue, grey-black and orange-yellow—clinging to the rifle butt. Under microscopic examination, the fibres matched those in the shirt worn by Oswald the day of the assassination.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

