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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

    Yeah, the fact that he’s done some hunting trumps a Nobel Prize winning physicist of course and the other scientists too. But this is from a man who keeps reminding me that “I wasn’t even born when it happened.” I recently read a book on the English Civil War but the author wasn’t alive in the 17th century - I wasted my time reading it then?
    It goes further back than that. Recall in a previous post GB telling us about his knowledge and experience of all things ballistic and explosive, including 'black powder' - turns out G is for Guy.


    • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
      The explosion could have only been the result of a frangible projectile. Military projectiles are not designed to produce this effect.
      Hi George,

      Are you saying, then, that what we see in the Zapruder film – an explosion of the top right of the president's head – was caused by a frangible projectile? If so, then what you wrote earlier about the entry wound caused by such a projectile being small doesn’t fit. Nor your conclusion that the second shot from the rear was a full metal jacketed projectile. Or are you saying that what we see in the film is faked and, therefore, didn’t happen? I’m okay with any answer, I just want to get your view right, regardless of my own view.

      I am not aware of an initial forward movement of the president's head.
      In frame 313 the president’s head is slightly ahead of the position it was in in frame 312. It’s just the president’s head and nothing or nobody else in the car, not even the president’s torso.

      I am aware that the still frames published in Life magazine reversed frames 314 and 315 to give this illusion. This is not conspiracy theory. Hoover acknowledged the mistake and apologised an the basis of it being a printing error.
      I was aware of that too.

      The other factor is that the camera was being panned. I encourage you to watch Josiah Thompson's video here:
      He addresses both these issues.
      I recently saw it and heard his explanation for the forward jerk: that Zapruder moved the camera. That, however, doesn’t cut it for me because a movement from the camera would have moved more than only the president’s head. Or, of course, everyone else in the car moved slightly and to almost the exact same amount so that it looked like they hadn’t moved comparing 312 and 313.

      The Harper fragment being a considerable distance to the left is indicative of the debris trail of a frangible projectile from the right.
      Yes, but it wasn’t just found ‘to the left’. According to Harper, he found it to the left and in front of where the presidential limousine was at the time of the fatal shot, so to the south-west of the limousine. It was, maybe, one third between the limousine and the overpass. If the shot that propelled this piece of skull came from the grassy knoll, then it clearly didn’t fly in a more or less straight line, but, instead, deviated more than 90 degrees from this line. However, it would be close to a straight line from the TSBD to the president at the moment of the fatal shot.

      All the best,
      "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
      Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
        To pick up a couple of points raised by Caz. Undoubtedly there was some sort of conspiracy after the event to conceal what had been a catastrophic failure in security. Jesse Curry explained on 23rd November that at all times Oswald was being questioned by a Dallas Homicide Detective, a member of the FBI and a member of the CIA. Each agency would be defending its corner obviously. Curry made a remark that appeared critical of the FBI and was forced to withdraw it at the next press bulletin.

        As for conspiracy before the shooting, it had much more than three days to be organised. Oswald (according to FBI letters) had been impersonated as early as 1960 when he was in the USSR! He was again being impersonated in Mexico City (according to FBI letters and tapes) in September 1963- before he found employment at the TSBD. My earlier post referred to the decision to use the Trade Mart in Dallas also having been decided in September, which later (no date known) required the motorcade to turn down Elm Street. So Oswald was being linked to Cuba and the Elm Street turn being negotiated before Oswald ever took up work at the TSBD.

        'but in the end a sad little loser and traitor to his country none the less. IMHO'

        I'm not so sure. If he was the lone gunman, far from being a loser he was the most successful terrorist in modern history. On the other hand, if Oswald was infiltrating an anti-Castro group who wanted Kennedy removed then far from being a traitor he was actually a patriot. The cancelled JFK visit to Chicago in early November 1963 might be worth some investigation in relation to the latter point.
        Returning after a break...

        Thanks cobalt. The fact that a group of conspirators had to try and conceal this 'catastrophic failure in security' after the event perfectly illustrates my point that any conspiracy to set up Oswald beforehand to be a 'patsy' with no active participation had, by definition, to involve a totally unconnected group of people. If this group was happy with the outcome, and the panic that would be set in motion after the shooting, they presumably predicted it as well as desired it.

        So if the 'before' group had no realistic way to guarantee that their chosen patsy would be in the right place at the right time on the right day, are you suggesting it was JFK whose schedule they arranged to coincide so precisely with Oswald's day job at the TSBD?

        They had two victims: President and patsy, neither of whom knew in advance what was being planned for them in Dallas? How did the conspirators make their two worlds collide on 22nd November? How would that work without the knowledge and active co-operation of Oswald, even if he wasn't required to fire a shot himself?

        I'm still not getting this missing link in the chain.


        "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


        • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

          I would remind you that according to Dr Hume, the back wound entered Kennedy's back at an angle of 45-60 degrees.

          If, as you seem to say, the shots were all fired from the sixth floor of the TSBD, are you really saying that a shot fired from there could have entered Kennedy's back at an angle of 45-60 degrees?
          This has been addressed but I will go through it again. I don't expect you to agree as I suspect your mind is every bit as closed off to reasonable explanations as GB and fishy. Happy to be proved wrong though.

          No one is going to quibble about the location of the bullet holes in the jacket and shirt. Although there will be a bit of subjectivity and operator variability about the actual recorded measurements, based on the holes in shirt and photo of JFK, entry below the neckline is clear.

          The issue is all these items are shown out of context. When you look at JFK actually wearing these items before he was shot, and his posture (see below (wiki), all becomes easily explained and there is no mystery. Look at the image below. Imagine an exit from JFK's throat at about his Adam's apple (say where the white of his collar meets his skin or even a bit below that) - from Oswald's position the entry hole positions in the shirt make perfect sense. Even if you imagine an exit wound on Conally's throat, entry would still be below the neckline. Note also the ridden up nature of JFK's jacket - the crease of the jacket has risen up above his shirt collar (compare that to connally). You can also see the creases/ rucked up nature of the jacket on JFK's left shoulder. If you look at the shirt and jacket photos, the hole in the jacket looks to be a bit lower down than the hole in the shirt, which makes sense based on the photo if JFK had his shirt tucked in and jacket had ridden up slightly (although there are no measurements for this so can't be sure). Also the FBI found fibres from his clothes embedded in the back wound. That could only come from entry.

          Although the holes look a bit incongruous out of context, when viewed in context of how they were worn that day and JFK's posture, it makes sense. If I thought there was anything off about it I would be the first to say. But there isn't. I think Herlock said some reconstructions of this have been done and everything lines up. As I said before as well, the only location that can produce the known pattern of skull damage is from the rear and at about the height of the 6th floor.

          Click image for larger version  Name:	Robert_Croft_photo_showing_JFK's_car_on_Elm_Street.jpg Views:	0 Size:	282.0 KB ID:	805498
          Last edited by Aethelwulf; 03-07-2023, 12:57 PM.


          • Originally posted by FrankO View Post
            Hi George,

            Are you saying, then, that what we see in the Zapruder film – an explosion of the top right of the president's head – was caused by a frangible projectile? If so, then what you wrote earlier about the entry wound caused by such a projectile being small doesn’t fit. Nor your conclusion that the second shot from the rear was a full metal jacketed projectile. Or are you saying that what we see in the film is faked and, therefore, didn’t happen? I’m okay with any answer, I just want to get your view right, regardless of my own view.

            Yes to your first question. The entry wound would be approximately the diameter of the projectile. The fragmentation takes place immediately after entry. It has been suggested that the film was touched up to conceal the gaping exit in the back of the head. In my viewing I am seeing a flap of scalp coming forward from the right occipital, but I accept that you may view it differently.
            In frame 313 the president’s head is slightly ahead of the position it was in in frame 312. It’s just the president’s head and nothing or nobody else in the car, not even the president’s torso.

            The president was alive at this stage and capable of head movement without external factors.
            I was aware of that too.

            I recently saw it and heard his explanation for the forward jerk: that Zapruder moved the camera. That, however, doesn’t cut it for me because a movement from the camera would have moved more than only the president’s head. Or, of course, everyone else in the car moved slightly and to almost the exact same amount so that it looked like they hadn’t moved comparing 312 and 313.

            It was noticed that the president's head moved, but so did images in the background. This was attributed to the panning of the camera.
            Yes, but it wasn’t just found ‘to the left’. According to Harper, he found it to the left and in front of where the presidential limousine was at the time of the fatal shot, so to the south-west of the limousine. It was, maybe, one third between the limousine and the overpass. If the shot that propelled this piece of skull came from the grassy knoll, then it clearly didn’t fly in a more or less straight line, but, instead, deviated more than 90 degrees from this line. However, it would be close to a straight line from the TSBD to the president at the moment of the fatal shot.

            All the best,
            My understanding is that the Harper fragment was in the debris cone of the grassy knoll shot. But if it fits in a debris field for the shot from the rear, I can accept that suggestion. The original theory put forward by the WC was three shots, and only three, from the rear by a lone gunman. The HSCA in the late 70's concluded that there was a shot from the grassy knoll, but it missed, and that there was a conspiracy. Current theory is that there were shots from the rear, from at least one position (TSBD), a shooter behind the picket fence, and two head shots. This moves very close to the WC conclusion but with a conspiracy involving at least one additional shooter. LBJ and Hoover are in writing saying a conspiracy had to be kept out of the minds of the public as it could lead to a war. They ordered that all investigation be steered towards Oswald and any other witnesses and evidence were to be suppressed.

            Best regards, George
            The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

            ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


            • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

              I would remind you that according to Dr Hume, the back wound entered Kennedy's back at an angle of 45-60 degrees.

              If, as you seem to say, the shots were all fired from the sixth floor of the TSBD, are you really saying that a shot fired from there could have entered Kennedy's back at an angle of 45-60 degrees?
              Humes said that the wound in the back was in a downward direction and that he probed the wound but found no bullet, but did found the wound path terminated in the body. When the magic bullet appeared he said that this was the bullet from Kennedy's back that had fallen out during heart massage. This is the information he conveyed to Hoover. Conclusion: bullet stopped in body and was later dislodged. Then he found out there was a bullet hole in Kennedy's throat and the story changed. No longer a wound terminating in the body. It exited through the neck. How can a bullet 6" below the shoulder line on a downward trajectory emerge from the throat was the question posed? No problem. Kennedy was wearing his shirt and jacket collars like a hat and the wound was in the neck.

              Click image for larger version

Name:	autopsyroom-JFK.jpg
Views:	231
Size:	73.9 KB
ID:	805501

              But wait. The autopsy shows the back wound in the back, not in the neck, and it is consistent with the holes in the shirt and the coat. No problem say the apologists. Humes was mistaken on this, his second attempt (he burned the first) at an autopsy diagram. Yeah, that's it.
              The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

              ​Disagreeing doesn't have to be disagreeable - Jeff Hamm


              • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post

                Humes said that the wound in the back was in a downward direction and that he probed the wound but found no bullet, but did found the wound path terminated in the body. When the magic bullet appeared he said that this was the bullet from Kennedy's back that had fallen out during heart massage. This is the information he conveyed to Hoover. Conclusion: bullet stopped in body and was later dislodged. Then he found out there was a bullet hole in Kennedy's throat and the story changed. No longer a wound terminating in the body. It exited through the neck. How can a bullet 6" below the shoulder line on a downward trajectory emerge from the throat was the question posed? No problem. Kennedy was wearing his shirt and jacket collars like a hat and the wound was in the neck.

                Click image for larger version  Name:	autopsyroom-JFK.jpg Views:	0 Size:	73.9 KB ID:	805501

                But wait. The autopsy shows the back wound in the back, not in the neck, and it is consistent with the holes in the shirt and the coat. No problem say the apologists. Humes was mistaken on this, his second attempt (he burned the first) at an autopsy diagram. Yeah, that's it.
                Spreading misinformation again george. If the photo of the the entry wound on the upper back, yes upper back, is viewed and compare to the photo of him in the car and his posture, it works. The entry wound on his upper back is the where it should be to exit his throat. The diagrams you cite aren't drawn to scale - the drawings don't match the actual location of the hole on JFK's back. These inaccuracies were covered in one of the papers:

                First, there had been no communication between the Parkland medical team and those conducting the autopsy—so the doctors at Bethesda Naval Hospital did not know the details of the tracheostomy. ​Second, the autopsy diagram had this wound marked much lower on the back, in a location not that did not correspond with the written description. Finally, the official death certificate, signed by the president’s personal physician, Dr. George Burkley (who did not perform the autopsy but was present), stated that the president was struck in the back at about the level of the third thoracic vertebra. All these issues were a direct result of poor communication and poor documentation. Appropriate communication between the treating physicians and the forensic pathologist did not take place, the autopsy diagram was not drawn to scale (but no mention of this was made on the drawing itself), and Dr. Burkley’s death certificate did not match either the autopsy description or the photographs, likely from a lack of attention to detail.

                There really is no mystery apart from how narrow minded you are George. There really is no point arguing because you just can't grasp that there is no evidence of a conspiracy. Must make you feel important to be part of the crowd that 'know the truth' - sticking it to man.​


                • Humes himself said that he phoned Parkland to ask a question of one of the Doctors (Peters I believe) Because he knew that a bullet had been found at Parkland (planted by Jack Ruby according to conspiracy theorists) he asked if Peters though that it was possible that it had fallen from the President during heart massage as they were attempting to resuscitate him. Peters told him that he didn’t think it at all likely (or words to that effect) with Humes accepted. There’s no mystery.

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • If the Zapruder film was faked, and they ‘blotted’ out an enormous wound to the back of Kennedy’s head (which appears on no photographs, film or x-rays) then why didn’t they simply edit out the backward head snap? Another example of moronic behaviour from men who allegedly perpetrated the most complex, all-encompassing conspiracy and cover-up ever.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                      This has been addressed but I will go through it again. I don't expect you to agree as I suspect your mind is every bit as closed off to reasonable explanations as GB and fishy. Happy to be proved wrong though.

                      No one is going to quibble about the location of the bullet holes in the jacket and shirt. Although there will be a bit of subjectivity and operator variability about the actual recorded measurements, based on the holes in shirt and photo of JFK, entry below the neckline is clear.

                      The issue is all these items are shown out of context. When you look at JFK actually wearing these items before he was shot, and his posture (see below (wiki), all becomes easily explained and there is no mystery. Look at the image below. Imagine an exit from JFK's throat at about his Adam's apple (say where the white of his collar meets his skin or even a bit below that) - from Oswald's position the entry hole positions in the shirt make perfect sense. Even if you imagine an exit wound on Conally's throat, entry would still be below the neckline. Note also the ridden up nature of JFK's jacket - the crease of the jacket has risen up above his shirt collar (compare that to connally). You can also see the creases/ rucked up nature of the jacket on JFK's left shoulder. If you look at the shirt and jacket photos, the hole in the jacket looks to be a bit lower down than the hole in the shirt, which makes sense based on the photo if JFK had his shirt tucked in and jacket had ridden up slightly (although there are no measurements for this so can't be sure). Also the FBI found fibres from his clothes embedded in the back wound. That could only come from entry.

                      Although the holes look a bit incongruous out of context, when viewed in context of how they were worn that day and JFK's posture, it makes sense. If I thought there was anything off about it I would be the first to say. But there isn't. I think Herlock said some reconstructions of this have been done and everything lines up. As I said before as well, the only location that can produce the known pattern of skull damage is from the rear and at about the height of the 6th floor.

                      Click image for larger version Name:	Robert_Croft_photo_showing_JFK's_car_on_Elm_Street.jpg Views:	0 Size:	282.0 KB ID:	805498
                      I have read the whole of your reply, but I cannot see how it relates to my question.

                      I would be more than happy to discuss the bullet holes in Kennedy's shirt and jacket and what effect any bunching up of his clothing may have had on the location of those holes compared with the hole in his back, but my question was about something else.

                      My question was only about the angle of entry of the shot that hit Kennedy in the back.


                      • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                        The entry wound on his upper back is the where it should be to exit his throat.

                        That is not true.

                        Dr Hume estimated that the shot entered Kennedy's back at a downwards angle of 45-60 degrees, entering at about 15 cm below the neckline.

                        Had that bullet exited the front of Kennedy's body, it could not have exited the front of his throat, but would have exited somewhere around his lower abdomen.

                        This fact was noted by FBI agents James Sibert and Francis O'Neill​, who in their FD 302 report stated:

                        During the later stages of this autopsy, Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below his shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column.

                        This opening was probed by Dr. Humes with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees. Further probing determined that the distance traveled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger.

                        Sibert said the following in an interview:

                        I don't buy the single bullet theory.

                        In the first place, they moved the bullet wound, the one in the back.

                        When asked for his opinion as to why he and O'Neill were not called to give evidence to the Warren Commission, he replied:

                        ... with that single-bullet theory, if they went in there and asked us to pinpoint where the bullet entered the back and the measurements and all that stuff, how are you going to work it? See, the way they got the single-bullet theory, was by moving that back wound up to tile base of tile neck.

                        Here are Sibert and O'Neill's drawings showing the approximate locations of the back and throat wounds, as they observed them during the autopsy:

                        Click image for larger version

Views:	186
Size:	61.6 KB
ID:	805515

                        Click image for larger version

Views:	207
Size:	56.0 KB
ID:	805516

                        It is plain that the only way that the bullet that entered Kennedy's back could have exited his throat is if it had been fired from below, by someone in the limousine.

                        In that case, it would have missed Connally altogether.

                        A bullet entering Kennedy's back at a downwards angle of 45 degrees would, had it exited the front of Kennedy's body, have exited his lower abdomen and missed Connally altogether.

                        I am certain that you have no answer to that.


                        • In response to Caz's point:

                          'So if the 'before' group had no realistic way to guarantee that their chosen patsy would be in the right place at the right time on the right day,'

                          They knew he would be at the TSBD where he had been every day since being employed there. Back in the 1960s workers rarely pulled a 'sickie' since you needed a doctor's line (in the UK at least) In the USA I suspect you had your pay docked. He didn't have to be anywhere near the 'sniper's nest' so long as a gun found in the area could be traced back to him. As I suggested in a previous post 'the more the merrier.' Two or three communist gunmen killing the President in a hail of bullets was actually better than one. And there was a 'subversive' (according to DPD files) already working (as an accountant) at the TSBD.

                          It was the cover up that required the LG; not the conspiracy.


                          • Let’s look at 3 witness beginning with Holland who has been proposed here as a ‘star witness.’

                            ​​​​​​S.M.Holland was a Signal Supervisor for Union Terminal Railroad. At around 11.00 2 policemen and a plain-clothes man went to the top of the Overpass to talk to the workers up there. Holland left his office and went to talk to them. They asked him to confirm that the men that were up there were supposed to be there (so much for the suggestion of a lack of security) Holland confirmed that they were. He named the 6 men and pointed out 2 others that he didn’t know the names of but he knew they were railroad men. As the motorcade arrived there were 10 people, including the PO’s and Holland himself, on the Underpass that Holland could identify but there were others that the PO’s we’re getting ID from. So 14-18 people in total.

                            Holland was roughly in the middle of the Overpass when the motorcade arrived. At the time of the head shot (he estimated 4 shots) he saw a puff of smoke by the picket fence 6-8 feet high. It was pointed out to him that he’d told the FBI that he’d heard 3 to 4 shots and that he hadn’t seemed certain. He agreed that he was ‘shook up’ at the time. He immediately ran round to the arcade (I believe he means the white structure where Zapruder was standing) and saw no one and no one running away.

                            He said that near to a station wagon he saw a spot where it looked like someone had been standing there for a long period. He saw about a 100 foot tracks and some mud on the bumper. But…..what he said earlier in the same testimony was:” Well immediately after the shots was fired, I run around the end of the Overpass, behind the fence to see if I could see anyone up there behind the (picket) fence……….Of course, this was a sea of cars in there and it was just a big - it wasn’t an inch in there that wasn’t automobiles and I couldn’t see up in that corner…..I ran on up to the corner of this fence behind the building. By the time I got there there were 12-15 policemen and plainclothesmen, and we looked for empty shells around there for quite a while, and I left because I had to get back to the office.”

                            Two questions should be obvious to all. First, why did he not mention these tracks or the mud on the bumper to any of those 12-15 police officers? Second, isn’t it possible that these tracks, if they weren’t old tracks, then they might have been caused by the 12-15 officers searching for shell casings who were already there by the time that he arrived? In addition, from his description, they don’t appear to have been located at the spot that’s usually suggested for a gunman but further along toward the Overpass.


                            Deputy Sheriff Eugene Boone was in front of the Sheriff’s office on Main Street with some other officers when the motorcade passed. After the shots they crossed over the road where:” Some of the bystanders over there seemed to think the shots came from up over the railroad in the freight yards, from over the triple underpass.” The officers (including Boone) and a motorcycle cop searched the freight yards and found nothing. He saw one person, a black guy ‘working the pullmans’ (more of him later) He also shouted up to Lee Bowers in the railway tower - he said that he’d seen or heard nothing. He then talked to some of the ‘spectators in the area including someone called Betzer who had taken some photographs but then only thing that they showed was up to the 2nd floor of the TSBD. He took him to the Sheriff’s office then took his camera to the ID bureau to leave the film for developing.


                            Third witness

                            Carl Desroe.

                            Now, going back a little. A while ago I posted this:

                            “Jim Towner, a former military man immediately recognised what his wife described as ‘firecrackers’ as gunshots. He heard three shots which he thought came from the Book Depository. He followed a crowd of spectators to the picket fence and spoke to a black man wearing a white uniform standing on the back of a Pullman dining car. It was Carl Desroe. Desroe responded to questions from the crowd asking if he had observed anyone in the vicinity. “No sir” Desroe said, “I haven’t seen anybody back here and I’ve been back here watching the whole thing.”

                            It’s always fair play to look at a person and to see if he might have lied or might have been an unreliable kind of person. That said, George posted this quote from the book The Kennedy Half Century in his scramble to denigrate an inconvenient witness:

                            “The porter, Carl Desroe, was not identified or interviewed by the Commission, and before his death, he shared his story only with his Pastor, Bishop Mark Herbener. Bishop Herbener was the first to identify Desroe in 2006. Desroe and his wife had been on the overpass before Kennedy’s motorcade approached, but had been ordered off by unknown “officials.” Desroe wife, Amelia, told Herbener, “I saw some things……I’m afraid to tell anybody. I’ll never tell anybody. I’m afraid for my life.” Herbener knew the couple well. Desroe was the personal porter to the president of Katy Railroad. As for Amelia, Herbener said, “What she saw or thinks she saw, I have no idea. She wasn’t a screwball. She was a pretty genuine person.” Both Desroe’s are long deceased.”

                            So nowhere in this statement is Desroe or his wife denigrated or even suggested as the kind of people to lie. Desroe said that they were ordered off the overpass by “officials.” I don’t know why the author stressed “officials” because we know from Holland that there were officials up there checking who was or wasn’t authorised to be there or not. What could she have been afraid of? I’ll hazard what I believe is a fair guess. By the time that she spoke about this, conspiracies were rife. All of them implicating the authorities (including police) and most of them involving the Grassy Knoll. Thinking back might she not just have thought “police officers behind the Knoll around the time of the assassination….where they up to something?” A bit of paranoia induced by conspiracy theorists perhaps?

                            We have no reason to suspect Desroe of dishonesty. He had been selected to a responsible job and a former military man saw him behind the fence. He had no reason to lie about being there and was right about the officers on the pass and what they were doing. And now we can go back to the comments from Towner and Boone.

                            Towner had - spoke to a black man wearing a white uniform standing on the back of a Pullman dining car.

                            Boone - He saw one person, a black guy working the pullmans. (that was precisely his job)

                            Surely Towner and Boone are describing the same man? The only thing missing is mention of his wife but hardly surprising in 1963. She might have moved slightly away from Desroe for a minute and if Towner, a man of his time, wanted information it’s a fair bet that he’d have honed straight in on the man.

                            So we have no reason to doubt that Desroe was somewhere behind the fence at the time of the murder. His presence is confirmed by 2 people. And Desroe saw absolutely nothing. He couldn’t possibly have missed an assassin.


                            Another Herlock prediction…….a yawning silence on this.

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by GBinOz View Post
                              Yes to your first question. The entry wound would be approximately the diameter of the projectile. The fragmentation takes place immediately after entry. It has been suggested that the film was touched up to conceal the gaping exit in the back of the head. In my viewing I am seeing a flap of scalp coming forward from the right occipital, but I accept that you may view it differently.
                              Hi George,

                              Thanks for that, it’s good to have a complete understanding of your view and now I have it: what we see as the explosion of the right temple area is, according to your view, a flap of scalp coming forward from the blow-out wound behind the right ear with the actual wound concealed by touch-ups. As you know, it’s not my view, but it’s good to know.

                              The president was alive at this stage and capable of head movement without external factors.
                              This is a surprising answer, to say the very least, George. Are we really to believe he would be motionless for some 3 seconds, very likely unconscious as a result from the first bullet that ever hit him, and then, on impact of the bullet that made his head explode, move his head an inch or 2 forward all by himself? I find that very unconvincing.

                              It was noticed that the president's head moved, but so did images in the background. This was attributed to the panning of the camera.
                              Yes, frame 313 an onwards are a shade more blurry than before 313, but that wouldn’t explain why the other people inside the car with the president, including the president’s torso, didn’t move from the position they had in 312.

                              My understanding is that the Harper fragment was in the debris cone of the grassy knoll shot. But if it fits in a debris field for the shot from the rear, I can accept that suggestion. The original theory put forward by the WC was three shots, and only three, from the rear by a lone gunman. The HSCA in the late 70's concluded that there was a shot from the grassy knoll, but it missed, and that there was a conspiracy. Current theory is that there were shots from the rear, from at least one position (TSBD), a shooter behind the picket fence, and two head shots. This moves very close to the WC conclusion but with a conspiracy involving at least one additional shooter. LBJ and Hoover are in writing saying a conspiracy had to be kept out of the minds of the public as it could lead to a war. They ordered that all investigation be steered towards Oswald and any other witnesses and evidence were to be suppressed.
                              Whether JFK was shot at by one man or more than one, it was immediately clear that there were people who thought that at least a shot had been fired from behind the picket fence and I don’t think it’s so outrageous or shocking that Johnson and Hoover, therefore, wanted to keep a conspiracy out of the minds of the public, national and international. The fact alone that the president was assassinated would have been brooding ground for people to think ‘coup d’etat’, even without knowing any of the circumstances under which it had actually happened.

                              All the best,

                              "You can rob me, you can starve me and you can beat me and you can kill me. Just don't bore me."
                              Clint Eastwood as Gunny in "Heartbreak Ridge"


                              • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                                That is not true.

                                Dr Hume estimated that the shot entered Kennedy's back at a downwards angle of 45-60 degrees, entering at about 15 cm below the neckline.

                                Had that bullet exited the front of Kennedy's body, it could not have exited the front of his throat, but would have exited somewhere around his lower abdomen.

                                This fact was noted by FBI agents James Sibert and Francis O'Neill​, who in their FD 302 report stated:

                                During the later stages of this autopsy, Dr. Humes located an opening which appeared to be a bullet hole which was below his shoulders and two inches to the right of the middle line of the spinal column.

                                This opening was probed by Dr. Humes with the finger, at which time it was determined that the trajectory of the missile entering at this point had entered at a downward position of 45 to 60 degrees. Further probing determined that the distance traveled by this missile was a short distance inasmuch as the end of the opening could be felt with the finger.

                                Sibert said the following in an interview:

                                I don't buy the single bullet theory.

                                In the first place, they moved the bullet wound, the one in the back.

                                When asked for his opinion as to why he and O'Neill were not called to give evidence to the Warren Commission, he replied:

                                ... with that single-bullet theory, if they went in there and asked us to pinpoint where the bullet entered the back and the measurements and all that stuff, how are you going to work it? See, the way they got the single-bullet theory, was by moving that back wound up to tile base of tile neck.

                                Here are Sibert and O'Neill's drawings showing the approximate locations of the back and throat wounds, as they observed them during the autopsy:

                                Click image for larger version  Name:	SIBERT AUTOPSY PIC.gif Views:	13 Size:	61.6 KB ID:	805515

                                Click image for larger version  Name:	O'NEILL AUTOPSY PIC.gif Views:	13 Size:	56.0 KB ID:	805516

                                It is plain that the only way that the bullet that entered Kennedy's back could have exited his throat is if it had been fired from below, by someone in the limousine.

                                In that case, it would have missed Connally altogether.

                                A bullet entering Kennedy's back at a downwards angle of 45 degrees would, had it exited the front of Kennedy's body, have exited his lower abdomen and missed Connally altogether.

                                I am certain that you have no answer to that.
                                Don't be daft PI. First the drawings aren't to any sort of scale. The actual photo of the entry wound at the top of the right shoulder area is in the right place for the exit in the throat when you look at the photo of JFK in the car. The angle of a downward trajectory is also correct too because when seated in the posture shown in the car, the entry wound on the upper back is higher relative to the exit wound on the throat.

                                You just can't grasp what is actually a very simple issue
                                Last edited by Aethelwulf; 03-07-2023, 07:37 PM.

