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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • A comprehensive reply PI. You could have added Acquila Clemons to the list of Tippit witnesses describing a chunky man with thick hair.

    WC advocates often refer to the difficulty of keeping a secret over a period of time. Yet there were around 20 people inside the cinema when Oswald was apprehended, all with a great tale to tell of a dramatic moment in history. Yet so far as I can gather we don't know any of their names and none have been asked for their account. Maybe the film was so good they were focused on that.


    • Commercial Break:

      Joseph McBride’s book ‘Into the Nightmare’ is in my opinion the best book focused on the killing of Officer J.D. Tippit.

      Read it.

      Carry on.



      • Originally posted by cobalt View Post
        A comprehensive reply PI. You could have added Acquila Clemons to the list of Tippit witnesses describing a chunky man with thick hair.

        WC advocates often refer to the difficulty of keeping a secret over a period of time. Yet there were around 20 people inside the cinema when Oswald was apprehended, all with a great tale to tell of a dramatic moment in history. Yet so far as I can gather we don't know any of their names and none have been asked for their account. Maybe the film was so good they were focused on that.

        Thanks for your reply.

        It is a curious omission on my part, as I was viewing Mark Lane's interview of Acquila Clemons a few days ago!

        Her testimony is even more unhelpful to the prosecution case in that she saw an assassin and an accomplice.

        It so happens that she is referred to in a reply I have prepared to a post by Herlock Shomes.
        I am sure he will not mind if I show it to you first:

        the witness who insisted the assassin was kind of chunky and kind of heavy (does that sound like Oswald?) and who was subsequently threatened by a man whom she took to be a policeman and told to keep her mouth shut about what she had seen - or else she might get hurt.

        Your point about the witnesses in the movie theater and the Warren Commission's evident lack of interest in them is very pertinent.

        Had there been a trial, not a few of those witnesses would have been threatened or met with untimely deaths.

        Their testimony would have established that Oswald could not have shot Tippit, that Oswald went to the theater for the purpose of meeting someone - i.e. a pre-arranged appointment, and that he did not know the identity of that person.

        That evidence in turn would have suggested that the man whom Brewer saw entering the theater was not Oswald and very likely the same person whom Davis saw being taken away by police through a different exit from the one through which Oswald was taken away.

        That would in turn have suggested that Oswald was framed.


        • I couldn’t find this for ages but I just did. It’s a 32 page paper on gunshot wound dynamics. Massively detailed with an enormous amount of maths and physics with experiments formed.

          Conclusion…..shots fired from the rear.

          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


          • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

            No scientific experts ever provided historical evidence that a shot from the back can cause a victim to be propelled backwards

            The Warren Commission report was unable to provide a single historical example in support of its theory.​​
            You can't really be suggesting that no one has ever found a directly comparable example of someone being driven along in an open top car at 11 mph and being shot at distance, on a bit of an angle, through the throat and thus reacting to that shot, an then being shot seconds later in the head?

            Thanks for the great insight, not sure I would have got there on my own.
            Last edited by Aethelwulf; 03-03-2023, 09:31 PM.


            • Here is the abstract of the article Herlock linked. It's open access so should be fine to post. Worth noting this isn't the standard guff that GB and fishy are dredging up from the net. It is from a peer reviewed academic journal (Helyion) published by Cell Press (they also publish the benchmark academic journal Cell and range of other high impact journals). Peer review means other experts have reviewed (usually blind, so not knowing who the authors are) to make sure it meets rigorous standards. If it isn't up to scratch, it doesn't get through. Note also there is a discussion of assumptions and limitations of the methods used (also note GB and fishy ignore such trivialities in their deep net trawling).

              Basically, this is as good as it gets in saying the movement of JFK is consistent with being shot from behind:

              U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open motorcade by a sniper in Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963. A civilian bystander, Mr. Abraham Zapruder, filmed the motorcade with a 8-mm home movie camera as it drove through Dealey Plaza, inadvertently recording an ≈8 second sequence of events that included a fatal gunshot wound to the President in the head. The accompanying backward motion of the President's head after impact appeared to support later “conspiracy theories” because it was claimed that this was proof of a shot from the front (in addition to one from behind). In this paper, simple one-dimensional dynamical models are uniquely applied to study in detail the fatal shot and the motion of the President's head observed in the film. Using known parameters from the crime scene, explicit force calculations are carried out for determining the projectile's retardation during tissue passage along with the resulting transfer of momentum and kinetic energy (KE). The computed instantaneous KE transfer within the soft tissue is found to be consistent with the formation of a temporary cavity associated with the observed explosion of the head, and subsequent quantitative examination of this phenomenon reveals two delayed forces at play in the backward motion of the President following impact. It is therefore found that the observed motions of President Kennedy in the film are physically consistent with a high-speed projectile impact from the rear of the motorcade, these resulting from an instantaneous forward impulse force, followed by delayed rearward recoil and neuromuscular forces.​


              • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post

                You can't really be suggesting that no one has ever found a directly comparable example of someone being driven along in an open top car at 11 mph and being shot at distance, on a bit of an angle, through the throat and thus reacting to that shot, an then being shot seconds later in the head?

                Thanks for the great insight, not sure I would have got there on my own.


                I'm not suggesting that at all.

                The point I am making is not MY insight.

                It has been made by many others and it is that there is no historical record in the history of warfare or violent crime of anyone ever having been propelled backwards by a shot from behind.

                As Professor Michael Kurtz pointed out, according to the Warren Commission's understanding of the laws of physics, when Martin Luther King Jnr was shot from in front, he should have been thrown off, or nearly off, the balcony.

                He was not; he was thrown violently backwards.

                My point is still unanswered and unrefuted.


                • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post
                  Here is the abstract of the article Herlock linked. It's open access so should be fine to post. Worth noting this isn't the standard guff that GB and fishy are dredging up from the net. It is from a peer reviewed academic journal (Helyion) published by Cell Press (they also publish the benchmark academic journal Cell and range of other high impact journals). Peer review means other experts have reviewed (usually blind, so not knowing who the authors are) to make sure it meets rigorous standards. If it isn't up to scratch, it doesn't get through. Note also there is a discussion of assumptions and limitations of the methods used (also note GB and fishy ignore such trivialities in their deep net trawling).

                  Basically, this is as good as it gets in saying the movement of JFK is consistent with being shot from behind:

                  U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open motorcade by a sniper in Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963. A civilian bystander, Mr. Abraham Zapruder, filmed the motorcade with a 8-mm home movie camera as it drove through Dealey Plaza, inadvertently recording an ≈8 second sequence of events that included a fatal gunshot wound to the President in the head. The accompanying backward motion of the President's head after impact appeared to support later “conspiracy theories” because it was claimed that this was proof of a shot from the front (in addition to one from behind). In this paper, simple one-dimensional dynamical models are uniquely applied to study in detail the fatal shot and the motion of the President's head observed in the film. Using known parameters from the crime scene, explicit force calculations are carried out for determining the projectile's retardation during tissue passage along with the resulting transfer of momentum and kinetic energy (KE). The computed instantaneous KE transfer within the soft tissue is found to be consistent with the formation of a temporary cavity associated with the observed explosion of the head, and subsequent quantitative examination of this phenomenon reveals two delayed forces at play in the backward motion of the President following impact. It is therefore found that the observed motions of President Kennedy in the film are physically consistent with a high-speed projectile impact from the rear of the motorcade, these resulting from an instantaneous forward impulse force, followed by delayed rearward recoil and neuromuscular forces.​
                  The only thing worth noting on this thread is the gullible people who persist in defending the WC novel ,

                  Drudging up fake autopsy head photos and ZF slides is their specialty, rather than believe the countless witnesses who were there , only meters away that saw Kennedy head virtually explode open .

                  Like PI suggested ,there's no coming back from that .

                  'It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is. It doesn't matter how smart you are . If it doesn't agree with experiment, its wrong'' . Richard Feynman


                  • Originally posted by FISHY1118 View Post

                    The only thing worth noting on this thread is the gullible people who persist in defending the WC novel ,

                    Drudging up fake autopsy head photos and ZF slides is their specialty, rather than believe the countless witnesses who were there , only meters away that saw Kennedy head virtually explode open .

                    Like PI suggested ,there's no coming back from that .

                    And that’s all you’ve got. I produce a 32 page scientific study, and THATS the level of bottom of the barrel scraping. Pathetic.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • Originally posted by Aethelwulf View Post
                      Here is the abstract of the article Herlock linked. It's open access so should be fine to post. Worth noting this isn't the standard guff that GB and fishy are dredging up from the net. It is from a peer reviewed academic journal (Helyion) published by Cell Press (they also publish the benchmark academic journal Cell and range of other high impact journals). Peer review means other experts have reviewed (usually blind, so not knowing who the authors are) to make sure it meets rigorous standards. If it isn't up to scratch, it doesn't get through. Note also there is a discussion of assumptions and limitations of the methods used (also note GB and fishy ignore such trivialities in their deep net trawling).

                      Basically, this is as good as it gets in saying the movement of JFK is consistent with being shot from behind:

                      U.S. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding in an open motorcade by a sniper in Dallas, Texas on 22 November 1963. A civilian bystander, Mr. Abraham Zapruder, filmed the motorcade with a 8-mm home movie camera as it drove through Dealey Plaza, inadvertently recording an ≈8 second sequence of events that included a fatal gunshot wound to the President in the head. The accompanying backward motion of the President's head after impact appeared to support later “conspiracy theories” because it was claimed that this was proof of a shot from the front (in addition to one from behind). In this paper, simple one-dimensional dynamical models are uniquely applied to study in detail the fatal shot and the motion of the President's head observed in the film. Using known parameters from the crime scene, explicit force calculations are carried out for determining the projectile's retardation during tissue passage along with the resulting transfer of momentum and kinetic energy (KE). The computed instantaneous KE transfer within the soft tissue is found to be consistent with the formation of a temporary cavity associated with the observed explosion of the head, and subsequent quantitative examination of this phenomenon reveals two delayed forces at play in the backward motion of the President following impact. It is therefore found that the observed motions of President Kennedy in the film are physically consistent with a high-speed projectile impact from the rear of the motorcade, these resulting from an instantaneous forward impulse force, followed by delayed rearward recoil and neuromuscular forces.​
                      Yeah, game over Wulf. 17 pathologists including Wecht, all saying both shots from behind. A 32 page scientific article confirming it. And for good measure, I’ll chuck in this.

                      About the head-snap to the rear. Dr. Vincent Guinn, Professor of Chemistry at California University when asked about it said: “As you know, the Western Cartridge Company bullet that struck the President sighed approximately 161 grains, about a third of an ounce. If Kennedy’s head was a normal head, it weighed between 10 and 14 pounds. Also, heads don’t just lie on top of our torso unattached. There is a muscular resistance to the head being propelled in the same direction in which the bullet is travelling. One-third of an ounce striking a resistant 10 to 14 pounds, particularly when there is penetration, as there was here, with a resulting loss of momentum, is going to move those 10-14 pounds very slightly.”

                      When told how much Kennedy’s head moved forward he said that it was just as much as he’d have expected. When asked if it was therefore correct that the rear head snap couldn’t have been caused by this effect of a bullet from the front he said: “That’s correct. Kennedy’s head simply would not be pushed anywhere near that far back by a one-third of an ounce, even travelling in excess of 2000 feet per second.”

                      Dr. Charles Petty, said that a head struck from the front as suggested: “would move very slightly to the rear.” Petty cited as an example the time that he’d watched a terrible video shot during Mao’s Cultural Revolution. A load of drug dealers were all lined up and shot in the back of the head. The heads barely moved on impact with the bullet.

                      So the above 2 are probably frauds too who can’t compete with Professor Fishy.

                      They can’t stick to listening to Kevin Costner and watching Clint Eastward movies to see people flying all over the place after being shot.

                      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                      • I’ll log back in tomorrow and wipe the floor with PI’s crap about the witnesses.

                        Night night chaps. Another good night for sense, reason, evidence and science Wulf. I can hear Fishy now “George, where are you.”

                        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                        • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post
                          I’ll log back in tomorrow and wipe the floor with PI’s crap about the witnesses.

                          Night night chaps. Another good night for sense, reason, evidence and science Wulf. I can hear Fishy now “George, where are you.”

                          Will you be producing any examples from the history of warfare or violent crime of anyone ever having been propelled backwards by a shot from behind?

                          And will you be answering my challenge, first made in # 999, and repeated in # 1003?


                          • Originally posted by PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR 1 View Post

                            Will you be producing any examples from the history of warfare or violent crime of anyone ever having been propelled backwards by a shot from behind?

                            And will you be answering my challenge, first made in # 999, and repeated in # 1003?
                            Argue with the scientists not me. Perhaps physics works differently in your world. It’s proven. That’s it.


                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes View Post

                              Argue with the scientists not me. Perhaps physics works differently in your world. It’s proven. That’s it.

                              You will not be producing any examples from the history of warfare or violent crime of anyone ever having been propelled backwards by a shot from behind?

                              And will you not be answering my challenge, first made in # 999, and repeated in # 1003?​


                              • And just for Fishy and those that insist that the back of Kennedy’s head was blown into a huge hole…..the famous completely unforged and unfaked Mary Moorman photo taken around a second after the head shot.

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	889EA36D-77F0-410B-8390-C7DDA139C53B.jpg
Views:	238
Size:	134.1 KB
ID:	805176

                                See any huge hole anyone? No, I can’t either.

                                Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                                “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”

