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JFK Assassination Documents to be released this year

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Pcdunn View Post
    Sure, Herlock, but this article has stats proving that "most Americans believe in JFK conspiracy theories."

    Perhaps no major event in modern U.S. history has spawned more widespread doubt than the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963. …

    I read a fascinating article about why people became so obsessed with the idea, fairly quickly after the assassination. It has to do, apparently, with the human need to find explanations for something that seems awful and inexplicable.

    Hi Pat,

    It’s also true that most Americans believe in Biblical Creation over scientifically proven evolution.

    I think the explaination that you’ve mentioned is largely correct. Perhaps it’s also the case that people don’t want to think of JFK, someone millions admired and respected, being killed by an insignificant nobody like Oswald.

    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


    • #32
      Originally posted by Graham View Post
      I lived in the USA for a number of years and always had an interest in both the JFK Assassination and the general political climate in the late 1950's/early 1960's. They were very uncertain times. It happens that I cannot recall discussing the JFK case with any American who felt that there wasn't a conspiracy to remove JFK. Some people seem to think that anyone who believes in a conspiracy automatically believes that Oswald was not involved - that is, a 'patsy'. Well, I for one believe that there indeed was a conspiracy to remove JFK and that Oswald most certainly was part of it. I have little doubt that he was up there in TSBD with his cheap Mannlicher-Carcano, and that at least one bullet from this rifle struck Kennedy. I also cannot be convinced that on that day he was the only gunman who fired at JFK. I also cannot be convinced that Oswald was not himself killed to ensure his silence. Anyone who thinks that Ruby did it because he 'felt sorry' for Mrs Kennedy is IMHO naive. I haven't read Bugliosi but have to say that I would take a hell of a lot of convincing to accept that Oswald acted totally alone.

      If Ruby killed Oswald as part of a plot then it was the worst organised plot in history. He first went to a Western Union office to mail some money to one of his strippers, any delay or queue would have scuppered the plan. There was a policeman at the top of the ramp at the car park of the police station. Fortunately a member of He public spoke to him which allowed Ruby to go down the ramp. By the time the officer saw him he was inside. He crossed the floor of the car park and arrived just as Oswald was brought out. Earlier Oswald had said that he was cold and that he wanted a jacket so the police went and found him one. If Oswald hadn’t have asked for it he would have been out and into the car before Ruby got there. So Oswald must have been a part of a conspiracy to get himself killed.

      Witnesses came forward to say how obsessed Ruby was with Kennedy. I’m unsure but he may have been the only club owner to close his club out of respect.
      Also Oswald’s army rifle records were found and they showed that he was easily good enough to make the shots despite conspiracy theorist lies that he was a poor shot.

      Sir Herlock Sholmes.

      “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


      • #33
        Originally posted by jason_c View Post
        That guy taking the side shot was a poor marksman then. He missed everything.
        If there was a second gunman and a conspiracy what kind of idiot would choose the grassy knoll which they knew would be full of people in front and a car park and railroad behind!? They would surely have gone for another tall building.

        Oswald didn’t even have to be a great shot. 3 shots fired, one missed completely, one hit JFK in the back (no assassin aims for the back) and one direct hit. So it’s one and a half out of three. Enough though.

        Sir Herlock Sholmes.

        “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


        • #34
          I do wish you'd actually read what people post. You're posting reasons why you think Oswald did it, and I actually posted earlier that I have little doubt that Oswald was involved in the actual assassination.

          You have to understand that governments do not like 'conspiracies' - conspiracies and conspiracy theories make them nervous. There were, quite simply, just too many people associated, however peripherally, in the events leading up to the assassination for me to accept only Oswald was involved. That's my belief, and as I've argued and debated the Kennedy Assassination over the past 40 years I do not intend to start all over again. You have your beliefs, I have mine.

          Last edited by Graham; 10-24-2017, 03:08 AM.
          We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


          • #35
            It’s also true that most Americans believe in Biblical Creation over scientifically proven evolution
            Really? How do you know?

            We are suffering from a plethora of surmise, conjecture and hypothesis. - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure Of Silver Blaze


            • #36
              LHO was involved but to what extent I'm not entirely clear. There's no doubt his rifle was found but did he personally fire anything? Witnesses describe hearing one shot followed by a delay and then 2 shots in rapid succession - could that have been all from him - I'm less sure on that and who saw him fire? Oswald was seen in the canteen area I believe very shortly afterwards. The evidence on whether he fired is circumstantial.

              "Lee Harvey Oswald tested negative when given a paraffin test on his cheeks. When someone fires a Mannlicher-Carcano, the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository that day, residue emits from the chamber onto the cheek of the individual. We know this because all of the FBI marksmen that tested the very same Mannlicher-Carcano tested positive for residue when given a paraffin test".

              Ruby did no one any favours but to think he would ruin his own life out of some kind of Kennedy admiration or obsession doesn't wash.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Graham View Post
                Really? How do you know?

                Well that statement is kinda correct...what it should be is, pools show a high percentage of Americans believe in the biblical creation over evolution...however... where are those polls taken....I am in New York and I would be willing to bet that Evolution would be the winner in a poll taken here... that being said, I know many people (highly educated at that) that believe the bible over science... it is sad and scary to say the least...but it's a fact...but majority of Americans....I wouldn't go that far (but WAY to high a percentage for sure)

                Steadmund Brand
                "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Graham View Post
                  Really? How do you know?

                  Apparently things do appear to be changing slightly on that front but the figures are still pretty alarming IMO

                  Few issues have divided the American public as bitterly as Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection. Since On the Origin of Species...

                  Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                  “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Graham View Post
                    I do wish you'd actually read what people post. You're posting reasons why you think Oswald did it, and I actually posted earlier that I have little doubt that Oswald was involved in the actual assassination.

                    You have to understand that governments do not like 'conspiracies' - conspiracies and conspiracy theories make them nervous. There were, quite simply, just too many people associated, however peripherally, in the events leading up to the assassination for me to accept only Oswald was involved. That's my belief, and as I've argued and debated the Kennedy Assassination over the past 40 years I do not intend to start all over again. You have your beliefs, I have mine.

                    I do read what people post Graham and I did understand that you meant that Oswald was involved in a conspiracy to kill JFK. I accept that you don’t wish to debate the subject because your mind is made up. Fair enough.

                    My final words to you would simply be: read Bugliosi. Anyone who reads that book, checks his sources and what lengths he went to in analysing events surrounding the assassination, and comes away thinking ‘conspiracy’ would simply be engaging in wish-thinking.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                      we met the actual Keven Bacon character Willie Okeefe(danny ferries gay boy toy) celebrating mardi Gra in New Orleans about 20 years ago. He was a cab driver who gave us a ride home one night.
                      told us the whole story. according to him it was all basically true-there was a conspiracy and second shooter atop the railway bridge/grassy knoll.

                      It was a long ride and he got into the specifics, but when we woke up the next morning we couldn't remember half of what he said.

                      we knew it was really him because one thing he told us was that he was given a cameo in the movie as a drinker during a bar scene-and sure enough he was.
                      Hi Abby,
                      I found a still from the JFK movie showing Perry Russo as the "angry man at the bar".

                      Is this your cab Driver?


                      • #41
                        I think one of the biggest myths that need busting is that Oswald was a poor shot.

                        He was a Marine marksman, previously to that a sharpshooter these are marine gradings that are higher than Navy or Army equivalent, at distances twice as far as the fatal head shot.

                        While these targets were stationary given the incline in Elm street and a target moving away the car was virtually stationary to Oswald.

                        The carcano although an inexpensive weapon does not make anyone less dead when a bullet hits them in the head from it.

                        "Oswald was an average shot at best" Oliver Stone told us in his movie, if you squint your eyes and cross your fingers you might get away with saying Oswald was an average shot at worse. "Maggots Draw" was a total invention from stone.

                        Oswald was a good shot, his performance that day?...mediocre but it was enough to allow him carry out his murderous objective.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                          Hi Abby,
                          I found a still from the JFK movie showing Perry Russo as the "angry man at the bar".

                          Is this your cab Driver?

                          yes I think that's him but the other two dudes whos faces you can see next to and in front of him also bear a resemblance, but all three look kind of similar!!

                          thanks for posting that!

                          my remembrance of him was kind of an older, fatter not as good looking version of Dean Martin.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by DirectorDave View Post
                            I think one of the biggest myths that need busting is that Oswald was a poor shot.

                            He was a Marine marksman, previously to that a sharpshooter these are marine gradings that are higher than Navy or Army equivalent, at distances twice as far as the fatal head shot.

                            While these targets were stationary given the incline in Elm street and a target moving away the car was virtually stationary to Oswald.

                            The carcano although an inexpensive weapon does not make anyone less dead when a bullet hits them in the head from it.

                            "Oswald was an average shot at best" Oliver Stone told us in his movie, if you squint your eyes and cross your fingers you might get away with saying Oswald was an average shot at worse. "Maggots Draw" was a total invention from stone.

                            Oswald was a good shot, his performance that day?...mediocre but it was enough to allow him carry out his murderous objective.
                            Good point Dave. It’s also worthwhile to remember that when the head shot hit Oswald was no more than 90 yards away and, as the car was moving away from Oswald, he was pretty much a stationary target.

                            Conspiracy theorists give the lie that no one could re-create those shots when they have been recreated several times. Oswald ‘performance’ has been beaten.

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by MysterySinger View Post
                              LHO was involved but to what extent I'm not entirely clear. There's no doubt his rifle was found but did he personally fire anything? Witnesses describe hearing one shot followed by a delay and then 2 shots in rapid succession - could that have been all from him - I'm less sure on that and who saw him fire? Oswald was seen in the canteen area I believe very shortly afterwards. The evidence on whether he fired is circumstantial.

                              "Lee Harvey Oswald tested negative when given a paraffin test on his cheeks. When someone fires a Mannlicher-Carcano, the rifle found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository that day, residue emits from the chamber onto the cheek of the individual. We know this because all of the FBI marksmen that tested the very same Mannlicher-Carcano tested positive for residue when given a paraffin test".

                              Ruby did no one any favours but to think he would ruin his own life out of some kind of Kennedy admiration or obsession doesn't wash.
                              Hi MS

                              From Bugliosi page 964 ‘Dallas police performed a paraffin test on Oswald’s hands at the time of his interrogation to determine if he’d recently fired a revolver, and the results were positive, indicating the presence of nitrates from gunpowder residue on his hands.’

                              As for Ruby, there’s just no evidence for any other reason, everything indicates that he killed Oswald for the reasons that he stated.

                              Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                              “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Abby Normal View Post
                                yes I think that's him but the other two dudes whos faces you can see next to and in front of him also bear a resemblance, but all three look kind of similar!!

                                thanks for posting that!

                                my remembrance of him was kind of an older, fatter not as good looking version of Dean Martin.
                                Abby, apparently Russo in his later years worked as a cab driver, so he was probably your man.

