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  • Game

    Could we invent a Jack the Ripper Suspects game like Monopoly but each player picks a suspect and a pack of cards to match the suspect.

    Dr Barnardo:

    Pick a card:

    You're sent to court for kidnapping a child, move back 2 paces. / You help a prostitute into work, move forward 3 paces.

    William Gull:

    Pick a card:

    You had a stroke, move back 1 pace. / You perform lifesaving surgery, move forward 3 paces.

    Charles Lechmrere:

    Pick a card:

    You ran over a child, move back 3 paces. / You open a grocery, move forward 4 paces.

    Joe Barnett:

    Pick a card:

    You threw an object at your lover in a fight, go to jail. / You try patching things up, move forward 3 paces.

    Lewis Carroll:

    Pick a card:

    You wrote a bestseller, move forward 2 paces. / You are a 'vile and worthless sinner', go to jail.

    Whoever wins is JTR.

    Or is it too dark?
    Last edited by Tani; 06-04-2024, 07:57 PM.
    O have you seen the devle
    with his mikerscope and scalpul
    a lookin at a Kidney
    With a slide cocked up.

  • #2
    Absolutely great idea. I'm 99% certain there is a board game based on the Torso killings...

    ETA there sure is...

    Click image for larger version

Name:	pic3610214.jpg
Views:	206
Size:	153.5 KB
ID:	835264
    Last edited by Geddy2112; 06-04-2024, 07:49 PM.


    • #3
      Crud it's been done as well, RipperOpoly. Of course you never want to be the top hat...

      Click image for larger version

Name:	pic388777.webp
Views:	173
Size:	87.6 KB
ID:	835287

