Hi, guys! I'm new here, but I am really excited to be joining you all. I work as a professional pastel artist and I've been wanting to draw something Ripper-related for quite some time. At first, I thought that I would use a photo I found of a caped man in a top hat staring up at Big Ben, but then I came across another that I felt did a much better job at capturing the notorious legend in an artistic manner. Attached is the picture. I am going to add an additional streetlamp in the lefthand area of the foreground because the lighting on the blade as it currently stands doesn't make any logical sense. I'm also going to add a pool of blood at Ripper's feet near his shadow as if he is walking away from his latest murder scene. The light from the added streetlamp will reflect off of both the knife and the pool of blood. This blood is going to be red, as it should be, and will be the only color in an otherwise black and white drawing. This is called selective color. What does everyone think? 
