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Partnership from Hell Kindle ebook free this weekend in return for honest reviews!

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  • Partnership from Hell Kindle ebook free this weekend in return for honest reviews!

    Hi all,

    I am looking for honest reviews for my Kindle novel, Partnership from Hell, as Amazon has deleted some legit ones for unknown reasons.

    It is a supernatural tale which follows the events closely and features many of the names associated with the ongoing (never-ending) case study with some unexpected characters.

    Blurb - When tragedy strikes, Jakob finds himself in London, trying to blend in and, hopefully, disappear in the notorious and nefarious streets of the East End. The year is 1888, and one night Jakob meets Jack where the two form a macabre pact, a partnership driven by bloodlust.
    But when the victims increase, little does Jakob know he is about to become central to the Whitechapel murders.
    And as Jack descends further into madness, Jakob has no option but to stop him before he kills again. But Jack has different ideas.
    And so do those watching them.

    Please visit Amazon this weekend only - August 28th & 29th, 2021 - for a free copy.
    US Link
    UK Link

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