I realize it isn't exactly Shakespeare, so if it offends your ear for poetry, please, blame the Management, not your lowly laborer-over-limericks! *ducking behind the table just in case*
There once was a man of Whitechapel
Who felt that most women were cattle.
So he got out his knife,
Blew a kiss to his wife,
And the streets were soon cleared of the rabble.
An humble offering by your very own
Mrs. Fiddymont *dodging rocks and ignoring the boos and hisses*
There once was a man of Whitechapel
Who felt that most women were cattle.
So he got out his knife,
Blew a kiss to his wife,
And the streets were soon cleared of the rabble.
An humble offering by your very own
Mrs. Fiddymont *dodging rocks and ignoring the boos and hisses*
