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Whitechapel Society Mtg Oct 2010

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  • Whitechapel Society Mtg Oct 2010

    Can anybody tell me what time the mtg is tomorrow and if its at the Aldgate? We hope to go to hear Paul Begg speak on the new film he and others are making .Thanks,Norma

  • #2
    7 for 7.45pm, and the venue isn't stated to be anything other than the Aldgate on the website...



    • #3
      Oh Thanks Claire! Ofcourse, I should have remembered they have a website!


      • #4
        Heheh no probs; hope it's good.



        • #5
          Originally posted by claire View Post
          Heheh no probs; hope it's good.
          Good Claire? Paul Begg gave a sensational talk accompanied by clips from the two hour documentary on Jack the Ripper he is making for The History Channnel and Channel Five.Just seeking a glimpse of Jake"s "reconstructions" of Mitre Square and Hanbury Street back yard was amazing enough but the fact the Whitechapel of 1888 is to be reproduced accurately for the film , street by street ,building by building through Jake"s use of 1887 Fire Insurance maps and other such maps is quite a dazzlingly brilliant project and the snatches of dialogue between Martha Tabram and Pearly Poll was priceless in the way it captured these women who were on their uppers ,lets face it and homeless but nevertheless like Polly and Kate resilient and ready with a Cockney quip.More later!
          It was an extraordinary event and Liza raised a fortune for the charity in aid of children with leukaemia, that the late ,much missed ,Jeremy Beadle initiated and supported.


          • #6
            Sounds amazing...I'm really disappointed I missed it, but there I was, marking all weekend



            • #7
              Well you missed a treat Claire but never mind -you will be able to watch the film on tv![or buy the DVD],


              • #8
                I went by car to the WS Society on Saturday and got lost following a diversion down to Wapping by mistake.But it was just fantastic because the night was wild with a high tide and the rain sleeting down when I passed a row of old houses,near the river ,which were painted in bright colours and all about 300 years old and looking just like those in the book by PD James ,"The Maul and The Pear Tree", telling the story of the Radcliffe Highway murders ----and I was right-I couldnt believe my eyes when I looked to my left as I got near the cross roads and saw "Cannon Street" and recognised the tower of Hawksmoor"s beautiful,17th century spooky old St George"s- in- the- East Church!Wow was it seriously worthwhile getting lost!There I was on Ratcliffe Highway with the ancient warehouses lining either side of Wapping Lane[then Old Gravel Lane]the lane made famous during the murders, then Gravel Lane all leading to the river.Then I passed Artichoke Hill where the murders happened and where Marr"s shop had stood!
                Andy and I tried to go back on Sunday but were forced back by the huge crowds coming from Stanford Bridge after the match between Chelsea and Arsenal----Andy was too chuffed by Chelsea winning to be disappointed at having to turn back but he did want to see the famous church and Gravel Lane!


                • #9
                  That was one wild ride, Natalie. Glad you made it safely, too.

                  I hope the documentary by Paul and them makes it across the pond someday.

                  Sink the Bismark


                  • #10
                    Hi Roy---you may like to see some pics I took of Wapping this week !


                    • #11
                      These are great photos Norma. Very atmospheric. Looking forward to the screen prints!


                      • #12
                        Thanks Julie.The pirate ship was a good one ,followed by The Prospect of Whitby![Execution Dock where they hung the pirates is right next door -a somewhat gruesome sight really!]

