The latest issue of the New Independent Review is now out and subscribers should soon find it in their email-boxes. The issue is packed full with interesting features that include: "Murder by Design," by Cris Malone, which takes a detailed look at George Bagster Phillips and the enigma of the medical evidence in the Whitechapel Murders. "The Indictment," by Joe Chetcuti, not only takes a different look at the Tumblety indictment for gross indecency but reveals a story of Ripperologists working together. Lynn Cates makes his NIR debut with "The Work of an Imitator?" that reveals what the author feels are popular misconceptions about the Eddowes murder. Siobhan Patrick Mulcahy provides a of change of pace as she serves up "The Wimbledon Killer," the story of the only Wimbledon finalist to be charged with murder. Finally, Don Souden provides "Dog-gone!" the full and complete story of bloodhounds Burgho and Barnaby.
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Further information on obtaining copies for this not already subscribers is available at