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They All Love Jack: Busting the Ripper

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  • #31
    People,well Ripperologists any way,have to realize that you cannot copyright history.

    If I unveil Jack the Ripper,anyone can write a book or screenplay and I receive zilch.

    "Prosector" has been in a the same position.

    Surprised that Bruce Robinson especially is publishing first.
    He can copyright his book.
    Perchance he has a screenplay finished and is about to auction it.

    "Applicants" have chosen to ignore that I am prepared to furnish Internet links to published Medical Papers linking Nichols and Eddowes (Conway at the time) to Jack the Ripper.

    Chapman is obvious.

    So is Stride.

    Mary Ann Kelly has at least one,if not two links to Jack.
    She is a bit difficult to completely tie down,however I am doing my best.

    Guess if your books are contrary to the facts,you are not in a position to downgrade your product

    Royalties disappear and it is a life of egg on face and humble pie on the dinner table.


    • #32
      I have just found out that "They All Love Jack" by Bruce Robinson has been longlisted for the prestigious "Samuel Johnson" literary prize.

      Does this bestow some long overdue respectability for ripper studies?


      • #33
        Originally posted by DJA View Post
        Mary Ann Kelly has at least one,if not two links to Jack.
        She is a bit difficult to completely tie down,however I am doing my best. [emp. added]


        • #34
          Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
          I have just found out that "They All Love Jack" by Bruce Robinson has been longlisted for the prestigious "Samuel Johnson" literary prize.

          Does this bestow some long overdue respectability for ripper studies?
          Maybe if it wins but a couple others on the longlist, I think, have a better shot at it. Haven't read Robinson's book yet so I could be wrong. The ones I have read were all interesting, even the ones that I felt failed like Black Earth.

          Originally posted by RivkahChaya View Post
          Why? DO IT! MAKE THE JOKE!!! I would but I can't think of a good one.
          I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


          • #35
            With “We All Love Jack” having been nominated for the prestigious “Samuel Johnson” literary award, it strikes me that this augurs extremely
            well for the quality of the book.

            The book has been shortlisted presumably on the basis of favourable reviews of advance proof copies. It got me thinking that “We All Love Jack” is probably not a straightforward retelling of the murders and naming of a suspect.

            I have a feeling that it may as much about Bruce Robinson as it is about the murders, and may well focus on his long fascination with the case.

            I personally cannot remember any other JTR book that has been nominated for such a prestigious award, is this the case?


            • #36

              That's very possible. I wasn't arguing against the quality of the book. Again, I haven't read it yet. I was commenting on how strong the competition is and how I find it doubtful of adding a layer of respectability to Ripper studies in public perception unless it wins. Even in that case I think it would take more than a single book winning an award to do that.
              I’m often irrelevant. It confuses people.


              • #37
                Hi all,

                Ive just finished the book. Not sure whether i loved it or hated it! It's entertaining for sure, mainly because Robinsons vulgar attacks are relentless. Not suprised at all at the literary nominations. Let me know what you think guys. I post soon on a couple of small issues.

                "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
                - Ted Bundy


                • #38
                  Hi all,

                  I'd like to repost a direct excerpt from the book, but is that frowned upon? It would be just a short piece, no more than 50 - 60 words. Give mevsome guidance here....

                  "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
                  - Ted Bundy


                  • #39
                    Depends on the Copyright Law in the country of origin

                    Originally posted by nicole View Post
                    Hi all,

                    I'd like to repost a direct excerpt from the book, but is that frowned upon? It would be just a short piece, no more than 50 - 60 words. Give mevsome guidance here....

                    Here is a link to an article on British Copyright Law:

                    They mention this about the concept of "Fair Dealing" for use of portions of a published work in research, criticism, review, etc.:
                    "Fair dealing and other exceptions

                    UK copyright law has a set of exceptions to copyright, only some of which are referred to as fair dealing. Database right has a similar set of exceptions. Fair dealing is much more restricted than the American concept of fair use. It only applies in tightly defined situations, and outside those situations it is no defence at all against a lawsuit for copyright (or database right) infringement.

                    s29. Research and Private Study— Fair dealing with any in-copyright work for the purpose of research for a non-commercial purpose, does not infringe any copyright in the work, provided it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement of the source.[8] This exception includes the right for people to analyse in copyright work also using computers. A process known as content mining, or text mining / data mining.
                    s30.—Criticism, review, quotation and news reporting Fair dealing with a work for the purpose of quotation, criticism or review, or news reporting does not infringe copyright in the work, provided it is accompanied by a sufficient acknowledgement, and provided the work has been made available to the public.[8]
                    s30A.—Caricature, parody or pastiche Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of caricature, parody or pastiche is not an infringement of copyright.
                    s32.—Illustration for instruction Fair dealing with a work for the purposes of instruction does not infringe copyright as long as not for commercial purposes. "

                    U. S. Copyright Law indicates that "quotation of excerpts in a review or criticism for purposes of illustration or comment [...]" may fall under the Fair Use doctrine, which is shown in Section 107. However, "it is best to obtain permission from the copyright owner first."
                    Pat D.
                    Von Konigswald: Jack the Ripper plays shuffleboard. -- Happy Birthday, Wanda June by Kurt Vonnegut, c.1970.


                    • #40

                      They will just attempt to sue Stephen and Ally.

                      Truth is,it all builds the marketplace.
                      Last edited by DJA; 12-01-2015, 06:03 PM. Reason: Last bit.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by nicole View Post
                        Hi all,

                        I'd like to repost a direct excerpt from the book, but is that frowned upon? It would be just a short piece, no more than 50 - 60 words. Give mevsome guidance here....

                        Yes you should be ok.
                        The copyright act allows for "fair use" of material from a copyrighted book.

                        I attach info below which might help.

                        To bring your otherwise unauthorized use within the protection of the doctrine, there are two separate and important considerations. First, your use must be for “purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research.”

                        This is the first prong. If your use falls into one of these categories, then you move to the second prong of the test. A court will consider the following four factors to determine if your use is a fair use:

                        the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
                        the nature of the copyrighted work;
                        the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (emphasis added)
                        the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.


                        • #42
                          When copying a part of a work, you should also include a citation, and I would do page numbers as well. The purpose of it would be for discussion, so it wouldn't be any different than quoting the book in an academic paper, which is done literally all the time. Just as long as you cite it so it's clear you're not trying to take credit for it, you're in the clear.
                          Last edited by kookingpot; 12-02-2015, 10:43 AM. Reason: added mention of academic citations, ninja edit.


                          • #43
                            Sounds good....just finished work Hot bath first thrn all later

                            "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
                            - Ted Bundy


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by barnflatwyngarde View Post
                              Yes you should be ok.
                              The copyright act allows for "fair use" of material from a copyrighted book.

                              I attach info below which might help.

                              To bring your otherwise unauthorized use within the protection of the doctrine, there are two separate and important considerations. First, your use must be for “purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research.”

                              This is the first prong. If your use falls into one of these categories, then you move to the second prong of the test. A court will consider the following four factors to determine if your use is a fair use:

                              the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
                              the nature of the copyrighted work;
                              the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and (emphasis added)
                              the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

                              While I agree in general, there is also an issue of location, what complies with the law in one country may not in another when it comes to IP.

                              However a 50-60 word quote, with attribution is unlikely to be in breech of any copyright legislation.
                              G U T

                              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


                              • #45
                                Hi all,

                                I'm gonna refrain from posting the excerpt afterall...I'll just say instead that the book is riddled with distasteful, disrespectful ridicule of everybody including the victims, at the mere attempt at sounding witty or "cool". It wasn't pleasant. The general air of the book was one of pretentiousness. My "fave" line in the book was on page 163 of the hardback version when you referred to Catherine Eddowes simply as "a ****". Yes, your words Mr Robinson...not JTRs or Kenneth Bianci's as you tried to disguise it. Bruce Robinsons!!!!!
                                Eddowes was a tragic victim of male violence as were the others, and should be respectfully recognised as such. Enjoy your uocoming literary award, sir.......

                                "We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
                                - Ted Bundy

