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case closed by Patricia Cornwell

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Mike Covell View Post
    Just a rumour, but I hear she spells Martha Tabram's name correct!
    What about Eddowes?
    Truth is female, since truth is beauty rather than handsomeness; this [...] would certainly explain the saying that a lie could run around the world before Truth has got its, correction, her boots on, since she would have to chose which pair - the idea that any woman in a position to choose would have just one pair of boots being beyond rational belief.
    Unseen Academicals - Terry Pratchett.


    • #17
      Yeah you are quite correct - portrait of a killer it is. It certainly seemed more plausible to me than the Royal Conspiracy theory but I am reading much about the Ripper at the moment. I believe Sickert thought he had rented a room that the Ripper had stayed in and the painting, The Ripper's bedroom, was that room.


      • #18
        hi skypilot

        Originally posted by skypilot View Post
        welcome to the forums. I'm new to this, too, and have never received a reply from anyone, so you're having more luck than I.

        Just wanted to say hi, and welcome, as you are new, and haven't been replied to yet. Hope you have fun posting here.

        There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

        George Sand


        • #19
          Hi Gary and 'skypilot'

          OK if you want a seriously good 'Royal Conspiracy' you must have a go at Stephen Knight's 'The Final Solution' 1976-ISBN 0-586-04652-6
          It got a lot of us going in the first place I'm sure before we actually started to read about facts!- it still remains a tantalising read - in all of it's madness!

          Suz x

          (Forget Cornwell- Sickert is an interesting man in his own right- but 99.995% sure he ain't our man! she should stick to her 2nd rate crime fiction- IMHO!)
          Last edited by Suzi; 09-27-2009, 03:51 PM.
          'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


          • #20
            Kensei writes:

            "I will never accept Barnett- one simply does not do THAT to someone one has once loved."

            On the contrary, Kensei - the ones who are subjected to things like these, are often victims of spouses and/or lovers! Cases involving earthshattering feelings often result in earthshattering deeds; just like what happened to Mary Kelly.

            The best,


            • #21
              Perhaps so Fisherman, but I don't consider the feelings between Mary and Barnett to have been "earthshattering." My impression is that they were not permanently broken up- he moved out after an argument but was continuing to visit her regularly and to give her money when he could. Basically, they were just "on a break."

              But sorry- this is a Cornwell/Sickert thread.


              • #22
                Kensei writes:

                "I don't consider the feelings between Mary and Barnett to have been "earthshattering."

                My main concern was to point out that these types of crimes are often perpetrated by people who are or have been emotionally involved with the victim. That would apply for Barnett too, methinks. A very interesting parallel case is that of Edward Gingerich, who actually committed a crime that has very many parallels to what Mary Kelly suffered as he destroyed his wife. The adress[/url] will lead you to a closer look into that particular case.

                And yes, it IS a Cornwell/Sickert thread, but since you brought the topic up on this very thread, I thought it a long way to wander to give the short and simple answer on another thread. Any furtther discussion should of course be moved!

                The very best, Kensei!
                Last edited by Fisherman; 09-29-2009, 10:38 AM.


                • #23
                  Sorry, Kensei - the address should be a tad shorter:

                  The best,


                  • #24
                    I just got this book out from the library. Also noticed that she had another book in the library (couldn't find it) called "The student, the tutor, the ripper" or something like that. James Kelly I think it was about.

                    I already find that Patricia is working under the assumption that the letters were written by Jack The Ripper. If they weren't the whole theory's basically out the window. And it's already stated that she was 'advised' to check out Sickert. Will post more once I read further into it.


                    • #25
                      The Prince, His Tutor and the Ripper is written by Deborah McDonald. It's a well written, well researched book, with references and sources throughout.

                      Jack the Ripper Case Closed is none of the above.
                      Regards Mike


                      • #26
                        oh I got it muddled up then. I was looking through one of those library computer catalogues without my glasses. I thought I saw another one written by Patricia. Sorry.


                        • #27
                          Hiya- Glasses or not- please don't bother with La Cornwell!!

                          Deborah Mc Donald's book is great and worth a read...but...
                          A good basic book from the likes of Sugden,Begg and Rumbelow will always be a better option for the basic facts before you enter the minefield that is suspect based Ripperology!!

                          'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                          • #28
                            I'm afraid I've started reading Patricia's book. But I don't know if I'm going to be able to get through it if the Author's just basing the book on the pure fact that Sickert's the ripper.

                            One thing that keeps popping up is the sketching of the Police playing 'Blind Man's Bluff' to catch the Ripper. Change the Police to an Author and that'd be a striking resemblance. LOL.

                            I'm not sure if I'd ever become a Ripperologist since I got alot of what ifs, buts but nothing concrete at all. I'm just heavily researching a fictional story for a competition. The idea's just brought out my interest in Jack The Ripper that I had as a kid.


                            • #29
                              Don't let Patsy put you off please!!!... We've all got a lot of 'ifs and buts and very little concrete' at the end of the day! [sadly!]
                              Hang in there and good luck with the short story!
                              'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                              • #30
                                Oh patricia won't put me off. And thanks for the good luck. I'd post the link somewhere on here when I'm done except for the fact it's Alternate Universe but it has gotten me interested in writing a fictional story for the hell of it.

