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A New Ripper Book

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  • Originally posted by The Good Michael View Post

    I don't think you need to defend yourself. The ones who make insinuations against you, are not believed by the majority of us. Perhaps a newbie reading an attack against you might take pause for a moment, as for the rest of us, we trust your integrity. That's a fact. Instead of getting riled up and exasperated, you might want to stop and remember that almost all of us are with you, whether we agree on all your analyses or not. You are respected and trusted.


    Hear hear. I have the utmost respect for you Stewart. I certainly do hope you do not get so disillusioned with the field of Ripperology that we end up losing you, as it would be a great shame and you would be sorely missed.

    my best wishes

    There is only one happiness in life—to love and be loved.

    George Sand


    • Well, what do you know?
      I bluffed with a blind hand and won the pot.
      I didn't know a thing.


      • Originally posted by Cap'n Jack View Post
        Well, what do you know?
        I bluffed with a blind hand and won the pot.
        I didn't know a thing.
        To say you 'won the pot', AP, suggests that you feel you gained something (privately at least) from the above info.

        Perhaps that was what you hoped to hear?


        • No, John, it just simply means that I am good at poker.


          • Of course it does...


            • And of course... I'd like to point out that I pointed no finger, nor named no name, nor made any insinuation, nor accusation, but simply posted a post asking who the third party involved was.
              That's simple.
              My interest was merely galvanised by the process of making rusty old tin look like stainless steel.
              That interest has now been satisfied.
              Thank you for your interest.


              • Stewart, there is little wrong with the field of Ripperology. There's just a single cow pat sitting in it.

                Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                • And you, George, just stood in it.


                  • Oh dear..... it must be the heat chaps...can we keep it civil....

                    Suzi x
                    'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                    • To be honest, the field of Ripperology is littered with cowpats. Anybody who strides into that field runs the risk of stepping in one (or two) along the way. The saga developing around Mr. Cook's book is a pretty good example.


                      • Exactly!!! It can be difficult to walk too far in Ripperology before you're up to your elbows in it!! LOL Next stop Barber's Yard!!!! Then of course- nobody notices!!!!!

                        As a by the by-During WW2 allegedly the guard on the train when it stopped at Aldgate East had the immortal phrase 'Awwrldgate East...All gerrraght'..... bloody difficult to type tho' in the vernacular! ....Mi old mucker!
                        Last edited by Suzi; 05-31-2009, 09:35 PM.
                        'Would you like to see my African curiosities?'


                        • Hi Suzi,

                          To lighten the mood a tad, my facsimile reprint of an 1885 edition of Old London Street Cries puts such things in the vernacular rather well. It describes how "thet tchung men," the railway porter, would pronounce the following station names:

                          "Oldersgit Street"
                          "Mawgit Street"
                          "Mark Line"
                          "Menshun Ouse"
                          "S'n Jimes-iz Pawk"
                          "Emma Smith"

                          Originally posted by Stewart P Evans View Post
                          This current matter is a private affair between Philip Hutchinson and Andrew Cook and is no business of anyone posting here. If Philip chooses to discuss it with others that is his prerogative. However, the matter is technically sub judice and should not really be discussed publicly. Philip and I have had close contact and have discussed matters privately...

                          ...It would be nice if people minded their own business and did not get involved with that which does not concern them.
                          Indeed so, Stewart. Well said. That's precisely why I thought we should all hold our horses, when I read Philip's reference here to having sent me an email about this matter.

                          Originally posted by Cap'n Jack View Post
                          Well, what do you know?
                          I bluffed with a blind hand and won the pot.
                          I didn't know a thing.
                          Hi AP,

                          You haven't 'won' anything since it's not your fight. And I don't know what you thought you knew, but you now know, courtesy of Stewart, all anyone needs to know:

                          Originally posted by Stewart P Evans View Post
                          Any images I supply for use are from my own collection and if I ever supply any belonging to others I always do so with permission and explain to the user that credit would be need to be given to the owner if used.
                          That makes it 100% clear that Stewart would not have supplied any image to Cook without its owner's permission and without advising that credit must be given to the owner when using it.

                          Put that in your pipe and smoke it - in place of whatever you have been using.


                          "Comedy is simply a funny way of being serious." Peter Ustinov


                          • Originally posted by Chris
                            Also, it's not clear what some of the other statements about Best's involvement in the Star's coverage are based on. For example, that he and O'Brian/Brien were despatched to the East End and came back with the "Leather Apron" story. I can't tell whether that comes from contemporary documentation, or family recollections, or what.
                            This goes back to what I was saying last week. We KNOW that the Star was sued by John Pizer during the Ripper scare for articles they published calling Pizer 'Leather Apron'. Could the letter in Cook's book be referring to the host of 'Leather Apron' stories that built up the myth? If these were composed by Best and co. and transmitted via the Central News, then it explains everything, and has nothing at all to do with the 'Dear Boss' letters.

                            Any thoughts?

                            Yours truly,

                            Tom Wescott


                            • Yes, that seems probable..cheers Tom.



                              • Originally posted by Tom_Wescott View Post
                                This goes back to what I was saying last week. We KNOW that the Star was sued by John Pizer during the Ripper scare for articles they published calling Pizer 'Leather Apron'. Could the letter in Cook's book be referring to the host of 'Leather Apron' stories that built up the myth? If these were composed by Best and co. and transmitted via the Central News, then it explains everything, and has nothing at all to do with the 'Dear Boss' letters.
                                I think the thing that's difficult to explain in this way is the reference to Central News.

                                According to Cook, owing to a mixture of political and personal antipathy, the Star never printed Central News material, unless to rubbish it (as in the case of the Dear Boss letter; which seems rather a weakness in Cook's argument - if it was a plan to keep the story going, contrived with the blessing of the Star's management, why would the Star have denounced it as a fake?). I certainly can't see any suggestion that the Star supplied Central News with copy.

