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I Never Knew That About London

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  • I Never Knew That About London

    This book isn't about JtR, but anyone interested in him is also usually interested in the Old City. I stopped by a bookshop on the way home tonight to get something to read on the weekend and came across this in the travel section:

    Christopher Winn, I Never Knew That About London (London: Ebury Press, 2007) ISBN 9780091918576

    I've only just skimmed through it so far, but it's a fascinating little book filled with interesting and little-known facts about London. The bit on St. Botolph's Aldgate is particularly good.

    It's composed of little snippets of text so it's perfect for, say, reading on the bus on the way to work, or taking down the pub with you on a Sunday afternoon.

  • #2
    I totally agree. A gem of a book.



    • #3
      Yep, this turned out to be a great little book that gave me a couple of dozen ideas for things to see on my next trip to London. One interesting bit of info: Abe Saperstein, founder of the Harlem Globetrotters basketball team, was born in Flower and Dean Street in 1900.

