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Vincent Alias Jack

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  • Vincent Alias Jack

    The True Story of How Vincent van Gogh Became Jack the Ripper

    Many thought the Jack the Ripper case would never be solved. They were wrong.

    A strange discovery led to the true identity.

    Exhaustive research and analysis of Van Gogh’s 800 letters, the approx. 240 Ripper letters, police reports, over 700 articles, and much more . . . proves the case.

    It’s been a very long journey, but the book is now available for pre-order through Kickstarter. Hope you’ll join in and be part of history.

    Kickstarter: Vincent Alias Jack

    Book Website

    Here’s a short synopsis . . .

    Vincent van Gogh was not as he seems.

    In 1888, at the age of 35, Vincent was looking to create something unique in art for the upcoming exhibition at the 1889 World's Fair in Paris. He found this uniqueness by way of murder. Over that summer, he created a persona to murder by, and he named it Jack the Ripper, revealing his name to London and to the world through letters to the police and newspapers. Acting on his fantasies and his threats, Vincent traveled to London and killed again and again as Jack the Ripper—reaping the power that came from murder and turning the blood he spilled into paint. He gained the uniqueness in art he was after.

    But Vincent was a murderer long before he became Jack the Ripper. He made his first kill fifteen years earlier in 1873. He was 20 and ambitious and had been transferred to London from Holland in May by Goupil’s, the art dealer he worked for. It was believed he first lived in the Battersea area in the S.E. district. He then moved to nearby Brixton in August, and on September 5, just five days before his mother’s September 10 birthday, the body parts of an unidentified woman were found floating in the River Thames. The speculation was that the body parts were thrown in at Battersea. Vincent had moved and then had murdered.

    Nine months later, in the midst of being rejected by his landlady's 19-year-old daughter, Vincent murdered again. This time, only the lower half of a woman's body was found in the Thames. Vincent had been rejected and then had murdered.

    During the years that followed, Vincent gave up on being an art dealer to instead become a preacher like his father. But when that failed after several attempts, he turned to painting. His younger brother, Theo, then began to support him financially, which he would continue for ten years. Vincent moved back home to Holland but was thrown out by his father on Christmas day, due to his relentless arguing. Then in 1885, after Vincent had moved back home again, his preacher father was subsequently found dead one fine Sunday on the threshold of his home.

    Because of the continued arguing with his father, Vincent’s sisters and others blamed him indirectly for their father's sudden and unexpected death. But the evidence shows Vincent was more directly responsible, and that, in fact, he had laid hands on his preacher father and had killed him. He was already an established serial killer, after all.

    Vincent then moved to Paris in 1886 to live with Theo, but there was a problem. Theo had an ex-girlfriend living in his apartment who wouldn’t move out. She was referred to only as S. When Theo took a trip back to Holland and wrote to Vincent that either she moves out or he will, Vincent wrote back and offered to take S. off Theo’s hands, even suggesting he would marry her if necessary. During this same time Theo was away, the body parts of an unidentified woman were found deposited in street urinals in Paris. Vincent had solved the S. problem.

    In 1887, Vincent then made a trip back to London from Paris for another murder, and just as with his first two murders in London, a woman's body parts were found floating in the Thames.

    It was then in 1888 that Vincent moved to the South of France for something new in art for the upcoming World’s Fair in Paris, and he concluded it was murder that would give him the power he needed to create something unique. From August to December, Vincent made trips to London to murder seven women under the guise of his created persona, Jack the Ripper. He also killed another woman during this same time using his old method, making the total he killed in the year of the eights to be 8.

    It was at the end of this flurry of murdering and painting that Vincent then cut off his ear in December of 1888. He was in and out of the hospital at the beginning of 1889 before being committed to an asylum at his own request. Being confined, he worked on the asylum director to obtain freedom to go out into the country to paint for several days at a time. Once he had obtained his freedom, he used it to travel back to London, and he killed three more women in 1889— one more acting as Jack the Ripper and two as what became known as the Torso Killer.

    Vincent's final murder was his own. He shot himself in the stomach soon after he had moved back near Paris to be closer to Theo, and he died on July 29, 1890. Theo then lost his mind from grief and guilt and died six months later.

    Vincent van Gogh was Jack the Ripper!

    Yours truly,
    Dale Larner

  • #2
    More of the same???
    G U T

    There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


    • #3
      Including ignoring evidence he was in France on many of the key dates.

      But hey why bother about evidence.
      G U T

      There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


      • #4
        Originally posted by GUT View Post
        Including ignoring evidence he was in France on many of the key dates.

        But hey why bother about evidence.
        You’ve proven time and time again you are with those who walk in darkness and hold tight to the philosophy of hate as your joy. The haters, the preventers, those who stand in the way of new discoveries, new technologies, medicines, and the solving of cases. The self-important, high-minded sort, who are self-consumed with their knowledge of things, lacking understanding, transfixed with the way things have always been, unable to recognize the new thing, the truth of something, the reality. Always lashing out, always seeking to destroy, to defeat, while promoting themselves as the truth keepers. False prophets, Sadducees and Pharisees and scribes, so far gone away from truth they couldn’t even see the Son of God standing before them. Depart from me and examine yourselves. I walk in the light.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vincent alias Jack View Post
          You’ve proven time and time again you are with those who walk in darkness and hold tight to the philosophy of hate as your joy. The haters, the preventers, those who stand in the way of new discoveries, new technologies, medicines, and the solving of cases. The self-important, high-minded sort, who are self-consumed with their knowledge of things, lacking understanding, transfixed with the way things have always been, unable to recognize the new thing, the truth of something, the reality. Always lashing out, always seeking to destroy, to defeat, while promoting themselves as the truth keepers. False prophets, Sadducees and Pharisees and scribes, so far gone away from truth they couldn’t even see the Son of God standing before them. Depart from me and examine yourselves. I walk in the light.
          Lacking understanding??

          Like not understanding

          One man can’t be in France and London at the same time????

          That no dead dogs were reported at any murder site???

          That no one else can see the “hints” in his paintings???

          That this thread will end up in pub talk with all the ther threads you’ve started to defame a great artist.
          G U T

          There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.


          • #6
            Originally posted by GUT View Post
            Lacking understanding??

            Like not understanding

            One man can’t be in France and London at the same time????

            That no dead dogs were reported at any murder site???

            That no one else can see the “hints” in his paintings???

            That this thread will end up in pub talk with all the ther threads you’ve started to defame a great artist.
            That you have not read the book and seek to destroy it because you believe you know the truth without seeing the truth. You haven't got a clue.


            • #7

              I have to say that I have been your one lone "defender" thus far, and as I have said, not because I believe your theory, but because you have the right to it, and I will read it too be fair, and will then debate it, if I see fit, however, you must realize that the dead dogs thing is a bit out there, as GUT has said, there were no dead dogs left at the scene (or any of them) may be best served to leave that part out...that is where you will lose all credibility....the travel from France to never hurt Druitt or Eddie as a suspect to the general public (not the "Ripper Community" but that is a whole other thing).

              Also a word of advise, it is probably better to market it as " Is it possible Vincent is the Ripper?" and not as " Vincent is the Ripper: case closed"... that is the fastest way to turn off anyone who may even consider reading it and to get the attacks against you..but again, that is just my advice...

              Again, I would be willing to bet anything in Vegas against your theory, but good luck with your project...but again be prepared to have it torn apart piece by piece, that is what's done to any and all theory' ready to be able to back up all claims and debate them with people who really know their stuff!!

              Steadmund Brand
              "The truth is what is, and what should be is a fantasy. A terrible, terrible lie that someone gave to the people long ago."- Lenny Bruce


              • #8
                Originally posted by Steadmund Brand View Post

                I have to say that I have been your one lone "defender" thus far, and as I have said, not because I believe your theory, but because you have the right to it, and I will read it too be fair, and will then debate it, if I see fit, however, you must realize that the dead dogs thing is a bit out there, as GUT has said, there were no dead dogs left at the scene (or any of them) may be best served to leave that part out...that is where you will lose all credibility....the travel from France to never hurt Druitt or Eddie as a suspect to the general public (not the "Ripper Community" but that is a whole other thing).

                Also a word of advise, it is probably better to market it as " Is it possible Vincent is the Ripper?" and not as " Vincent is the Ripper: case closed"... that is the fastest way to turn off anyone who may even consider reading it and to get the attacks against you..but again, that is just my advice...

                Again, I would be willing to bet anything in Vegas against your theory, but good luck with your project...but again be prepared to have it torn apart piece by piece, that is what's done to any and all theory' ready to be able to back up all claims and debate them with people who really know their stuff!!

                Steadmund Brand
                somethings deserved to be ridiculed.

                weve had some real nut cases on here over the years but this guy probably takes the cake!
                "Is all that we see or seem
                but a dream within a dream?"

                -Edgar Allan Poe

                "...the man and the peaked cap he is said to have worn
                quite tallies with the descriptions I got of him."

                -Frederick G. Abberline


                • #9
                  Seriously, stop wasting your time on this and go out and find a cute chick to take your mind off things.

                  It's the best advice you shall get today and save much pain in the long run.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Vincent alias Jack View Post
                    You’ve proven time and time again you are with those who walk in darkness and hold tight to the philosophy of hate as your joy. The haters, the preventers, those who stand in the way of new discoveries, new technologies, medicines, and the solving of cases. The self-important, high-minded sort, who are self-consumed with their knowledge of things, lacking understanding, transfixed with the way things have always been, unable to recognize the new thing, the truth of something, the reality. Always lashing out, always seeking to destroy, to defeat, while promoting themselves as the truth keepers. False prophets, Sadducees and Pharisees and scribes, so far gone away from truth they couldn’t even see the Son of God standing before them. Depart from me and examine yourselves. I walk in the light.
                    I’ll quote my post #66 in the pub talk thread:

                    “Let me guess what your reply will be along the lines of (if you respond of course as you glaringly avoid debate like the plague)......let me see...

                    The stuffy so-called experts are so wedded to their dogmas that they are unwilling to consider any original, out-of-the-box thinking. People with vested interests in maintaining the status quo will never appreciate maverick, original thinkers like me etc, etc, blah, blah, blah”

                    Has anyone heard this stuff before?”

                    Your post above is the new low watermark in arrogant lunacy. “I walk in the light!” “The philosophy of hate as your joy!” As John McEnroe used to say “you cannot be serious!”

                    When you come up with a ‘theory’ and follow it up with a ‘book’ you should expect and accept criticism. You should debate and discuss it and not come up with the drivel that I’ve quoted. It’s the typical mantra of the conspiracy theorist.

                    I don’t believe for a second that you believe in this ‘theory.’ All you can see is the potential for $$$. No one with even a passing interest in The Ripper Murders or Van Gogh could take this seriously. No one.

                    There is not a scintilla of evidence that Van Gogh left France during the murders.

                    Vincent was penniless and utterly reliant on money sent from his brother Theo to eat. There’s absolutely no way that he could have afforded a trip to England let alone travelling back and forward as we know that he would have had to do because of his letters.

                    It’s feeble in the extreme to site other murders that occurred to Vincent as proof that he was a serial killer. You may find the requirement for evidence tiresome but this is the way intelligent people investigate things. Oh....and he was in France at the time of course.

                    You even try to blame Vincent for his father’s death even though he died of a stroke.

                    How can anyone try to sustain this ‘dead dog at a murder scene,’ lie. Because lie is just what it is. A delusional fantasy.

                    You’ve even tried to use the fact that he once stood in front of Gauguin with a razor as evidence of his violence! Unbelievable!

                    There is no evidence that Vincent was violent to women.

                    Then there’s those ridulous attempts at seeing images in the paint. No one else can see these Dale. That should tell you something. Like the fact that they’re not there!

                    You quite staggeringly claim that Vincent became a serial killer because he wanted to create a new kind of art!!!!!!!!! I’ve heard quite a few motives for Jack’s killing spree but this one takes the HobNob. A joke. Nothing but a joke!

                    I’ve just noticed that you’ve solved the Torso Murders too! I’m sure that there were one or two hundred other murders that you could have attributed to Vincent if you had tried hard enough.

                    No one, not one single person with any knowledge of these crimes will give your theory a seconds credence. Not because of the self-pitying drivel of your post but because there is not a shred of evidence. But you know that dont you Dale. It’s just a pity that you can’t be sued for defamation of character.

                    Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                    “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                    • #11
                      Why do you need a kick start?

                      One assumes no publisher is interested in the theory, at least not enough to publish it. Is that correct?

                      It is cheap and easy to self publish these days. Why are you not doing that as I aim to do?

                      Yours IN all seriousness



                      • #12
                        I think a book on this subject would at least put Vincent as a suspect to bed once and for all. Once the book has been seen and critiqued then the matter will be settled for all to see. If people want to pay toward the Kickstarter campaign then that's up to them really.

                        I do agree that this should have been marketed as theory to test rather than a 'case closed - crime solved' book again!
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                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                          Why do you need a kick start?

                          One assumes no publisher is interested in the theory, at least not enough to publish it. Is that correct?

                          It is cheap and easy to self publish these days. Why are you not doing that as I aim to do?

                          Yours IN all seriousness

                          The difference being Steve that your book will be based on research, the weighing up of evidence, consideration of events that actually happened and a sense of balance. Oh and yes I almost won’t have a suspect that wasn’t even in the country at the time

                          Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                          “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by richardh View Post
                            I think a book on this subject would at least put Vincent as a suspect to bed once and for all. Once the book has been seen and critiqued then the matter will be settled for all to see. If people want to pay toward the Kickstarter campaign then that's up to them really.

                            I do agree that this should have been marketed as theory to test rather than a 'case closed - crime solved' book again!

                            Sir Herlock Sholmes.

                            “A house of delusions is cheap to build but draughty to live in.”


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Elamarna View Post
                              Why do you need a kick start?

                              One assumes no publisher is interested in the theory, at least not enough to publish it. Is that correct?

                              It is cheap and easy to self publish these days. Why are you not doing that as I aim to do?

                              Yours IN all seriousness

                              In his previous threads (2014??) he told us all about his search for a publisher and agent, kept telling us he had one or was on the brink of signing a contract, now, 4 years down the track, same old, same old.
                              G U T

                              There are two ways to be fooled, one is to believe what isn't true, the other is to refuse to believe that which is true.

