"The Crimson Fog," by Paul Halter, has just been named in #2 position in Publisher's Weekly's Top Mysteries of 2013:
It is a work of fiction, but it covers the Ripper murders in scrupulously accurate detail. The author, who is fascinated by the Ripper murders and has read every serious book on the subject, is a best-selling author of impossible crime novels in his native France. PW called it "a historically accurate retelling of the Whitechapel slayings that focuses on the killer's seemingly supernatural ability to disappear after committing his butcheries. As in the best whodunits, the solution is both logical and surprising."
Full disclosure: I am the translator
It is a work of fiction, but it covers the Ripper murders in scrupulously accurate detail. The author, who is fascinated by the Ripper murders and has read every serious book on the subject, is a best-selling author of impossible crime novels in his native France. PW called it "a historically accurate retelling of the Whitechapel slayings that focuses on the killer's seemingly supernatural ability to disappear after committing his butcheries. As in the best whodunits, the solution is both logical and surprising."
Full disclosure: I am the translator