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Release of "The Heart Absent," a novel about Jack the Ripper in love

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  • Release of "The Heart Absent," a novel about Jack the Ripper in love

    Greetings and salutations! I've written a fiction book loosely based on the myth/legend of Jack the Ripper. The title of my novel is "The Heart Absent" which I know most of you will recognize from Dr. Bond's postmortem report on Mary Jane Kelly, the last canonical victim of JTR.

    The book was published last week by an independent publisher, New Libri Press, and is now available in an ebook format on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo. A print version will follow in three months.

    The book is a complete work of fiction and I don't claim, by any stretch, to have "solved the crimes" or even to have accurately portrayed the actual Ripper. That being said, many have commented that the novel is an "interesting and fresh take on the crimes."

    More information, including links to all online booksellers where "The Heart Absent" is currently available, is provided on my web site at and at Conversely, you can search for the novel - should you be so inclined - at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kobo online.

    You might ask, what's it about? Well, in a nutshell, "The Heart Absent" is "My Fair Lady" gone horribly wrong...

    A longer synopsis follows from the back of the book: 14-year-old James Nemo spent most of his youth motherless and under the thumb of a father who hates him. These injustices he quickly forgets, however, in the arms of a beautiful young prostitute named Nelly. Reality conspires against the young lovers, and James is left, alone and angry, to confront the truth behind his mother’s abandonment. Twenty years pass. James, now a respected artist, meets Mary Jane Kelly, an Irish prostitute who bears more than a passing resemblance to Nelly. Convinced his redemption lies in her, James slowly ensnares her into his ever darkening world. His passion for her escalates to a frenzy, amidst the backdrop of Victorian London, and threatens to consume them both.

    If it sounds like the kind of tale that might tickle your fancy, please give it a read (and even a review, if you like!).

    I look forward to hearing your impressions...

    Yours truly,
    Carla E. Anderton