Rippercast is pleased to present the February 2024 guest speaker at the Whitechapel Society:
Sue Parry: The Trial of the Detectives or The Turf Fraud Scandal of 1877

This is a Video Slideshow Podcast
Available to Stream or Download now at the following link:
Also in Spotify, Apple & Goggle Podcasts, and practically all podcast apps on the planet.
Thank you to Sue Parry, Steve Rattey, Tony Power and the entire committee of the Whitechapel Society for making the release of this excellent talk possible.

Sue Parry: The Trial of the Detectives or The Turf Fraud Scandal of 1877
This is a Video Slideshow Podcast
Available to Stream or Download now at the following link:
Also in Spotify, Apple & Goggle Podcasts, and practically all podcast apps on the planet.
Thank you to Sue Parry, Steve Rattey, Tony Power and the entire committee of the Whitechapel Society for making the release of this excellent talk possible.