Originally posted by Herlock Sholmes
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As I have said before that investigation could have taken the same lines as the ones researchers have been conducting but with more sucess becasue there would have been that much more information to seek out, so there is no excuse for him to have not pursued the various lines of enquiry.
After all in the second re write what does he say
“I enumerate the cases of 3 men against whom Police held very… this sentence is then continued in handwritten form on the first of the attached handwritten sheets and reads: “reasonable suspicion. Personally, after much careful & deliberate consideration, I am inclined to exonerate the last 2.”
So that means there was some investiagtions carried out between the first and second editions because he had clearly now found out that Ostrog was in jail in France at the time of the murders and the other referred to was Kosminski who according to MM was eliminated from suspicion.
But nothing on Druitt, so i say again can Druitt be regarded as a suspect or at best a person of interest
Another minor discrepancy in the rewrite relates to the murder of Martha Tabram who was subjected to a frenzied attack where she was stabbed thirty-nine times. On page six of the typewritten sheets when discussing her murder that part is described as, “her body had received several stabs,” thirty-nine stab wounds could hardly be described as “several"
On a final note, it should be noted that neither The Aberconway Version nor the original one contains any mention at all of the organs having been removed from any of the victims.
