Originally posted by Elamarna
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What a truly astonishing post, your opinion of your own importance is remarkable.
My work is not about you, nor is it solely about your theory. But of course you haven't read it so you don't know.
It's clear however that you think the world of Ripperology revolves around your theory.
The world of Ripperology is quite interested in the Lechmere theory (which is not "mine", by the way) - you yourself are a prime example of it, finding it necessary to take it up in your book on the Bucks Row murder. That is not the same as the world of Ripperology revolving around it, nor - of course - have I ever claimed that it does. That is just another example of you misrepresenting me, Steve.
To me, the theory represents an epicenter of the field of study, but that should not surprise you or anybody else. After all, I think Lechmere is our boy, and I have invested lots of time and effort to try and delve deeper into him. That, however, does not mean that I do not know that others have varying degrees of interest in the issue. Generally speaking, though, the Lechmere theory HAS been much discussed over the last few years. Sadly, many of those whose views I would have been much interested in have chosen to stay away from the debate, something I believe owes to the climate of the threads which is regularly a very hostile one. Some will say that is my fault entirely, but I feel that does not cover the true picture in any more extensive manner.
Trying to make me out as a deluded person with traits of delusions of grandeur is an age-old tactic out here. Once it is employed, I find it says a whole lot more about the employer than about me.
It is also clear that you apparently feel that it's wrong to scrutinise any part of your theory, of course you actually have little idea, what I say in the book. So it's rather an odd approach, particularly if your theory is a strong as you say it is.
I welcome anybody to scrutinize any part of the theory and I have always done so, saying that I believe that no damning evidence can be levelled against it. And indeed, that is what has turned out to be the truth (in spite of Trevor Marriott speaking about how the theory had been "blown out of the water" some years back.

I am less happy about the efforts of some posters like Dr Strange, Patrick S etcetera, where I do not think that the principal target of the criticism is the theory but instead myself, as can be seen in the allegations of me being a liar, a distorter, a narcissist etcetera. I have chosen not to report matters like these to the administrators of the boards since I believe they further put a focus on how the criticism of the Lechmere theory looks and what it is truly about in some unfortunate cases. Of course, you can now say - again - "Dear Lord, it is not about YOU, Fisherman, don't overestimate yourself in that awful manner!", but you know, once people call me a narcissist and a distorting liar, I find that it actually IS about me to a significant degree.
Theories stand or fall on the facts, not on the authors.'
Yes, they do - and so far, the Lechmere theory stands firm. If you disagree, all you will be able to offer is that some people disagree with me. As a rule, though, saying "You are wrong, you narcissist liar!" does not amount to any real criticism. It only amounts to trolling. Other posters have offered intelligent criticism in a fair way, and it has been a joy to discuss with them. They are far too rarely present on the Lechmere threads, though, arguably for reasons given above.
It appears that you are unable to give examples of Bias or factual errors in the book, yet you ask people not to read it because it's unfair.
True - I AM unable to fault your book, but then again, as I have not read it that should not surprise anybody. I HAVE, however, listened to the podcast and found the information given therein lacking in quality on a number of matters. And your bias against people with suspects is not something I need to read any book at all to recognize.
As for asking people not to read the book, I do not think that I have done so. You are welcome to correct me on that score if you wish. If you ask me whether I expect the book to be good or bad, I´d say that after having heard the podcast, my money is not on it being a must-have for the keen Ripperologist. But as I say, that is an estimation based on the podcast only! For example, you lead on that there is a lot more information to find on Mizen and your assertions that he will have been the man lying, but since the book is out and since nobody has uttered a word about any amazing find to that effect (nor did you present any such revelation in the podcast), I tend to go with the notion that it was much ado about nothing. Time will certainly tell if I am wrong, let's agree on that.
It's really quite sad.
The next book is just the same as this one, not a suspect book, it will look at various events, and discuss them, again it will be 2/3 resources.
You forgot to answer my question whether there is going to be an effort to dismantle any specific theory about who killed Kate, Steve. Is it just me who gets that honor, or will it be a reocurring theme, I wonder?
Bye for now
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