Originally posted by Elamarna
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I fail to see how it is presenting Mizen as "a shining light of accuracy and truth", to accept as the more likely thing that he was en route to the murder spot when Neil saw him. I actually find it a lot more dubious to paint Mizen out as a liar, the way saying that he never headed for Bucks Row at all does. That is by far more controversial.
As for Neil, of course he may have guessed and been mistaken - he is tasked by you to pierce through 200 yards plus of darkness, picking out Mizen as the latter passes up at the dark junction of Bakers Row, you know. And that is no easy task by any means. It will be nigh on impossible.
It is not as if a great difference is made by me between the two, where one is painted out as a villain and the other as an angel, is it? It is instead accepting that Mizen probably did what he said he did and that Neil was unable to see as far and accurately as he believed he did. It is a very mundane explanation.
Yours, though, painting Mizen out as a rotten egg, is nothing of the sort. It´s highly remarkable.
And of course Neils testimony will not "go away". Ripperology is not about making things go away (or turning PC:s into villains for no reason at all). It is about offering as simple and credible solutions to apparent enigmas as can be done.
I find that is exactly what "that person" does in this case. He rules the totally improbable out in order for the very mundane and credible, whereas you choose to do it the fundamentalist way - and end up with a lying PC. After which you accuse ME of painting with too broad a brush...?!
I guess its everybody to this own, but I don't see any cadres of followers any time soon for you. Least of all when you first debate extensively with someone, only to then pull the plug and claim that you do NOT debate with "that person", come to think of it.
"That person", by the way - isn't that a common line for spinsters in comedies?
Maybe you should make me "such a person" too? I consort with "that person", you know (shudder). It WOULD facilitate matters for you.
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