This would be funny, if it was not so sadly transparent.
Originally posted by Fisherman
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The logical extension is that no book by someone with a preferred suspect is credible
Much of the speculation is "tailor-made" to promote Kosminski? Which speculation is that exactly?
Given neither who are complaining have read the book, it must be that included in the podcasts.
This is a very interesting claim since the podcasts only really speculates about:
1. The police beats.
I am interested in knowing how looking at the various alternatives for the beat of Neil, which are all based on the Echo article of 20th is tailor-made for Kosminski? How does it promote him?
2. The Scam.
This one is fascinating, how does my preferred take on the scam, or indeed my second choice or a simply misunderstand, promote Kosminski, the logic to reach such a conclusion simply denies reason.
3. The escape routes.
Yes I prefer a southern route, because such is the quickest, and the direction with the most cover. However, I consider not only southern escape routes and have a great many possibilities in the book.
It seems clear from posts in many threads on both sites that south is considered by many posters to be the likely escape route, I assume that makes them all bias towards Kosminski.
4. That the area may have been known for prostitution.
How does this promote an argument for Kosminski over any other suspect? Again the logic and reasoning need explaining
5. The Slaughter men.
Here I speculate big time, even wondering if they, in particular Tomkins, could be involved in the murder, really not sure how that is tailor -made for Kosminski, given it suggests someone else.
Originally posted by Fisherman
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The other claims of mistakes have all be rebutted, by more than one poster.
Now however, having failed on the "mistakes" line, it's the "you are bias in favour of Kosminski" line.
Yes he is my preferred suspect, but I also consider, others who could fit Anderson's suspect. I also am very interested in Jacob Levy, Tumblety and Cuttbush.
I return again to the "Tailor-made" claim above, it is clear none of my speculation in the podcasts is tailor-made for any suspect, yet alone Kosminski, those who have read the book, can confirm such is true for the book too, could the real objection to the work be that it simply does not promote a particular suspect over any other.
Originally posted by Fisherman
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