Originally posted by jmenges
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Rippercast- The Jack the Ripper Podcast
Episode 23 online now
Hi all,
Episode #23
Watching the Detectives: A Survey of Ripper Documentaries
Is online now.
Thanks go out to Philip Hutchinson and Mike Covell, both being last minute participants in this show.
Due to the fact that I actually had a guest and co-host for this episode, the intended audio bits from the various shows were discarded. I had enough trouble getting my Mac to work as it was.
Nevertheless, I believe it turned out to be a great episode and I hope you all enjoy!
Thanks for listening,
PS- The podcast, in case you do not know, is available via the iTunes Music Store's Podcast section keyword Jack the Ripper, or on our site streaming or by free subscription at www.rippernet.com
Hey Jonathan
Just FYI, and not sure what you can do about it, a few of the earlier episodes seem to have fallen off the server and can't be accessed thru iTunes anymore. I noticed this when I was checking if the new one was up and in my podcast list several of them had little exclamation mark icons saying they couldn't be found. I reset my subscription to get them all back and about 5-6 of the early ones are just plain AWOL.
Hi Bailey,
Thanks (and thanks for the other thing also)
I know. I've got to reupload them to the site as I believe they were lost on during the moblieme fiasco.
For those just tuning in, the episodes currently missing from the RSS feed are:
2- Capturing the Victims with RJM
3- Final Cut w/ Justin Dombrowski
4- Sour Grapes w/ Dan Norder
5- The Barrister of Bright Talent w/ Andy Spallek
7- Tour Guide From Hell w/ Philip Hutchinson
9- Is the Solution at Hand? w/ Stan Russo
I'll try to get them reupped tomorrow.
In the meantime, feel free to access the sites public folder for those missing episodes...
Open the Rippercast episodes folder and click the down arrow for those you wish to receive.
That access point will be updated momentarily with the few most recent, since I know some of you depend on the public folder to get the episodes.
Thanks again Bailey, I'll be in touch.
Just listened to the TV documentary episode. Which I must say is one of the best podcasts so far. And for obvious reasons held my attention:
Just some quick observations:
Re: The Farson program. As far as I'm aware Farson met Lady Abber Conway while interviewing her about her 'CATS' in an unrelated earlier program.
I understand that copies of Farsons 'Jack the Ripper' program were made, as it was distributed abroad. If anyone is reading from Australia or Ripperroo, then that could be the best chance of digging up a copy.( I heard somewhere it has interveiws with relatives of Martha Tabram but I'm not certain if this is true?)
Re: Barlow and Watts. I may have this wrong as I was quite young at the time, But I believe Barlow and Watts characters started in the BBC series 'Dixon of Dock green' and then later 'Z cars'. They were later given their own spin off series called Softly Softly. And the Barlow and Watts 'Jack the Ripper' was a spin off from that program.
RE: Vic Reeves..He narrowed it down to Tumbelty.
RE: Atlantic 'The First Serial Killer'. The main premise of the program was to try and extract DND from a Shawl that most experts believe to be fake.
RE: Maybrick. I was curious what happened to Tom Bakers documentary on Maybrick? Must have been early 90's?
Anyway thanks for this podcast guys..its given me loads of ideas on documentaries I have not seen and should now track down.
I'm still keen to get involved in a live broadcast from the Ripper sites..Richard was trying to find out if we could get Broadband connections in the areas. Given some recent questions and confussion could be one for Rob and Philip?
Many thanks again. Keep up excellent work.
Originally posted by Pirate Jack View PostRe: Barlow and Watts. I may have this wrong as I was quite young at the time, But I believe Barlow and Watts characters started in the BBC series 'Dixon of Dock green' and then later 'Z cars'. They were later given their own spin off series called Softly Softly. And the Barlow and Watts 'Jack the Ripper' was a spin off from that program.), which has to have featured one of the best theme tunes in the history of television.
All together now: "A-rum-tum-tum, triddle-um-tum-tum, triddle-um-tum-diddle-iddle-um-tum-tum... Dah dah daaah, da-dah dah dah daah, dah-dah-daaah, da-dah dah daah..."Kind regards, Sam Flynn
"Suche Nullen" (Nietzsche, Götzendämmerung, 1888)
Originally posted by Mike Covell View PostBroadband schmoardband!!
Skype has the ability to be twinned with your mibile phone, so you could go to a ripper site and have Jonathon call you! Not sure of the cost though!
Reeves picked Tumblety!! Thanks, that was really bugging me!
Or could the podcast be linked to video content on Utube in some way?
Another idea that may work, is that I film the guys on site..you make the podcast..I import podcast to FCP..paste picture over the top..however sinking V/O would be difficult..I could add photos however.
You've got to admit if there on sight doing a sought of virtual Ripper tour it would be great to see whats happening and what they are saying?...
all best mike
Originally posted by Pirate Jack View Post
RE: Maybrick. I was curious what happened to Tom Bakers documentary on Maybrick? Must have been early 90's?
I've watched it several times since, including very recently, and it's a good watch - very entertaining, and of course featuring several notable Ripperologists. It was here that I first encountered the larger than life personality of Martin Fido, pack of Marlboros in his pocket, saying things like "Oh dear, oh dear, it's not good enough!"
Originally posted by Mike Covell View PostWe could just film a documentary, have Jonathon do the voice over in his velvet tones, and post it on youtube, with a link to the Rippercast website!
Which is why I thought webcams at the sites.
Perhaps i'm just being over adventurous..I'm happy to film a mini doc with a link if that is the preffered route. Its Rippercasts call.
We have access to Three cameras..(DV CAM)