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Rippercast- The Jack the Ripper Podcast

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  • #46

    It would be nice if you and Colin Roberts could appear either separately or together.


    Thanks for the plug for the show...and Dan Norder too.


    • #47

      I second Hows proposal, that would make great listening.

      I would also like to hear researchers and ideaists, if possible, such as Rob Clack, Glenn Andersson, Debra Arif, Chris Scott, Gavin Bromley and, may I suggest, Jake Luukanen. He knows a bit too...just to name a handful.


      Author of Capturing Jack the Ripper.


      • #48
        Please get De Locksley on. It would be the best show EVER.

        Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


        • #49

          If I could get Mr. DeLocksley on...would you hire ( and pay me ) on at your job? Menges is tighter than a fishes you know what with the dollar.

          Find his email address and I'll lie and tell him I'm related to Maid Marian ( I had an uncle in Marion Prison,Illinois...whats the diff,right?)...we ought to have a pretty good show. Failing that, we could get Alan Sharp. Again, whats the diff?

          Brick II


          • #50
            Episode #8

            Episode #8 of Rippercast, to be recorded Sunday, April 6...

            Special Guest: researcher, author, and father of Stephen P. Ryder

            We are happy to have Stephen Ryder as our upcoming guest!

            A new feature of Rippercast is Listener Questions. If you have a question or two you would like the hosts of Rippercast to address to Stephen Ryder, please email them to, or PM questions to myself, Howard Brown, Mike Covell or Robert McLaughlin (RJM). This episode records at Sunday 2pm EST/6pm UK. So get your questions in before that time.

            We are all looking forward to the next episode of the podshow and thank Mr. Ryder for agreeing to appear!

            Last edited by jmenges; 04-03-2008, 07:43 AM.


            • #51
              This will be yet another fantastic show, I for one am really excited by this landmark event.

              great stuff Mr. Menges,
              Regards Mike


              • #52
                We're beginning to get questions from the Ripper community for Stephen Ryder. Keep them coming!



                • #53
                  I've been catching up lately...and the podcasts are a great way of doing it.

                  Besides, it's nice to be able to look forward to Mondays

                  Thanks to all those involved!

                  PS The title for the Philip episode gave me fits!!!!


                  • #54
                    Hi Jake L

                    Philip was such a great guest, funny, informative and such a good public speaker.

                    Believe it or not the show titles are usually debated right before the programme records, that way even the guest has a say on what it should be called, alouth Jonathon usually comes up with the better titles.

                    If you have any questions you want answering on the show, by the group or guests just PM, myself, Jmenges of Howard Brown, and we will ensure it gets answered.
                    Regards Mike


                    • #55
                      . . . if you could be a tree, what type of tree would you be?



                      • #56
                        I think it was How who came up with that one, about 30 seconds before we started recording. I liked it on a lot of levels, not least of which was the one inferring I was a right pain.

                        I've got a question for Stephen being forwarded to me from someone signing themselves 'FJL Kitty'. No idea who that is...

                        Tour guides do it loudly in front of a crowd.


                        • #57
                          Episode #8 Coming Soon!

                          Hi all,

                          Today's Episode of the Whitechapel Murders podcast, titiled The Medium is the Messgae featured Special Guest Stephen P. Ryder. Joing him in this discussion were Paul Begg, Robert McLaughlin, Andy Spallek, Mike Covell, Howard Brown and Jonathan Menges.

                          It was a great show and will be available for download in a few hours!

                          Thanks to everyone who was involved in this episode.

                          We hope you all listen and enjoy!



                          • #58
                            Episode #8 Online Now

                            As the title says, the latest Rippercast is online.

                            Thanks very much to Stephen, Paul, Andy, Robert, Howard and Mike for making this a great episode.

                            Hope you all enjoy it!



                            • #59
                              What a great show, with a fantastic line up!!

                              My thanks go to Stephen for his time, and plugging my Blogg
                              Paul Begg for coming on board, a gentleman with so much knowledge its crazy!!
                              Andrew Spallek for coming along too with some great questions.

                              And of course the usual suspects, Jonathon, Howard and Robert, without which the show would not be were it is today.

                              Last nights show ran slightly over but it could have gone well into the late hours, there was so much to discuss!!

                              Remember guys, if anyone has any questions or queries contact Jonathon and he will get them answered.

                              At the start of the show it was like a Spring Evening in the UK, loads of sun and a decent temp, by the end of the show, there was a blizzard, and the Street was white over!!!
                              Regards Mike


                              • #60
                                What was all that slurping and smacking?

                                Zombie Apocalypse?!!


                                P.S. Maybe if there is a list of a few guests and topics ahead of time, us peasants can think of more specific questions?

