To what extent did Jack The Ripper mask more pressing fears of revolution in Victorian England? Michael Portillo investigates
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Jack The Ripper transcript
A very interesting discussion including this:
"Yet by making philanthropists, journalists and politicians focus on the moral and material plight of the East Enders, Jack the Ripper played a role in a social revolution that the Socialists and anarchists of Bloody Sunday could only dream of."
RoySink the Bismark
Hi Roy,
Indeed! Michael Portillo's words resonate G. B. Shaw's famous letter of the day. (See it in full below)
I am quite disturbed by Dr. Barry Godfrey's description of 'Jack' in the second-last paragraph of the transcipt. It reads, "I guess Jack the Ripper is just sexier, much more exciting than popular protest and the growth of Socialism in this country."
I don't think 'sexier' is the word we're looking for. As his victims.....
"We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
- Ted Bundy
Hi GM,
Sexy is sort of advertisement jargon that means 'more interesting' or 'more popular'. It is used quite often in the States.
"We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere. And there will be more of your children dead tomorrow."
- Ted Bundy