I am finally wathcing Hitchcock's The Lodger. Not technically a Ripper film, yet I think it still counts.
I was curious about it for years because I'd read about the cool scene where Hitch used a glass ceiling so that he could show the Lodger pacing on the floor above the others as he couldn't use sound. And of course, it's Hitchcock.
That's always a good reason to watch.
I was curious what reactions to the ending were. I had read long ago that Hitch had to change the ending because the original implied that the Lodger was "The "Avenger." Yet some modern viewers think he pulled a fast one on the studios and still managed to imply that. On the other hand, the Hitchcock expert I read seemed to think that having to use this ending gave Hitch a better movie in the ending, thhe first of many "wrong man" movies.
What do you think? This was the first time he had to change the ending because studios didnt't want matinee idols playing someone who turned out to be a killer. On the other hand, in this case, something ambigous might have been better. I dont't know yet because I paused the movie so that I could post this. Darn silent movies... I am forced to actually watch the movie instead of half-watching and half-listening.
I know the Lodger theory isn't taken seriously. At the same time, I wonder how many innocent men were watched over by landladies because they thought they were boarding the Ripper...
I was curious about it for years because I'd read about the cool scene where Hitch used a glass ceiling so that he could show the Lodger pacing on the floor above the others as he couldn't use sound. And of course, it's Hitchcock.

I was curious what reactions to the ending were. I had read long ago that Hitch had to change the ending because the original implied that the Lodger was "The "Avenger." Yet some modern viewers think he pulled a fast one on the studios and still managed to imply that. On the other hand, the Hitchcock expert I read seemed to think that having to use this ending gave Hitch a better movie in the ending, thhe first of many "wrong man" movies.
What do you think? This was the first time he had to change the ending because studios didnt't want matinee idols playing someone who turned out to be a killer. On the other hand, in this case, something ambigous might have been better. I dont't know yet because I paused the movie so that I could post this. Darn silent movies... I am forced to actually watch the movie instead of half-watching and half-listening.

I know the Lodger theory isn't taken seriously. At the same time, I wonder how many innocent men were watched over by landladies because they thought they were boarding the Ripper...