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The Murder Club

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  • The Murder Club

    Perhaps this might be interesting.

    I have been fascinated by the Jack the Ripper case for some time.

    In 2009 i begin production on an anthology horrorfilm, in Norway.
    It will include six horror stories.

    One of the stories is about Jack the Ripper.
    It is called The Murder Club (aka Jacks idea of fun).

    It`s about some friends that have formed a club,
    where they discuss the case and the suspects,
    but one day they grow tired of discussing the identity of Jack,
    since they never can be sure of who he was.
    But then one of the members get a brilliant idea,
    which will put them in front of the real Jack the Ripper
    and with terrible consequences they will know who he is.

    I write this here because this site was the inspiration for this story,
    so i want to thank you all for a good site on Jack the Ripper.
    And i hope some of you find this interesting.

    Best wishes

    Two little whores shivering with fright,
    seek a cosy doorway in the middle of the night,
    then Jacks knife flashes and then theres but one
    and the last ones the ripest for JACKS IDEA OF FUN.

  • #2
    The Murder Club

    I look forward to seeing this film! Please keep us posted on when it is finished! Is it in Norwegian? Get English sub-titles in right away, so we won't miss anything!

    All the best to you,

    I ain't no student of ancient culture. Before I talk, I should read a book. -- The B52s

