Originally posted by robhouse
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but the problem with your logic is the statement "the witness states - he's the murderer but I'm not giving evidence in court." We do not know that this is what happened. You cannot infer as much from what Anderson or Swanson wrote.
I will merely add that the only person who had ever had a good view of the murderer unhesitatingly identified the suspect the instant he was confronted with him; but he refused to give evidence against him. - Sir Robert Anderson
'refused to give evidence' -Yes, I'm infering that this evidence giving process would have occured in a courtroom , where am I going wrong ?
'because the suspect was also a Jew and also because his evidence would convict the suspect, and witness would be the means of murderer being hanged which he did not wish to be left on his mind. - D.S. Swanson
'witness would be means of the murderer being hanged'
What i'm inferring here is -
1) The witness giving evidence would convict the suspect and this would have resulted in the suspect having been hung.
2) That this evidence giving process that results in a hanging could only have occured in a courtroom.
So again, where am I going wrong with this?