Originally posted by NotBlamedForNothing
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Reid's extensive questioning of the neighbourhood, apparently found no one who had witnessed the alleged chase. On that basis I would suggest that we do indeed have the correct answer. The problem for The Orthodoxy is that the correct answer is also the wrong answer.
There is nothing suspicious about the fact that no one else saw an incident which more than likely took 10 or 15 seconds whilst Schwartz was passing by. You appear to regard this minor incident as if it was a recreation of the Battle Of Bosworth. It’s not in the least surprising that no one else saw the event so why do you keep trying to suggest that it’s somehow deeply suspicious. The fact that Mortimer didn’t see it simply shows that she was indoors at the time. The young couple obviously got their time wrong and it’s also possible of course that Schwartz himself wasn’t exact in his own timing.
The ‘chase’ is of course a huge red herring inflated by you. Why would anyone have thought it exceptional enough to notice if they had seen two men walking in the same direction especially at such a distance that they might only have seen one of them. This was approaching 1.00 am after all. Most people were in bed.
The rain had stopped well before 1am, and whatever rain there had been earlier would cleaned the stones to some extent. Yet somehow you suppose there was enough residual dirt that Phillips found this...
Mud on face and left side of the head. Matted on the hair and left side.
Examining her jacket I found that although there was a slight amount of mud on the right side, the left was well plastered with mud.
Hair matted and left side plastered with mud, from lying on damp stony ground?
Tell me about the blood flowing several feet along a supposedly muddy gutter.
Also tell me about Mrs D being quoted as saying the victim was lying on her back, when she first saw her.
This is a perfect example of your desperate attempts to create a mystery. Do you know the exact state of the ground in that passageway? Rain on any dirt would cause mud. The passage was muddy. To what extent we don’t know. Was it muddy all over or just in certain areas? We don’t know. Did the Police say “hold on chaps, there’s no mud here so how come the victim is covered in mud?

So a report of a man being pursued as the murderer, could only be of interest to a conspiracy theorist. Okay.
No, only when you try and create a mystery from it. Schwartz thought he might have been followed by Pipeman. Then we have Diemschutz. Kozebrodski and Eagle running along the streets looking for a Constable. It came from somewhere amongst those events. I wouldn’t say that it’s only of interest to a conspiracy theorist but I’d say that it would be considered manna from heaven. Ideal fodder for the manufacture of a non-existent cover-up.
I think the Echo report is much like the press quotes of Fanny Mortimer, in that The Orthodoxy would much prefer if none of these existed. The general reason for this being that The Orthodoxy is to some extent, anti-evidence.
That’s rich. The problem is cherry-picking. 99% of the evidence points to what you call the orthodox version of events. What you prefer to focus on though is the 1% totally dismissing the suggestion that simple errors in timings, false rumours, transcription errors, Press exaggeration and various human errors come in to play.
No deal. The Orthodoxy do not want this case to be solved, ever.
I don’t care either way. You’re a Conspiracy Theorist pure and simple which means that you have no respect for reason, evidence, logic or common sense. You, like Michael, manipulate, cherry pick and exaggerate purely to try and distort simply to achieve an account that you like. You can keep saying that I don’t want the case solved which is childish. I want it solved. But I want the solution to be true…..not a fantasy.
Or....you should stop manipulating evidence to suit a predetermined outcome.

The alleged Schwartz incident could have been at 12:43, rather than 12:45, or it could have been at 12:47. The couple could might have been at the corner for 22 minutes, or 18 minutes, or they could have arrived at the corner at 12:48, and missed seeing or hearing The Chase by a few seconds. Fanny Mortimer might have been at or near her open door between 12:43 and 12:47, or she might have been at the other end of the house and heard nothing.
Belief in Schwartz' story requires rolling the dice over and over, and always getting the preferred result. The dice must be loaded.
No it doesn’t. Schwartz saw an incident at around 12.45. The incident would have taken very few seconds. No one else saw it. So f*@^#ng what?! It’s really not important at 12.45 am.
What you can recall is not a reliable source of information
