Originally posted by Abby Normal
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Not that different, Abby?
"A voice that could have come from anywhere saying 'No'" and "two people spekaing to the other in the corner of the backyard of No 29, whereupon the woman said 'No'"?
Not different?
I donīt think you should speak of his testimony being fitted to suit a theory when he gives THREE testimonies; in actual fact he fits many theories, itīs just a question of choosing which testimony you like. If you want to look at it in that fashion.
I have always said that he cannot have been right, just as Long cannot have been correct either. As it happens, Cadoschīs Lloyds testimony is exactly in line with what I have expected to surface, and so I should be congratulated, not castigated. Predicting things and getting it right is surely a good thing?
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