Originally posted by curious4
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Almost extraordinary how this well-dressed man "with funny eyes" is always hovering in the background.
Henry Birch (the dairyman) described such a man acting strange the day after the Nichols murder:
"His hair was dark, and his eyes large and staring."
John Best describes the man seen with Stride at the Bricklayers Arms:
"He had rather weak eyes. I mean he had sore eyes without any eyelashes."
Bowyer saw a man talking with Mary Kelly on the Wednesday before her murder, whom he described:
"..had a dark moustache and very peculiar eyes."
Mrs Kennedy saw a man outside the Britannia on the night of Kelly's death, just minutes from Millers Court, and she:
"..noticed the unnatural glare of the man's eyes,.."
Either witnesses tend to be drawn to a suspects eyes, meaning they could all be referring to different people, or, we have fleeting references to the same suspicious character.
Regards, Jon S.